Chapter 14

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Mathias "Mathias, something is wrong." "s**t baby, the moon, your shift!" As soon as it happened, I scooped her up and yelled for Zeric. "Zeric, get outside man, now!" "Mathias, it hurts!" She was hurting and I felt it through the mate bond. Every bone was breaking and changing and adjusting so her wolf could emerge and all I could do was try to calm her. "What happened to her, Mathias?!" Zeric yelled as he came running out of the house and all of a sudden he fell hugging his midsection. I looked up and saw him curled up less than two feet away and I heard cracking coming from him just like Erika. I cradled her in my lap, trying to calm her with just my touch and hoping my words would help. "Oww! Mathias I can't!" She was screaming loudly in what sounded like unbearable pain. Zeric managed to sit himself up and get closer to her. All I could do for my mate was hold her. She wasn't ready for this, and she didn't even know about this. "Shh baby, I'm here sweetheart, just breath." I was able to coach her but she let out a deadly scream and Zeric grabbed her immediately and faced her to him. "No, you do not hurt him, you or me. Got it?! Mat you need...... agh...... you need to go!" "What?! No man, I'm staying here. I'm not leaving you guys, this is scary, knowing it's going to happen. You guys didn't so terrifying doesn't begin to cover it." I was confident in my ability to help them through this. "Mat she hurts people when she's scared! Look around us!" I realized there was fire around us, and I didn't realize it. "Mat, we hurt people by accident before, you need to get in the house!" Erika let out another blood curdling scream of agony and Zeric managed to push me out of the center of ring of fire surrounding them, without even touching me. "Get inside!" The fire grew every scream Erika let out. I didn't listen to Zeric and tried to get to then, but then the moonlight seemed to concentrate on them in the center of the fire. I felt like a failure watching from outside the fire, but even that wasn't as safe as I thought it was. I heard Zeric yell out and a surge of electricity lit up the house, and suddenly every single light bulb shattered inside. The only light came from the fireplace and every candle raging from Erika's pain. The fire in the fireplace seemed to grow and started to travel outside of the fireplace. The entire living room went up in flames, and I ran to try and put it out, but it was out of control. I ran for any exit I could, but the fire was everywhere. It blocked every window and door, and just like the fire outside, this one grew with each unbearable scream of pain from her, I was trapped. Alana We had run for what felt like forever, it was dark and the moon was high in the sky. We took a break from running so we could catch our breath. "Hey! It's 11:55, the eclipse should start at midnight and! Zerica and Erika are officially 18." Uriah had been keeping time to see how long it would take us to get there, so he was excited that we should still be able to celebrate the twins' birthday tonight. "Erika wanted to watch it tonight, let's get a move on before......" I was cut off by a scream that could scare away death itself. We looked in the direction it was coming from and we realized it was from the lake house, and a sudden glow emerged in the darkness. "Go! Go!" I yelled at my brother as I started to push him in the direction of the glow and screams came from. As we got closer, the house was in a blaze. We walked around to the other side in a panic, hoping our brother and sister weren't inside. When we got around the house, Erika and Zeric were in the center of a ring of fire that was sky high. We started to run to the circle they were in, when Erika screamed out again. When I was almost to it, Zeric saw me. "No!" I felt like I was hit by a wall when I went flying back and hit the ground. I gasped, trying to catch my air that was knocked out of me by absolutely nothing. I looked at them and he was able to speak, "Get mat!" He pointed to the house that was engulfed in flames and panic rose inside of me. Uriah was just standing in amazement looking at the twins. I ran around looking for a way to get inside, and a thought came to my mind. I ran and jumped into the lake, allowing myself to get soaked. When I was sure I was drenched, I ran to the double doors facing the lake. I went to look inside and couldn't see Mathias, but I heard a cracking sound and looked at the glass doors as they were cracking at a rapid rate and I realized they were about to shatter. I turned around and tucked my head down just in time, and they shattered along with every window