
2352 Words

Author's pov Silence. It was pin-drop silence for a few moments. Except for Aurin's heavy breathing of anger, nothing could be heard for a few moments where Mikaeel's face was still in another direction. The sound of that slap was still echoing in his head where his face was still stinging. Turning his head at her slowly he looked at her blazing eyes. Clenching his jaw tightly he fisted his palms and punched the mirror that was behind Aurin. A loud cracking sound echoed through the whole room making Aurin flinch a little and Mikaeel's knuckles started bleeding. " You slapped me!! How dare you!" He shouted at her shaking with anger. She shouted back with the same intensity," Then, how dare you call me a slut!!" Hearing her Mikaeel softened his eyes a little and realised how much he

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