Alter Me I

1031 Words
The Horrid One gnashed their teeth, the sound of their hands running against one another being heard throughout the seemingly empty black room. "A f*****g bastard till the end, isn't he?" The Horrid One spoke. The Grateful one raised their hand amidst the darkness, "Excuse me, why is he a bastard?" The Instinctual One straightened their gaze, "Survival is paramount, survival does not mean scum,  you are clearly aware of this yet you insist on ridicule." "Then, all that means is that humans as a whole are horrid beings, are they not?" "What is inherently wrong with survival being most important dear horrid one, because, surely you are aware, a mere child cannot change an unstoppable outcome, only to get through it alive." The Odd One began speaking about basic sleeping patterns, the rhythmic expansion of lungs, the beating tempo of a heart, the neutrons firing off within a brain, the blood that pumped through one's very veins. He was called the odd one due to his knowledge not being something that was previously gained, nor did anyone there know of in actuality at the time of his creation, an enigma if you will.  The ramblings from each one of these disembodied voices chaotically clashed together, slowly transitioning into a cascade of noises until finally falling completely silent. Back onto the cruise ship, many a person were sent all across the ship, instead of walking across the outside sections instead of moving into the halls of this death-ridden cruise ship, but all this was - was an update, we're back to following Tyche, as he woke up, slowly getting up from his bed as a slightly sore feeling overtook his body, throwing his legs over the bed as he stood up. The sound of Jack brushing his teeth could be heard behind a small door within the trailer as Carla was cooking something on a pan which looked to be eggs, mixing ingredients within it every few minutes, like pepper and onions, though the onions were more sparse out of the ingredients that were used. Tyche made his way out of the trailer, stepping onto the small staircase that was sat outside, and sitting upon it as he grabbed a handful of medication, stuffing it into his mouth as his head began to ache. The day was still cold, so sitting there and admiring the environment was a blessing for Tyche, watching as the sun rose above an array of hills that sat in the distance, his eyes hanging low as he watched as the sky's color transitioned from a somber blue, into a warm and comforting red, the light of the sun peaking through a group of clouds that sat in its way. "I haven't seen a single cloud until now..." Tyche felt a bit annoyed at this realization. Carla came up from behind Tyche, handing him a plate of eggs, "Here, it isn't much, but it should hold you off until we get to a diner later." Tyche nodded, "Thanks," Taking the food and quickly taking a bite, he continued to sit there, watching the sunrise until the temperature started to rise as well. They all entered a diner, all of them sitting in a booth - Tyche waited for Nick, a young man with spiky red hair, to sit down before him, sitting down right after, Carla did the same - Tyche and Carla sitting directly across from each other while Nick and Jack did as well. Jack slapped the table with the palms of his hands, "What are you guys getting?" Nick ignored Jack but Carla answered, "I might get some chicken and waffles," She checked the menu, scanning it as quickly as she could before shutting it, "They don't have any..." Tyche stifled a laugh, "I'm just getting pancakes." Nick sighed, "Is it really a good idea to be doing this? Stopped by a restaurant?" Jack pursed his lips, "Nothin' wrong with it." "Doesn't this just make it easier for someone to find us or something? I don't know how this s**t works, but being cautious wouldn't hurt." Jack clicked his tongue, "Y'see, Nick, I can't exactly answer your question normally, but I'll say this. Acting concerned for all of your surroundings is a hell of a lot more suspicious than a wanted person just going about their day like normal. It's always better to keep your ears open and to not openly glance at something you find suspicious, again, letting someone know that you might not actually be aware of them is paramount here." "Should you really be saying all of this out loud?" Jack placed a salt shaker in front of Nick, "Again, acting like nothing is wrong is way less suspicious than whispering to someone about sweet nothings across a table, so don't worry about it." Nick couldn't help but be a bit dissatisfied with that answer, "Whatever..." He paused, "I'll be getting this," He pointed to the menu showing some foreign dish's name that no one at the table could pronounce. "Isn't this some hole-in-the-wall diner, why is a dish like that on here?" Jack squinted, looking closer to the text attempting to pronounce it while everyone else had already given up. A waitress approached the table, taking notes as she went along, "How may I take your order?" She asked, doing a bit of a curtsy while at it. Carla was visibly confused by this gesture while everyone else didn't notice. "Ye-" Tyche's eyes whipped over to her hands, noticing a metal object slide out from the sleeve of her shirt, "Ma'am, there appears to be a mosquito on your wrist." "Oh?" She quickly whipped her arm out, pointing a gun straight at Tyche's face before he used both hands to point the gun at the restaurant's ceiling, firing two times into it. "s**t!" She screamed as Tyche attempted to wrestle the gun away from her, Jack slipping out from his seat, sliding across the table to help him. "They already found us!?" Carla yelled. "See! She didn't get the jump on us because we were smart!" Jack yelled while helping Tyche. "This isn't exactly the time Jack!" Nick yelled back.
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