on the walls. I looked around and realized I wasn't harmed. The door was open and I saw this as my chance to go in. I ran in as the thick smoke had filled the house. I coughed because of it, but I knew I had to find Mathias. I covered my mouth and nose in the crook of my arm and called out for him. "Mathias!" I couldn't see anything. The flames were bright and combined with the smoke nothing was visible. I looked up and saw a door open on the second floor. I threw my shoes off and ran up stairs, where the smoke was a lot thicker but the flames hadn't reached quite yet. I made it to the room and I couldn't see much but I kept walking, when suddenly I tripped over something. It was Mathias. He was passed out from all the smoke. I grabbed him and tried to help him stand. I led him out of the room and started down the stairs. The fire was growing bigger and was getting hotter. We were half way down when the stairway gave from beneath us. I grabbed a post on the railing and held on. I somehow managed to wrap my free arm and legs around Mathias so I didn't lose him. The metal from the railing was burning my hand, and I was scared. "Riah!!" I cried out to my little brother, hoping he would be able to hear me, but he didn't appear. I started crying and begging for Mathias to wake up. As much as he tried, he couldn't come back into consciousness. I felt dread settle into my stomach, we were going to burn in here. I can always save myself somehow, but right now I was filled with fear and there was no saving myself or Mathias. "Uriah!! Heeellllppp! Pleeaassee!!" I was hysterical and scared, but suddenly I heard creaking on the stairwell. Out of no where, Mathias' best friend Tyler grabbed my arm I was holding on to the rail with. "Reyna get Mathias, Ed help her!" They pulled Mathias and as soon as they had him up Tyler pulled me up like I weighed nothing. "Edrick, lead us out bud!" As soon as we started moving, I collapsed, but before I hit the floor, Tyler caught me and scooped me up bridal style. I felt my body go heavy and then everything was black. Uriah I was confused about what was going on. My oldest siblings were in the middle of a ring made of flames, and it sounded like they were dying. A glass window blew up all over Alana and nothing happened to her. Then she decided to try and be a hero. Once I tried to go after her, a wall of flames blocked the entrance. I tried to find another way in but there was no way for me to get in or them to get out. I went back to the double doors and when I rounded the house, two wolves sat in the ring that my siblings were once in. Once was a silver color and the other was white, but it had red on the tips of its fur. I fell back and stared in shock and partially grateful for the fire that kept them trapped. They didn't seem aggressive. They actually whimpered and looked terrified, but regardless, they were wolves. I was suddenly yanked up by a guy that was almost the same size as Mathias but not exactly the same size. " Where's Mathias?" He gritted through his teeth that were unnaturally longer than they should be, and his eyes were dark. "Inside, Alana ran in to get him. I looked around the building but the fire blocked every entrance." He dropped me and yelled at the girl along with the kid who looked about my age that they were going in. They wasted no time and ran straight in through a flame. I was at a loss for words at how fearless these three people were. I turned around in the direction the wolves were and realized the fire that kept them was gone. I started to back away slowly, but all that was behind me was a burning house. Suddenly, a kid about my age and the girl came barreling out of the house, carrying Mathias. He then turned and went back in. I was amazed at their bravery. I turned my attention back to the wolves. The silver one was the only one I saw at this point. It whimpered, laid down and rolled over to his side. I didn't want to make any sudden movements to startle it, the white one was making its way to where the girl was doing CPR on Mathias, yelling for him to wake up. "Come on, Mathias! Wake up!" She was set on helping him until she heard the white wolf growl. She herself let out a growl that was just as audible as the one from the wolf. Once she was far enough from Mathias, the wolf got closer to him and whimpered, while nudging him with its snout. The silver wolf jumped up and got between the white one and the girl who now looked like she was ready to charge. I noticed the kid and the other guy ran out holding my sister. The silver wolf immediately ran to them and they both started to growl at it defensively. There was so much going on I finally had the nerve to say