
2904 Words

Aurin's p.o.v " Baba!" I uttered with extreme shock seeing my father right in front of my eyes. It's been one month since I met my father and talked to him. After that incident, he kinda forgot me or I can say he was angry with me. He was so angry that he didn't bother to call me at least. As a daughter, I missed him a lot and craved to talk to him. I didn't keep his harsh words in my heart and wanted to apologize. I know there wasn't any fault of mine but still, I wanted to apologise because I respect him a lot. No matter what I will love my father always. Walking towards the bed he sat in front of me and said affectionately," Freshen up. I need to talk to you." " Baba, when did....... I mean how...." I wasn't understanding what exactly I should ask him. He answered smiling," My

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