Chapter 11

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Mathias By the time we made it to the lake house, night had fallen, and the curtains we drawn over the large window that was our only way to see in. I didn't smell any rogues, but I did catch a familiar scent. "Anthony!" Maddox growled loudly at the smell. "Easy nephew." My uncle linked when he heard me. "Let's try and see why he is out here." I made it to his SUV that was parked beside Erika's car. Her parents wasted no time getting things fixed for her. She still never actually told me what they did, but I'm sure that can wait for now. I sniffed around but all I could smell was an overly confident new alpha. I made it back to where my uncle had us posted waiting for something, anything honestly. Maddox rolled around like an overgrown pup enjoying the leaves that had fallen just a few weeks ago. I must have fallen asleep because I was suddenly nudged by my uncle. I hopped to my paws and saw why he was getting my attention. Anthony was exiting the house and already in his vehicle. Two of our men tracked him, and suddenly a heart-breaking cry screamed out from the house, and rain started to pour along with it. We all stopped and I heard my uncle and our last guard with us whimper like they could feel her pain. I couldn't help the jealousy I felt. She was still seeing him. After everything that has happened, and all he has done. I had to shake it off though. I focused on keeping watch at that point. Her safety was important to me, so I concentrated on that. The next morning, we heard the front door open, so I kept a good distance and found a spot to watch the front door. They were all in the car already. Erika was just locking up, when I heard a twig snap, and her head snapped up in the direction it came from. It was the new kid on the patrol, Erika saw him and froze. He turned around and booked it away from his post, I'm guessing, to find my uncle. When he ran away, she sprinted to the car. Once it started, she peeled out and drove away from the house. Once her car was out of sight, I gave the order for us to head back. I made it back to the pack house in record time and called her. To my surprise, she answered. "Mat, I'm sorry I left without saying anything." "No, no, Erika its ok. I was just worried, are you OK?" "Yes," I could hear her voice starting to c***k, "I'm coming home." "What's wrong, beautiful?" " It's nothing, just a long night." She didn't say anything about Anthony. I was wondering if she was just pulling me along. "I know what will cheer you up." "What?" She giggled "Birthday planning!" "Oh no, I think not." She said instantly. "Why not?" "Family thing planned for that night but I would love to see you when I get home in about an hour?" My heart swelled with excitement. "Yes! I'll go for you as soon as you get home yeah?" She agreed and I let her go so she could make her drive safely. Before I got ready I had a visit to make. Erika We pulled up to our house and grabbed our stuff. When we got out, all of us stopped. Anthony was sitting on the front porch waiting for us. My siblings went inside and Anthony stood up to walk to me. "So I have to leave. Which means it's time to umm......." "Take Elijah back, yeah I got it." I finished what he was going to tell me. He stayed looking at me like he was the one losing the moon out of his night sky. He was about to speak when a white car pulled up to the front of my house and out stepped Mathias. He shot a glare at Anthony and what sounded like a low growl, and pulled me into a hug. All Anthony did was chuckle at his display of dominance. "Chill man, I was just telling an old friend goodbye." "Now that you've said it, bye." I was shocked at his behavior. "Mat! What is your deal?" I looked at him and I was stunned at his attitude toward Anthony. "Are you and him still seeing each other, Erika?" "Mat! Stop you are being crazy!" "Yeah Mat," Anthony chuckled, "you're being crazy!" "Anthony! Seriously, now is not the time for you to be an ass." "I have to go." Mathias said suddenly, but instead of going to his car he ran off. "Haha run, wolf boy run!" Anthony yelled at him. My anger got the best of me at this point and I swung my hand around. My palm stung from the impact it made on Anthony's face, and I was just as shocked as Anthony. "You know you should have some type of filter in your mouth before you say something you'll regret one of these days." "I'm not the one---" he started. "Stop! Save it Anthony! Kiss Elijah for me and go!" I took off after Mat in hopes I could catch up to him. I followed his trail but I didn't think he was any closer. That's when I noticed..... his tracks changed as I got deeper into the woods. They looked as if something had started after him all of a sudden. I came to a screeching halt. I looked around and saw his clothing ripped all around. I looked around and I started to feel fear. Then it seemed like the wind came out of nowhere, and clouds started to roll in with it. I heard leaves crunching behind me and a snarl that would have scared anyone half to death. I turned and saw