something. "What the f**k is going on?!" My voice caught everyone's attention except the white wolf, who ended up curling up to Mathias and placed its head on his chest and gently licked his face. "Back off Zeric!" The big guy said, pointing at the silver wolf. "Uriah tell him we just helped!" "They aren't my dogs, man!" "Uriah, they're not dogs," the girl started to walk towards me, "They're Zeric and Erika." "What are you people on?!" I swear these people have lost their minds. "Okay, we don't have time for this!" The younger guy stepped in front of them and spoke out the first words he had spoken since they arrived. "ENOUGH!" She looked at the big guy trying to wake Alana, and looked like she was about to explode from anger. Mathias I felt something cold keep touching my face, the smell of lilac and honeysuckle over flowed my senses. It had to be Erika. I felt sparks on my chest but I felt something soft as well. I picked up my hand and touched the heaviness on my chest, it was fur, soft fur and her scent radiated off of it. I started coughing and opened my eyes, I heard a whimper and felt something wet all over my face. "Erika, I'm fine, I promise." I started to laugh and tried to focus on her. White. She was white with some red on her. She was also huge, bigger than any she wolf I've known. I hugged her as she plopped down next to me with her tail swishing in happiness. "What happened though?" I looked around and saw the house was engulfed in flames, Alana was passed out and Uriah looked like he was ready to cry. I smiled when I saw Ty, Edrick, and Reyna. "Party crashers huh?" I stayed on the ground letting Erika push herself onto me and keep licking my face. There was a flirtatious look in her eye and I knew it was her wolf and not her being this way. "What do we do about this one?" Tyler asked, looking down at Alana. "Is she ok?" "She's alive. I just don't know why she isn't waking up. We had to go in for both of you. She's strong, Mat, she was holding herself AND you in there, maybe too much adrenaline?" Tyler seemed impressed and Reyna didn't like it. She let out a growl, reminding him she was there. "Lets get back to the pack territory. Ty, you take her, Reyna, hop onto Zeric, I'll take Uriah, and Erika will carry Ed." Without a second thought, Ty and I shifted and Reyna, Ed and Uriah hopped up and we were off back to the packlands. We made it back in no time. Tyler took Alana to the pack hospital to get checked out, and Zeric followed still in wolf form. Tyler would have to teach him to shift back when he was done with Alana. I looked at Erika and nuzzle into her. I couldn't help but admire how beautiful my mate was, she was perfect and truly a gift from the goddess. I had her follow me to a garage that had a what I like to call a wolf door. A dog door sounds degrading. Inside there were tons of clothes so you could shift back into human form and not be exposed outside. I shifted and got dressed, then turned to her and smiled. "So my white wolf, ready to shift back?" I asked her, and like a pup she got excited and ended up running around with zoomies. I couldn't help but laugh at how silly she was. When she finally calmed down, I made it clear the first shift was the hardest. "So you just visualize yourself. What you look like, how you feel in human form, everything okay?" Since we weren't completely mated yet, we couldn't mind link, but I could feel what she was feeling, and the connection we had was stronger than I ever imagined it would be. Erika I looked at Mathias and listened to him as he gave me an idea on how to go back to being human. I closed my eyes and visualized it all my face, hair, even my feet. I suddenly felt cold, so I peaked one eye open but just barely. All I saw was Mat smirking as he looked up and down at me, and I realized I had hands. I opened my eyes all the way and jumped for joy and ran to him, jumping straight into his arms. "I'm so sorry!" My heart sank when I remembered the lake house. I let go of him and turned to find my clothes to cover up but was stopped before I was able to grab anything. He spun me around to face him and cupped my chin. "You were scared, my love. I am not mad at you, and you do not feel guilty for what happened." He crashed his lips into mine and reached for something without separating from me. When he finally did pull away, it was just to put on an oversized t-shirt on. Once he had it on me, he picked me up, wrapped my legs around him, and made his way to the big house he lived in. I could feel my excitement building, and I wanted him again. When we reached the house, I managed to place my feet on the ground. We got to the front door, and slammed him against the wall right