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Author's p.o.v Aurin was sitting beside a window and shedding tears silently. She was too hurt by Mikaeel's behaviour. Last night, he behaved with her like she is some kind of object and in the morning he insulted her. She had a lot of expectations from her husband and a lot of dreams regarding her marriage but seems like all of her wishes and expectations won't be fulfilled ever. That's the only thing she can feel right now. " Bhabhi," Ziya called Aurin and she immediately wiped away her tears. Forcing a smile on her face, Aurin said," Come, Ziya. Do you need anything?" " You are still upset by bhai's behaviour?" Ziya questioned holding Aurin's hands and she looked down. Taking a deep breath, Ziya started explaining," Don't take his words in your heart, Bhabhi. He is always rude and straightforward. Not only towards you. He is like that to everyone. He doesn't think about others' feelings before saying anything to anyone. He doesn't even think before talking to Baba(father) as well. Among my 3 brothers, he is the coldest and rudest of all." " I am not others Ziya. I am his wife. If my cooking was bad then he could have told me in private so that I can improve myself but..........." Aurin didn't finish her sentence and tears started threatening to fall from her eyes. This time Ziya squeezed Aurin's hands softly and said trying to convince her," But, Bhai is good from his heart. He doesn't show his feelings so easily but he surely cares for his loved ones. You will understand it very soon." Aurin just hummed when Ziya said," And, about cooking? Your cooking was fabulous. It's just bhai is too picky about food and that's why he didn't like the sudden change. Moreover, our taste buds aren't the same." Hearing her Aurin was a little convinced but still, his rough behaviour was hurting her. After thinking for some time she didn't drag this matter anymore and let it go. " You won't believe bhabhi, one day bhai insulted me in front of my friends. I did smokey eye make-up for the first time and he said that I was looking like a witch. He said it in front of my friends and I was so embarrassed," Ziya complained and Aurin looked at her with wide eyes. Making an angry face, Aurin said," How mean!!!" " Well, after that he has to take me to shop for the next 30 days and I literally bought the whole shopping mall," She answered proudly and giggled. Aurin just smiled a little. After talking for some time Ziya said to Aurin," Bhabhi, I have to go to college now. See you later." " Sure," Aurin agreed when Ziya left the room. Walking towards the window Aurin started thinking about Ziya's words about Mikaeel. She was hurt but then she thought to try harder to have a normal conversation with Mikaeel. Their relationship won't improve if they don't get to know each other. They won't understand each others' feelings if they don't interact. Taking a deep breath Aurin mumbled," I have to try harder." Hours passed and it was lunchtime. Aurin had her lunch with her in-laws but she was just thinking about Mikaeel. His thoughts were occupying her mind every time she tried to concentrate on something else. " Did he has his lunch? Should I call him and ask?" Aurin thought worriedly looking at her phone screen. She doesn't know why she is caring for him. Maybe he is her husband and she should care for him. Maybe she has feelings for him because she is bound with him by a holy bond like marriage. She used to dream of having cute chit chats with her husband when he won't be around her. She used to imagine herself sending love poems to her husband and used to be excited thinking about how her husband will react to her poetry. She wants to do all this with Mikaeel but how? When they don't even share a normal conversation? Biting her tongue, she whispered sadly," I don't even have his number." After thinking for some time, she called Ziya and took Mikaeel's phone number from her. When Ziya found out that her bhabhi doesn't even have her bhai's number she understood that this couple is the worst couple of this century. With trembling fingers, Aurin dialled Mikaeel's number. Thinking about his behaviour she erased the number making an angry face. Just after a few moments she again dialled his number with too much hesitation. She cleared her throat and prepared herself to talk to him. " Hello," Aurin said when he picked up the call. He recognised her voice but acted like he didn't recognize her voice. Clearing his throat he asked," Hello, who is talking?" Aurin was embarrassed by his response but still introduced her hesitatingly," It's me. Aurin." " Oh! Why did you call me? Any problem?" He inquired with his deep raspy voice. Aurin answered with too much hesitation," No problem. I was wondering did you have your lunch yet or not." " I had," He replied shortly. Aurin expected him to ask her if she has eaten or not but he just disappointed her and she was again hurt. Taking a breath she asked him softly," What are you doing? When will you return home?" " What do you think I am doing in the office?" He questioned sounding pissed off and Aurin was embarrassed. She didn't say anything when he said with his annoyed tone," Firstly, don't call me when I am in the office. Secondly, I don't like to talk about unnecessary things. Thirdly, I will return when I will feel like returning. So, don't bother me." Saying that he cut the call and Aurin was rooted in her place. The more she is trying to be close to him, trying to understand him and improve this relationship. The more he is pushing her away. Recalling his words, she again shed some tears. " Robot," She thought mentally and saved his number with this word. On the other hand, Mikaeel was amused by her behaviour. He liked that she was caring for him even after that much ignorance. He knew that he has hurt her feelings and he isn't guilty of this. According to him, he can treat her however he wants but she has to treat him with respect, love and care. It sounds biased but that's what he was told and taught. He hardly understands the meaning of wife and he doesn't even want to understand it. Smiling a little, he saved her number with the name 'Cute wifey' At Night It's 11:30 p.m and Mikaeel hasn't returned yet. Aurin was waiting for him at the dining table with sleepy eyes and a sour mood. Her stomach was grumbling continuously looking at the food since she hasn't eaten yet. After Mikaeel's hurtful words, Aurin has lost her interest to do all this and care for him but her mother in law ordered her to wait for him at the dining table. Aurin's mother in law even told her that she can't eat before her husband. When she questioned her mother in law's ideologies, her mother in law raised fingers at Aurin's upbringing and insulted her. Aurin didn't say anything to her mother in law considering her age and