
Bobby's Old Man


Keith Anderson is in love with Bobby Michaels. Unfortunately Keith, with their fifteen year age difference, thinks he’s too old for Bobby. The two start as “friends with benefits,” but Keith dumps Bobby when it turns serious, leaving Bobby broken-hearted.

When tragedy strikes and Bobby needs Keith, he steps up to support his lover. But Bobby lacks trust in Keith and everything around him. Can Keith convince Bobby that this time is for real, or will the two lovers never reconcile?

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Chapter 1-1
Chapter 1 Monday Morning after Independence Day Bobby Michaels drove down Ocean Avenue to the Sunset Club planning to have a serious conversation with Zach Montgomery. Zach was hanging around Bobby’s best friend, Jason Monroe, and Jason didn’t need someone who wasn’t prepared to be around for longer than a nanosecond. He pulled into the Sunset Club’s parking lot and got out of his five-year-old red Mazda Miata looking around at the building in the daylight. Despite the hordes that showed up every night and spilled outside on line waiting to get into the club with their cigarettes and beer bottles, someone swept and hosed the parking lot, so it appeared pristine. Zach took the time to maintain the club—that said something about him. The Sunset seemed to be closed, but Zach wasn’t with Jason, so Bobbie figured he must be here doing paperwork. He walked up a few steps and knocked sharply on the delivery entrance. A large man with chestnut brown hair and dark brown eyes that appeared almost black opened the door. He wasn’t Zach. Bobby’s eyes moved up and down his body. He looked ripped, about six-four to Bobby’s five-ten, and dressed in cutoffs and a T-shirt with the club’s logo. The man met Bobby stare for stare. “I’m looking for Zach. Is he inside?” Bobby asked impatiently, wanting to get the unpleasant chore of warning Zach off finished. “I’m Keith Anderson. Zach and I are business partners. Who are you and why do you need to speak to Zach?” Bobby narrowed his eyes. The man came off as menacing, but Bobby was immune to black looks having received them for most of his life from Jason. Bobby would do what he needed to do to protect his friend despite anyone’s lethal gaze including this good-looking asshole’s. “I’m Bobby Michaels, a friend of Jason Monroe’s and I’d like to talk to Zach. What I’d like to speak to him about is his and my business.” Bobby’s foot twitched as he stood on the raised concrete slab used as a loading dock. Keith peered at Bobby’s face scrutinizing it for something—Bobby didn’t know what. He seemed to come to some decision because he opened the door and let Bobby inside. He escorted Bobby into a small office near the kitchen in the back of the building and pointed to the seat in front of the desk. Bobby sat down and waited. Bobby knew how to out wait and intimidate an opponent. Besides being a soccer star, Bobby played an excellent game of chess. Keith spoke first just as Bobby intended. “Zach isn’t here. He had something he had to do for his sister Gloria today. Now it’s your turn. What do you want with Zach?” “I asked for Zach, not for you. Why should I explain myself to you?” Bobby asked as he leaned forward, closing the distance between them. With the line of his body, Bobby told Keith that he didn’t scare easily. Keith seemed to take a deep breath then let it out. He sized up Bobby somewhat belligerently. “You should because I know who you are Bobby Michaels, you’re Jason’s best friend. Well, I’m Zach’s best friend, and I’m wondering what’s going on with my Zach and your Jason.” Bobby glared back. “Well, I won’t show my cards without seeing some of yours,” Bobby watched Keith’s eyes roll up toward the ceiling. Keith let out a huff. Looking back at Bobby he said, “I suggest we pool our information.” Bobby relaxed a bit and leaned back in his chair. This conversation was going to be more interesting than he thought. “That sounds like an excellent idea, you first.” Bobby’s brown eyes blazed with victory. “Since you knocked on my door—you should go first, but I’m getting bored with the pissing contest and would like to get on to the topic at hand.” Bobby thought Keith wouldn’t give away much, but Bobby would meet him toe-to-toe. A strange expression flitted over Keith’s face. Seeming as if he came to a decision his hard eyes softened a bit. He had gorgeous black eyes especially now that he’s not glaring. Keith offered. “Zach has stopped seeing everyone else.” Keith pulled back from the desk as if he needed to put physical distance between Bobby and him, revealing more of his body. Bobby hadn’t noticed earlier because he was preoccupied; but Keith possessed a rock-hard body and under Keith’s T-shirt Bobby spotted hair peeking over the round band of the collar. He was in instant lust. Bobby loved hairy chests. Bobby’s c**k took inventory. He liked what he saw. He pulled his thoughts from traveling in that direction. What did he just say…oh…Bobby’s eyes widened. “That’s surprising—I assumed Zach was a player. He told Jason he didn’t do encores.” Keith examined Bobby’s eyes and c****d his head, “Zach Montgomery was more than a player. He was a man w***e. Notice the word was in that sentence. To my knowledge, Zach hasn’t seen anyone but Jason since the night they met, which makes me suspicious of your Jason. Zach has money, your turn.” “Jason’s broke, but he has no idea that Zach has money.” “He owns half the club and has a number of other assets in town.” Bobby bristled, and his leg began to twitch. “Jason assumes he owns a mortgaged nightclub and is solidly middle class. He doesn’t know anything about being wealthy, he wouldn’t see the signs, besides which Jason has never been to his home. Zach always comes to him.” “Interesting…” Keith sat there staring. Bobby continued to refuse to be intimidated. His smile seemed benign. “They go to the park and sometimes Zach brings Caroline to play with Kitty. He might even like Kitty, but I don’t want to take a chance. Jason and Kitty have more to lose than Zach.” “Zach wouldn’t hurt the little girl, how could