next to it. He laughed in our kiss and so did I. I leaned into him, making my body flush with his and my hands started to explore his torso. Before my hands reached lower than anyone else should see, he picked me back up and spun around so he pressed me against the wall. I felt him harden as he pressed against my core. "Inside?" I asked him giggling in-between kisses. "Mmhmm!" was the only response he gave. He pulled the door open and we ran upstairs to his room. Once we got there, he threw me onto the bed. He unbuttoned the pants he had on and let them fall, allowing his massive erection to spring out. He made his way to the edge of the bed where I met him. I started kissing him starting from his mouth. I loved the way he tasted, it was my favorite flavor and I would never grow tired of it. I trailed myself down to his chest, then his stomach until I reached his rock hard member. I licked from the base of the shaft to the head. "Mmmm baby you're driving me crazy." He said in a deep husky voice. The way he sounded was sexy and I loved it. I decided to stop teasing him and placed his tip in my mouth and swirled my tongue all around it. I felt him lace his fingers in my hair as he moaned in pleasure. "Take it all baby," once I heard him say that, I smiled, and the second he felt my mouth open more he slammed himself in as I deep throated his massive c**k, loving the way his precum tasted. I placed one hand on his hip and grabbed his base and jerked him off as I sucked on him, giving him the best b*****b he's ever had in his life. "Mmm oh my goddess baby, if you keep this up I'm gonna c*m in that pretty mouth of yours." I pulled him out of my mouth and he grabbed my face and brought me up to his mouth, penetrating mine with his tongue. I couldn't get enough of him and I wanted to feel him. "I want you inside me," I said breathlessly. "Say it again. " "I want you inside of me!" I yelled this time. He picked me up by my hips and pressed me against the wall. He placed himself at my entrance and didn't hold back. He slammed himself into me, making me scream out with unimaginable pleasure. He held my hands over my head with one hand as he held onto my hips with the other thrusting hard into me at a steady pace. "Ah! Yes, Mathias just like that! Oh my... just like that please!" He looked into my eyes and I saw his darken. He let go of my hands and walked to the bed as he still had himself inside of me. He placed me on the the edge of the bed as he slid himself out my core. I felt him start kissing my neck and the pleasure that centered around it was more than I was expecting. He made his way down to my breast and took one of my n*****s in his mouth and started flicking it with his tongue. I felt myself start to grow hot from the wave of ecstasy he caused. He showed both of my breasts equal attention. He moved his hand down and slowly started rubbing circles around my clit. I felt my back arch and he laid me back, continuing the pleasure he was giving me with his hands and mouth. I felt his other hand wander down and he slid two fingers inside of me. He moved his mouth down and replaced the finger rubbing me with his tongue. I started to roll my hips against his tongue, hoping for him to give me more. "You ready to c*m for me baby?" He whispered in my ear, making me moan even more than I already was. "Yes!.... please... yes baby make me c*m!" He pulled me away from the wall and flipped me over onto all fours and placed himself behind me. He thrust himself inside of me, causing me to start shaking. Mathias I felt her tighten around me, and I didn't think it was possible, but I swear I got harder when it happened. She was shaking and moaning uncontrollably. I pulled her up and wrapped one arm around her waist and the other crossed her chest and turned her face so I could kiss her beautiful mouth. "Mathias, you feel so good." She started to rock her hips, and I could feel her juices running out of her onto my c**k. I tightened my hold on her waist. "Mm-mm not yet baby." I moved my hand from her jaw down to her perfectly round breasts and gently pinched each n****e, and massaged them. I loosened my arm from her waist and allowed my hand to move to her soaking wet core. I found her clit and rubbed it gently but vigorously enough to cause her o****m to take over. She went from being on her knees back down to all fours. Her walls started contracting, and I felt inside of her fill with her c*m. I kept pumping myself inside of her, hitting the inside of her v****a as hard as I could without hurting her. Her pleasurable moans started to send me over the edge. "Mathias, I'm cumming..... I..... oh my... it feels so good.... please don't stop, please