it. It was bigger than I expected, it was the same wolf from the abandoned property. It was black with blue hugh to its fur. It took a few steps to me, showing its fangs, growling. I slowly started to back up, and tripped over a bunch of rocks, landing hard on my butt. I turned on my side expecting it to maul me. Instead, I felt a cold snout bump the side of my head, knocking me over to my back. It didn't let me up till it was able to sniff me from head to toe. The huge wolf started to jump around like a big puppy, and would knock me over each time I tried to stand. So when I saw the chance, I jumped to my feet quickly before it decided to tower over me again. I took a step towards it slowly, it watched every step I took, once I was almost to it, something else made itself known. It was another huge white and grey wolf, not as big as the black one, break through the tree line. The black one was more lean and in some weird way prettier than the other one. When I saw them getting ready to fight, I did the only thing I could do. I turned around and screamed at the top of my lungs for Mathias. I wasn't sure where he went or if he was OK but I knew I had to try and find him. "MAT!" I yelled as I ran back the way I came from. "Mat! Where are you?!" I was making my way back when I didn't hear anything anymore, and I stopped. I was listening, waiting for any sound I could make out to be him. Suddenly, I felt a hand cover my mouth and an arm snake around my waist from behind a tree. "Shhhh" Mathias whispered in my ear and released my mouth. "Oh my God, Mathias!" I said as I turned around to hug him, but practically jumped into his arms. "I'm so sorry, beautiful. I shouldn't have left you. Are you ok?" He was showering me with soft kisses all over my face "Yes! Mat, they were huge!...... what happened to your shirt?" I wasn't sure what happened or how he made it to me without me seeing him, but all I felt was relief. "Umm I threw it at one of the wolves so I could get away." "Oh ok umm..... Mat, I'm sorry about Anthony." "You know what, I don't even care right now, as long as you're safe. Come on baby let's get you home." I don't think he noticed he said it but I did. I blushed and smiled up at him. "Baby huh?" "Yes, you're mine, and I don't care what anyone else says." "Ok Mat." I squeezed him as we kept walking back towards my house that borders the forest. We talked a little bit about my visit to the lake house, and about how I wasn't ready for my birthday. "But it's your birthday. If you don't want to celebrate with your family, let me at least take you out for dinner on Thursday." "Fine Thursday. You can take me." I felt warm because of how sweet he really is. I was dreading my birthday. I can't help it with how every year it's ruined by a fight or some type of accident. I was deep in thought when Mathias broke my concentration with the sound of his voice trying to make up for his unexpected outburst earlier. "Did you want to stay in tonight or do you still wanna go out with me? We can go back to my house if you'd like?" "I don't think going back to your house would be a good idea. We can stay here.... if you'd like? My dad went back to work before we came home, so it's just us and my mom." I wasn't sure if that was a good idea either, but I just wanted to spend time with just him. Especially after last night. "You sure?" "Positive but we have to be quiet." I winked at him and pulled him into my house. We ran up the stairs, before my mom could come out of the kitchen and saw him going up to my room shirtless. "Erika?" My mom called and I pushed him into my room before my mom came into my view. "Yep?" "Dinner should be ready in 10 minutes. Why does it smell like a wet dog up here?" She asked, walking up to me. "Better yet why do you smell like a wet dog?" "I dont know. I mean I went for a run, but I didn't think I smelt that bad honestly." "You went for a run?" She c****d her eyebrow and looked at my bedroom door. "Okay? I don't believe you, but get showered and come down for dinner. "Kay." I waited till she disappeared down the stairs and opened my door and closed it quickly as I ran in. Mathias was standing there very awkward, looking uncomfortable. "Would you like to shower? You kind of smell after that run." I giggled. "Oh yeah? Well you were just loving all over this smell!" He pulled me into him and started rubbing his sweaty head all over my face. "Eww, Mathias stop!" I couldn't help but start laughing with him. "Come with me?" "Where?" "To shower." He didn't realize it had happened but his eyes started to darken. I reached up and touched his face. He leaned into my hand and kissed it. "Please?" "I don't think that's a good idea, Mat. What's going on with your eyes?" He shook his head and rubbed them. "You're right, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that." I pulled his face back to face me. I looked into his eyes that were back to his beautiful teal-colored eyes. I leaned up to him and met him in a deep passionate kiss, that was quickly interrupted by Bubba. "Hey sissy why does it....." Mathias and I jumped