relationship with her. Hearing the car honking, Aurin hurriedly walked towards the main door and opened it for Mikaeel. " Yeah, postpone tomorrow's meeting. I will be busy," Mikaeel ordered someone over the phone and entered the house without glancing at Aurin. Then, He cut the call and loosened his tie taking a deep breath. He sat on a nearby sofa very comfortably and closed his eyes for a few moments. In the meantime, Aurin stood in front of him observing his tired face. She kinda felt bad seeing him exhausted. For a few moments, she even forgot his insulting behaviour. He was taking relaxed breaths when Aurin said politely," Go and freshen up. I will serve your dinner. We will have our dinner together." " I had a meeting and there I ate with my client," He informed curtly and walked towards his bedroom. Aurin was rooted in her place like a statue noticing his behaviour. He didn't even ask her if she has eaten or not even though she mentioned earlier that they will eat together indicating she hasn't eaten yet. She just kept looking at his retreating figure with hurtful yet angry eyes. " Mam, Sir has eaten already. Won't you eat?" One of the maids asked Aurin whose eyes were full of tears. Without answering she just returned to their bedroom because she has lost her appetite. Now, she just wants to sleep and doesn't even want to think about him. Aurin was laying on the bed beside Mikaeel turning her face in another direction. She was trying to sleep when she felt his big hand over her waist. She turned towards him when he hovered over her before she could even ask or react. He started kissing her cheeks, neck and rubbing his body with her impatiently. " I want to sleep now," She said meekly when he tried to kiss her lips. She has already understood his motive. Mikaeel didn't say anything and kissed her lips hungrily. He gave her a threatening amusing look like how dare she refuses him when he wants her. He pressed his hands over the bed and she hissed a little. He said burying his head in the crook of her neck," You can sleep once I am done with you." After that, he started opening the strings of her nightgown and she gave up. She didn't say no or oppose though she was upset and didn't want to have s*x now. She wanted him to understand her emotional state but he disappointed her again. Aurin was closing her eyes while he was busy thrusting inside her. Again those unknown sensations made her moan louder though he didn't do any proper foreplay to excite her and didn't even say anything to her. Most importantly, he didn't try to connect with her emotionally that hurt her the most. Those moaning and trembling was just her body reaction. Letting out some manly grunt he released his seeds inside her and pulled out himself making her whimper a little. He rolled beside her on the bed and started taking deep breaths. On the other hand, Aurin lay on the bed pulling a comforter over her body. She was crying silently and fuming in rage hearing the sound of his heavy and relaxed breathing. " Did you marry me to just have s*x?" Aurin questioned with her cracked voice. Mikaeel answered very casually like it's not a big deal," Then, what are wives for?" Hearing his reply, Aurin just closed her eyes and clutched the comforter tightly. She was astonished, hurt and angry after knowing about his mentality. She understood that for him she is just a fuckable object. Nothing else. " So, I am just a s*x doll for you?" She questioned fuming in rage. This time, he held her arm tightly and with an abrupt pull he made her look at him. She cried out in pain because of his tight hold around her arm. He barked on her face making her flinch" Then, do you want me to go to brothels, huh!!!" Aurin widened her eyes when he continued saying with his pissed off voice," I don't have time to hear about your nonsense talking. Now, sleep and let me sleep." She didn't say anything because she was speechless by his words when he informed," Tomorrow is our Walima(Reception) and your family is coming." After that, he slept like every other day leaving Aurin like a used object. For a few hours, Aurin only cried and then she decided that she won't live with him. The next day Aurin was sitting in front of the mirror and staring at her reflection. She just got ready for Walima. She wore a beautiful Anarkali dress covering her head and she was looking adorable. She looked at Mikaeel through the mirror and found him wearing his shirt. After putting his clothes on he walked towards the mirror and started setting his hair. He didn't notice her burning eyes on him. He was behaving so normally like nothing happened. " Are you done with makeup and other stuff? We are getting late," He said with his bored voice. Aurin asked hoping for a little apology from him," You don't have anything to say?" " About what?" He questioned confusingly. She answered controlling her tears," About last night." " Again your nonsense talking! You are too much," Mikaeel replied rolling his eyes with annoyance and then left the room. Aurin was again heartbroken by his behaviour and decided to do something as soon as possible. After that, Aurin and Mikaeel met her family members and other guests. Everyone was praising how much beautiful they look with each other though there was no smile on Aurin's face. Aurin was more hurt when she noticed her family members behaving casually and talking to Mikaeel with too much politeness. She doesn't know how can they ignore the sadness in her eyes. " Bhaisaab(brother), I am just so happy seeing my child happy with Mikaeel. I hope my daughter remains happy like that for the rest of her life," Aurin's father told Mikaeel's father and they shared a hug. This time, Mikaeel told Aurin's father," You don't have to worry. I am taking proper care of her. Ain't I, Aurin?" Asking that Mikaeel looked at Aurin with questioning eyes and everyone diverted their gaze on her. She felt Mikaeel's tight hold around her waist and she understood that he is ordering her to agree with him. She looked at his eyes and he signalled her with his eyes. " Excuse me, "Aurin excused herself and ran inside the house. Mikaeel clenched his jaw because he felt her behaviour was disrespectful. " She is shying. Let me talk to her," Aurin's mother said and everyone laughed loudly where Mikaeel only forced a smile. Reaching Aurin's room, her mother found her crying and became worried. She rushed towards her daughter and sat beside her. She became very tense seeing Aurin hiccupping like a little child. " What happened, Aurin?" Aurin's mother asked and Aurin hugged her mother bursting into tears. Aurin hiccupped like a little child," Ammi, I want a divorce from that man. I can't live with an emotionless log. I don't want to cry for the rest of my life. Please, arrange a divorce paper for me."
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