Chapter 3

1760 Words
He pulled me in for a passionate kiss and at the same time grabs my waist tightly. I felt his lips moving in mine, and then within a second he started to kiss me demandingly by biting my lower lip down. I was in a whirlwind of emotions and didn’t know what to do but to kiss him back too. I surrendered myself to his touch and let myself be carried away by it. My whole body lit with excitement and something new ignited within me. I feel heat all over my body and especially my lower part as he gently trails kisses from my neck down to my chest. His hands started to caress me, making my body ache more. ‘Wake up Kassy! Don’t be fooled by a beautiful man’ my inner thoughts yelled. Just as he was about to touch me down there on my lower part, I gave him a strong slap on his cheek and ran to the other corner of the bed. My hand stings from the slap I gave him. I was about to expect him to be angry at me and hit me for what I did, but instead of that, he looked amused at what I'd done and his face plastered a smile. “Aye, a feisty wife it is” he said, touching the part where I slapped him using his hand. “Oh really, just who are you?! And the nerve you kissed me a minute ago without introducing yourself, are you really that kind of jerk?” “I was hoping to get a kiss from my feisty wife after saving you from the goblin attack, that's all. But now she is very angry at me.” He said, while walking towards a luxurious red chair adorned by different kinds of gems in the other corner of the room, and sat down pulling out a majestic longsword that was almost entirely gold in color from the table and examining its blade for a while. “YOU!!! All of these things happened because of you!!!” With furious rage, disbelief and frustration that was building up inside me and threatened to explode as I was disgusted with what he said to me, I yelled and pointed a finger at him. “My life is ruined because of you! My mother went crazy because of you! Now she’s kidnapped because of you! Everything is falling apart because of you!!! You ruined everything!” I yelled as loudly as I could, and began to throw things at him, which he easily caught all of it without any difficulties. “You disgust me in every aspect! You’re a selfish cuckold jerk I have met!!!” I shouted at him while throwing any things my hand could reach, which he just perfectly dodged and caught any of them without missing one. “Hey, hey hey!!! For f**k sake, let go of those things and calm the f**k down!” He said while trying to catch the things I newly threw in his direction. “Look, I know you are upset about everything. And I know how worried you are about your mother being abducted but we need to talk about things smoothly to come up with a better solution.” Picking up the vase that sat on top of the table near the bed, I made the last straw and threw out the last piece of thing I could find. But, this time the vase I had thrown was smashed onto his head. Blood oozed from the part where it hit him, as the small shards of the vase that were stuck pierced his skin, creating a wound. Shocked and bewildered by what I had done, as I had watched his blood on his head drip and stained the red carpet, I felt a sudden wave of guiltiness tripping within me and the urge to apologize for my actions. My eyes pleaded for an apology as they locked with his pair that were staring at me blankly and emotionlessly. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to——“ as I was trying to apologize and, walking towards him, with a cloth in hand to compress his wounds in order to stop them bleeding, he had stopped me in my tracks at what he said. “You don’t need to, if you are so adamant and hardly to consider a request for a smooth conversation, then it is best to leave you cool for the meantime.” He said as his stares felt like daggers piercing me, leaving holes in my body painfully. “I had just thought a while ago of getting your full permission of the marriage and at least give you a formal wedding in order to help you save your mom. But I think it is best to only give you, for now, the wedding band and papers to seal the marriage legally and do the formal one if you are ready and agree to do so.” He said to me while picking up the sword on the table. His eyes blazed with rage but, still, he had kept his composure mannerly. “A servant would bring the papers here to you. You have until the whole morning to decide. The goblins had decided the execution of your mother would be this afternoon, so think of it more.” He said, as he turned his head in the door’s direction, and walked his way out, leaving me all alone in this elegant room. ‘What have I done?’ I said to myself, as I lay down on the queen-sized bed. ‘What have you done, Kasaandre? The man is just trying to help you out with your problem’, I said to myself, and sighed as I took a look at my surroundings. The room was a spacious one that gives off an ancient medieval style. Red-colored long curtains block the sunlight that peeps into the tall windows. The inside was adorned by gold statues and gems. A candle was lit to give enough light and a fireplace to give warmth inside the room. I was lost in my thoughts when a sudden knock on the door interrupted it and a four-winged woman with gorgeous brunette hair entered. She was clad in a beautiful orange gown that reached the floor as she walked elegantly, her arms were wrapped in somewhat snake-like gold scales, and her face was half covered by a cloth, so only her pair of white eyes were seen. “It is I your highness, I was tasked by the king to deliver this to you.” The woman said as she slowly approached and put the tray beside me where the marriage papers and the band or ring like us human called it was. “Besides that your highness, I would like to formally introduce myself to you, my name is Myrrah I am from the creatures called ‘Avians’ and I’ll be the one to assist you of your needs.” “Thank you, Myrrah” I said while rubbing the temples of my head, which started to throb again because of these endless problems. “Would you like to take a bath, your highness? I’d be happy to help you. Tis’ nice to give yourself a bath after a long tiring day.” “Thank you Myrrah, but I think I’ll need time first for myself to think about many things. Could you give me a minute before you help me take a bath?” I said sheepishly, careful not to offend her hospitality. “Tis’ okay your majesty, I understand you are having a hard time adjusting to the sudden events. I’ll be just outside the room if you need me.” She said and handed me a small bell, placing it on top of my hands. “Just ring this bell, if you need anything your highness and I’ll be here right away.” She said, then exited herself outside the room. After she went out, I stood and paced myself all round the room examining the unknown things I had never yet seen in my whole life. In the opposite direction of the bed, behind a long curtain, it covered two enormous doors that led outside to the balcony. I slowly walked my way through the doors and slightly opened them just enough for me to fit in and take a chill on the balcony. Outside, up here in the castle, in the room where I was staying, I could see the houses not far away in the village where other creatures are busy doing things they normally do. They were children playing, singing songs and dancing while the elders drank themselves in happiness, and women happily serving them. ‘The villagers in this world are all happy, unlike me, my mind is worrying about so many problems that it all makes me feel suffocated, I just want to go home…’ I said to myself as I looked at the village blankly. But the happiness did not last that long when a sound of the large alarming bell echoed around the village. From far away, you can feel the frightened looks and feelings of the villagers as they hurriedly went back to their houses. I was puzzled about that at first, about why they returned to their homes in such a hurry, not until I saw an enormous shadow of a creature flying around in the sky. The clouds that were bright blue a while ago began to darken and a threatening rain started to build up along with crashing thunder in the sky. As I took a glance above, narrow fiery gold eyes stared at me viciously. Its muzzle is thick and has two narrow and curved nostrils, rows of large sharp teeth poke out of its mouth hiding most of the terror inside and two horns sit atop its head just below its ears. His body was covered with massive scales and a big glowing gem-like crystal was placed in the center of his chest. Its limbs were enormous enough to easily destroy the village. Horrendous wings grow starting from just below its shoulders and ending on its shoulder blades. It almost seems demonic because of its butterfly-like wings with an eerie bone structure that flaps around in the sky, creating a massive strong pressure of wind down below. A gasp passed through my lips as I tried to utter one thing I had in mind. “Dragon…”
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