don't stop!" Her walls clenched and she started to squirt all over my rock hard member and then it was my turn. "Oh my goddess!!!!! Baby your so tight..... I'm gonna c*m!" I was slamming her hips into me and she went back up onto her knees, wrapping her arm around my neck. She turned her head and whispered in my ear, "c*m in me baby.....mmm please fill me up with your c*m!" Once I heard that it was over, I pushed her back down and started ramming myself inside of her. Her sweet smell of arousal and moans took me to a whole new level of high. She pulled herself off of me all of a sudden and flipped me over so she was on top of me. She positioned me at her entrance and glided me into her warm wet center. She started bouncing up and down. "Yes baby don't stop.... oh my goddess don't stop!" I was almost breathless because of how tight she was. I felt her getting ready to c*m again, and I couldn't wait any longer. She threw her head back screaming and moaning in a fit of pleasure. I felt her start to reach the peak of her o****m as I sat up to finish deep inside of her. I pulled her so I could hold her as I pumped her full of my seed, when I suddenly felt an agonizing wave of pleasure and I started to see stars. When I finally started to come down from my high and I realized she had her teeth dug into my marking spot. She finally let go and sealed it. I wasn't expecting her to do it, but I wasn't going to object either. She was mine and she was meant for me and I was meant for her. When she looked at me, her bright green eyes sparkled with a happiness I hadn't seen in her yet, but worry still lingered. "What's wrong?" "I didn't mean to do that. I don't know what happened." She looked away shyly. "I heard something in my head and then it was like I couldn't help it." "That's what is supposed to happen. It's called marking. That's what I did to you at the lake house. What did you hear?" "Mine?" She whispered as she bit her nail nervously. Hearing her say it made my heart flutter. I loved this girl, all of her. "Yes." I said with confidence, so she knew I was proud to say it. I never hid the fact that I cared for her, and now looking back, it all makes sense. I was drawn to her but her scent was masked so I couldn't smell her, and she hadn't shifted yet, so I couldn't get a read on anything from the mate bond other than my strong attraction to her. She smiled at me and laid down on my chest, tracing her fingers across it and then moving them to my face. She traced my lips, then my nose and the shape of my eyes. I chuckled at how light her touch was but how intense the sparks were. I could tell her smile grew when she heard me and it made me smile just as big if not more than her. Hey Mat, do..... do the wolves talk to us?" She sounded like she felt like she was going crazy. I looked down at her face and now expressed worry on her forehead. I kissed the worry line away hoping the sparks calmed her as well as they could calm me. I sat up and sat her up with me so we could talk and so she could ask me everything she felt like she needed or wanted to know. She had so many questions about all of it, and as odd as it was that she never knew any of this, I enjoyed being the one to explain it all to her. She was furious that her parents lied to her. To top it off, I filled her in on what I had found out about what could be her family lineage, which angered her more. All her life she felt like an outcast or a freak because of what her and Zeric could do but knew nothing about. "So were my parents magic too?" "Honestly, sweetheart, I don't know. I just know what my father said when he texted me." After I said that, I figured I should get ready and go meet Raymond and Demetrius to see what they know at this point. I thought it would be a good idea to have me and her get showered and cleaned up and we would go hear everything there was to know about her and her family. After we got cleaned up and dressed, we made our way to Alphas office. As we got closer, I caught a familiar scent and Maddox growled, knowing he was going to be pissed at who was on the other side of the door with alpha. I pushed the door open holding my little mate's hand keeping her slightly behind me. "Anthony!" Maddox growled out when we saw him. "Oh down boy, I'm here on......" he stopped what he was about to say when she started to sniff the air and his eyes turned black with anger. "You mated with her?!" Just as he said that Erika stepped out to the side of me with her head lowered looking like she was afraid of him. I placed my finger under her chin and shook my head, letting her know not to let him make her feel inferior.
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