to our feet and I ran to close my bedroom door. "Ha sissy, I am so sorry I should have knocked first. Umm... hi Mat." "Uriah, hi." Mat waved at him and pressed his lips together trying to hide his embarrassment. "What did you need bubba?" I asked in a very impatient tone. "Well, I was wondering why it smelt like a dog in the hall, but that is clearly not important anymore. I'm gonna umm..... yeah bye." My brother ran out faster than I'd ever seen him move before. I closed the door and made sure to turn the lock. "So I should probably go shower ha." Mat pointed in the direction of my bathroom. "Yeah, I think that might be a good idea." I said as I went to my closet that had his clothes he lent me from the night I stayed at the hospital. I handed them to him and sat on my bed to wait for him. My phone went off, so I got up to grab it from my desk that was right next to my bedroom door. As I was checking it, I glanced up and saw an almost completely naked Mathias. I bit my lip as I studied his body. He had a beautiful natural tan skin tone and his body looked like it was sculpted by a god. I knew he worked out because he'd talked about it before, but if he didn't tell me, I would be able to guess by how he looks. "Erika?" I heard his voice break through my train of thought, that so happened to be about him. I shook my head and realized he had a smirk on his face. His smirk let me know he caught me checking him out, so I blushed and tried to get my mind out of the gutter. "Hi, I mean... Mat, wait, no umm." He started to giggle at me as fumbled my words trying to speak. "Towels?" He asked with a big smile. "Towels! Right! Umm they're in the linen closet between the shower and bath." "Thanks beautiful. You know my offer for you to join me still stands." He winked at me before retreating back into the bathroom. I was so embarrassed about what just happened. I've never been so googly-eyed over anyone before. And what was more embarrassing, I knew he could tell what I was thinking as I was studying his body. I dug through my bag and started to spray every inch of me and my room with my perfume. I was surprised that it even covered up his dirty dog scent. I heard a knock at my door and heard my mom's voice. "Erika dinner." I didn't respond but then the door knob started to turn. I did the only thing I could think of and slipped into the bathroom and closed the door behind me hoping she would believe it was me showering. She knocked on the bathroom door a few seconds later. "Erika? Dinner is ready." "Yeah. Ok mom, umm please stop unlocking my bedroom door." "Yeah sorry. I know privacy is crucial." "Okay bye mom I need to shower!" I yelled through the door. I leaned against the door and slid down. I looked up and saw Mathias sticking his head out with a smile. "Dont get any ideas, my mom came up." "Sure." He said with a smirk. He grabbed the towel and covered up before he made his way out of the shower. He stuck his hand down to help me up. "Come on, get showered up." I stayed looking at him. "I promise I won't look." He smiled and pulled me to my feet. After my shower, I ran down to grab us food and made it back up before my mom had a chance to stop and question me. We stayed up late just talking about life and about what we hoped our futures held for each of us. He got oddly quiet after I told him everything I could without giving up any secrets. I wanted to find a permanent place to be my home, a place where I was safe from everything my family moved from. We always had to move because of work or some type of accident. The first accident I can't remember, but I read a report about how pipelines in our house busted. There was no actual reason for it to have happened. There was a fire, there was a storm that hit, but only our house was ripped apart. I was tired of it all and wanted a place I knew was safe for my siblings too. "Stay with me." He whispered. "I can't stay here, there is so much you can't save me from." I felt him pull me closer to him. "Runaway with me?" I joked with him. "Just say when and we are out of here." I chuckled, knowing it couldn't happen that way. He meant well, but I knew I would end up hurting him somehow, and that wasn't a life I'd wish on anyone. I fell asleep easily lying in his arms. I felt better after letting him in a little more. There was still plenty he didn't know, maybe one day he could though. I dreamt of him. It was beautiful at first, but it turned dark fairly quickly. We were sitting in the clearing on the huge property that was abandoned and there was a large man. He seemed familiar, only because he looked like Anthony, but it wasn't Anthony. The large man was holding Elijah in an aggressive, almost threatening manner. Mathias was in front of me and was growling, not figuratively, but actually growling, and so was the other man. My heart was racing, I was terrified and the man started to step towards us but stopped when he looked like he was running out of oxygen suddenly. Mathias turned around and faced me and looked at me like I was a monster. His eyes were dark and he faced the man again, and