you think that…Zach loves kids. If your friend is scheming, a kid is the way to do it.” Bobby thought Keith sounded self-righteous. Bobby was livid at Keith accusation. His face was mottled, and he had to hold onto his leg to keep it from twitching. “Jason doesn’t know how to scheme. He’s never had the opportunity. Jason has never seen anyone, period.” “Why’s that? It seems a bit unusual for a gay guy over eighteen to be that clueless.” “He hasn’t had the time to get a clue. He worked as a drudge for his grasping father and stepmother. Just as he escaped their clutches and went to UNM, Ann got pregnant, and they sucked him back in.” “Ann?” Keith asked. “Ann was Jason’s evil stepmother, literally. She and Evan, Jason’s father, robbed Jason blind then died driving drunk. Jason doesn’t know that.” “How could Jason not know?” “He was in college in New Mexico on a full soccer scholarship at the time. He had no time to get a handle on the truth. Jason played soccer, studied hard, and worked part-time, not for himself, but to send stuff home to Kitty.” “Why was that?” Keith now exuded curiosity. “They told him Ann lost her job.” Bobby’s face was burning. “They died, driving drunk leaving Jason as the guardian and sole provider for his then three-year-old half-sister, he was only twenty, about to turn twenty-one.” “He didn’t have to take responsibility. He could have left her to social services,” Keith said. Now he’s trying to provoke me. Bobby settled down and continued, “Jason loves his sister. He gave up his scholarship and came back to Kitty, a house that was falling apart, and inadequate insurance. Until recently, besides caring for Kitty, he worked two jobs and was still barely able to keep his head above water. He’s had no time to learn to be devious.” “Unlike you.” Keith projected amusement. “Unlike me,” Bobby blandly smiled back at him. In a mercurial change of mood, Keith said, “That’s tough about the parents for him and the kid.” Keith’s face softened. “He’s making good money here, and he gets along well with all of the staff even though they’re aware Zach’s interested in him, and that’s unusual.” “Jason is clueless. He’s a hard worker and loyal to a fault. He’d never take advantage of anyone. Everyone likes him, but he’s prone to having people take advantage of him.” “Yeah, that happens. Gay guys can be the worst bitches. I’ve seen them in action in too many bars. I don’t allow it here.” Bobby raised an eyebrow. “I hear an occasional complaint from one of the bartenders but other than him no one thinks Jason is getting special treatment, so I pay no attention to the whiner. Jason works harder than anyone in this club. He doesn’t try to take advantage of the fact that Zach’s hot for him. He’s a good worker, and they know it.” “If you know that about Jason, why are you yanking my chain?” Bobby asked, curious. “Because it’s so eminently yankable.” Keith smiled blandly. “Listen, Jason’s doing well enough that he could quit his second job. He’s happy here. I don’t want the new job to be in jeopardy if Zach takes the notion to move on from whatever this is. Jason is finally making enough so that his gut doesn’t wrench every time he opens the mail.” This time it was Keith with the raised eyebrow. “Finally Reggie and I don’t have to bring food to the house under the guise of wanting to eat dinner with him and Kitty. In the last year, he’s lost at least ten pounds by doing without.” Keith seemed to be listening intently. Bobby sized up Keith trying to determine if he could trust him. “I’m his best friend. I can’t stand by and let Jason and Kitty get hurt by someone who is doing a drive-by and they would be because Jason is more involved than he knows.” Bobby stood and put his hands in the pockets of his cargo shorts. “Surely he not that naïve, he must know Zach’s interested.” “Jason thinks that Zach comes around for Caroline. He thinks Zach likes him, but only as a friend. He told Jason Caroline was lonely and didn’t have anyone to play with her. Jason responded because Kitty is alone too. Jason would do anything for Kitty, even starve himself to get her what he thinks she needs.” Keith leaned back in his chair as if he made up his mind. He looked up at Bobby, “I think Zach’s committed to this relationship.” “Committed as in forever committed? I can’t let anyone near Jason with intentions of being something less. It wouldn’t be fair to either him or Kitty.” Bobby’s hands came out of his pockets to rest on the back of the chair. “I’m positive that Zach is all in. I looked at his phone yesterday—he erased all of the numbers for his usual s*x-overs. The only places I’ve seen him go besides Jason’s house are here, Gloria’s, and his house in Asbury Park. I think I can say that he’s in love. He hasn’t said it aloud to me yet, but he has all the symptoms.” Bobby raised an eyebrow, “In love?” “Yes, in love. We need to discuss this over a drink. Follow me out to the bar and we’ll talk about what to do to help our friends.” Bobby followed Keith down the small corridor that had two doors on the left-hand side. Bobby peered through the glass portal. It looked like a stockroom. He trailed after Keith to the second door that led directly to the largest bar of the five bars in the club. Keith stepped behind the bar and put two shot glasses on the counter. Bobby pulled up a backless maroon leather and wooden stool and sat down. Keith said, “Name your poison.” “Jameson, neat.” Bobby caught Keith peering at him from the corner of his eye. Bobby took a ten from his wallet and put it on the bar. “None of that.” Keith shoved the money back at him. Bobby shrugged and put it back in his wallet. Keith poured them a generous shot apiece. After a few minutes of silence with neither man willing to speak first, Keith sighed and began to talk. “I think we have a problem here. Zach won’t reveal his feelings for Jason unless he knows there is at least a small chance that they are reciprocated.” “Why would that be? He must know. Jason shows his feelings, his emotions are easily read.” Bobby’s leg was twitching.

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