then me and started to beg me to stop, but I didn't know what he was talking about. Then a storm came, lighting hit and the field went up in a blaze. I blinked and suddenly Elijah was in my arms, but there were still flames around us and I suddenly realized I was alone holding Elijah as he cried. I woke up and it was morning. I wasn't sure when Mathias left but he had to have been gone for a while because where he slept was cold. I looked at the clock and it was 9 in the morning on the first day of our fall break. I was hit with a sudden dread that me and Zeric turn 18 on Friday, and I'm not excited. I thought more about maybe taking Mathias up on his offer and skipping the family celebration that usually ends in some type of disaster. There was a year, my dad and Zeric had a huge fight and my dad ended up collapsing and holding his chest. Of course, my mom screamed at me and Zeric at the top of her lungs, pretty much blaming us for all the bad that happened to our family. I didn't want us to be the center of negativity for once. Anthony I waited for Mathias in the pack house before leaving for my territory, and I needed to make it clear to stay away from Erika. She was about to go through her first shift and she didn't even know it, she didn't know anything about herself. She didn't even realize the damage her Zeric and Alana could cause. Alana was a little more tame than Zeric and Erika, but I saw, whatever power glow in her eyes. She kept her cool better than the twins ever could, but every now and then her eyes glowed like Erika and Zeric. I was deep in thoughts about the Martinez siblings, wondering what kind of wolves they are, when I heard the main door open and I saw him pass the conference room I was in. "Mathias." I heard him stop and turn around. He scoffed when he saw it was me. "What do you want, Anthony?" "Look, I know you care about Erika, but I'm telling you now, you need to leave her alone." I couldn't tell him about her or Elijah, so I had to try and scare him away. "And I think if she wants me to stay away, she will tell me. She's not your property man, or your mate. You have your mate! Now, what kind of say do you think you have in her life?" "Mat im trying to protect her! There is a lot you don't know and you need to back off!" This kid was pushing my nerves. I didn't understand why he was so infatuated with her. I mean I get she is a beauty, everything about her is beautiful from her eyes to her soul. I needed her safe so Elijah would have a chance to meet her one day. "Well, you can step aside and let me take over from here. I care enough about her to keep her safe. I'm going to find out why these rogues are here and I'm going to end them! Not one hair on her head will be harmed as long as she has me!" By the time his outburst was done, Alpha Raymond was in the room trying to get Mathias out so he could calm down. When beta Leon and my gamma Isaak finally pulled him out, Alpha Raymond was staring daggers at me. "Care to explain to me what that was about, and why you and him keep going rounds?" "No, I don't, Raymond. All I have left to say is keep him away from the girl. If something happens to her, I will see to it personally. His head removed from his body! Are we clear?" "You're walking in dangerous water Anthony. Do not think that just because you are mated with my daughter means I won't end you. And it would be a shame for your pack to be without an alpha." His anger was apparent, but so was mine. "I can see I've overstayed my welcome. You may want to consider my words carefully. I wouldn't make threats just over any human." Once I knew he understood my message, me and Isaak took our leave. I made my way back to the compound where my father and son were waiting. "Anthony are you crazy?" I heard my mate yell as she made her way to me from the top of the stairs. "It depends on who you ask. Why?" "My father just said you threatened to take Mathias' head! Do you have a death wish?!" "Look, I have something more important to deal with than your brother right now, OK?" I knew my mate had a bumpy relationship with her brother but she still loved him. "Okay you can't threaten to kill him Anthony! He is going to be alpha here soon, and like it or not, your pack needs his pack!" "What I need is for him to stay away from humans! Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to make sure my father and my son are ready to go home." She didn't know about Elijah, so this was about to spiral into a new issue with how dramatic she is. "The human? Are you serious this is about Erika?" I scoffed and continued my way inside and Isaak decided to excuse himself from witnessing the fight about to ensue. "What is so great about her, Anthony, huh?" I didn't answer her. All I did was let out a growl and walked away before it got uglier. I started for the room so I could get my bags and ready myself to leave and as I neared the room my father made himself known by clearing his throat. He looked at me and waved his hand for me to follow in his direction, and I did.
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