Chapter 1

1288 Words
“Mommy I don’t want to sleeeeep!” I said as I tucked myself in the bed annoyingly. “I still wanna play!” I can still remember the face of my mom. She had this ginger-brown wavy hair that reached her waist, her skin was the shade of an ivory color. Her eyes are vibrant dark and light blue, a color that matches the shade of the ocean. She has a small buttoned nose and lips that has the shape of a cupid bow. Her actions are delicate and graceful like the ones I read in my storybooks. “Baby, children need to sleep, and you have to go to school early tomorrow. That’s why you need to sleep early…” mom said, sitting beside me and giving me a peck on my forehead. “Okay….then just sing me a song?” I asked, batting my eyes at my mother with a puppy look. “But promise me you’ll sleep?” “Okay!” I giggled as I lay comfortably on my bed. “Time is just a flowing stream, And it spares no one at all. As the bride who waits her groom, Destiny will take it’s toll. She is dressed only in white, Hidden underneath his shawls.” I yawned as I felt sleepy of my mom’s lullaby, her voice soft as an angel. “Eternal peace it is her doom, Wedding bells begin to call. Come to her, take her away! Come to her, from the sky. She is yours, forever Take her from the sky.” Hearing the soft lullaby of my mom while brushing my hair before bed time makes me feel drowsy. My eyes droop as I fight the sleepiness attacking me. I clumsily smiled and looked at my mother, and thought a lot of questions to her. But among those, there is only one question I am eager to know. “What’s my husband’s name mommy?” I asked, full of anticipation to know the name of my husband-to-be. “His name is ……..” ———— I opened my eyes and groaned, as I felt exhaustion all over me. My body aches and my head starts to throb again. ‘Something strange, it’s like I’ve forgotten something important. I definitely missed something.’ I said to myself, and began to study my surroundings. At the moment of thinking what had happened, a sudden queasy feeling engulfed me and I hurriedly took myself straight to the comfort room, throwing up the lunch I'd eaten yesterday. After vomiting, I wanted to vomit. I washed myself to refreshen my mind when suddenly my phone rang from the bedroom. I went back there and picked up my phone to receive the call. “Hello?“ “This is nurse Fae from the mental hospital, your mother Amelia is missing” the caller said. Her words rang in my ears and felt so deafening. I let go of my phone, making it fall on the floor. Without thinking about picking it up, I grabbed my purse and went on my way to the car and drove myself to the mental hospital where mom was confined. ‘Mom, why did you go missing?’ When I got there, there were police cars parked in front of the hospital’s driveway. The nurse who called and informed me regarding my mom who went missing, approached and introduced me to the policemen. “This is Dr. Kassandre, the patient’s daughter who went missing a while ago” the nurse introduced me. “If you’ll excuse us, Ms. Kassandre, we would like to ask some questions. If you don’t mind, it might help us to find why your mom went missing.” “It’s not a problem, just lead me where we are heading to” I said, following where the police were. Minutes later after walking, we arrived at the cafeteria and took a seat and the police started talking. “As per our investigation for now, we have a copy of the files of the security camera footage in the hospital where your mother was last seen. The last footage was when she walked inside her designated room and then she went missing inside. No broken window where she could jump out of to escape that happened inside. Just a few of her things that are scattered messily around her vicinity that seem like she’s fighting with someone or something to get away with.” The policeman said sternly. Something is off around here…. “And along with her belongings we had found a mysterious green scale with slime on it that we had put for a test, and it came out a blood of someone or something that we can’t be sure of.” The other police officer said as he grabbed a ziplock bag and handed it to me where the scale and slimy green liquid was still intact and also the result papers of the laboratory result. My body went numb as I remember the series of memories of what happened yesterday as I looked in horror at what I'd seen right in front of me.This scale is also the same as the goblin who attacked me yesterday. “Ms. Kassandre?” “Ms. Kassandre? Are you still with us?” The police officer interrupted. “I apologize for spacing out. Maybe it’s just my lack of sleep and this problem. What is it again?” I asked, bewildered by all the things that were happening. ‘This is freaking impossible!’ “Of course, no need to apologize. We were just asking, when was the last time you talked to your mother? Is there someone you had a fight with? Does your mother mention something to you?” the police officer asked. I paused and thought for a minute, “The last time I talked to my mother was last month. After that, I haven’t had any spare time to visit her due to busy schedules in the hospitals. And I don’t have someone I fight with that bare hatred towards me, nor has she mentioned anything” I answered. ‘I mean what am I supposed to say? That maybe she was captured by those slimy disgusting goblins from the other world where my husband-to-be is their King, and his coming to get me because he promised to marry me someday? Like like like that’s what my mom mentioned to me?!That would make them totally convinced that I’m a lunatic person just like my mom is! Come on, who’s gonna believe that? They are probably gonna throw me to a Mental Hospital’. Both police officers stood up and bade goodbye, ending the interview. “Thank you for cooperating with us, Ms. Kassandre, here is our call card. You can contact us if you have other information to add to the details of your interview. It might help us to quickly find your mom”. ‘Or not, because by this time she might be in the other world.’ “For now, police will be patrolling the city looking for your mother.” The other police officer said as he extended his arms for a handshake and lent me a card. “Thank you for your hard work sir, I appreciate it” I said as I watched them walk out of the cafeteria. ———— As my eyes began to drift I could hear the faint sound my mother said. “If ever one day I’ll be missing. Come and find me in the other world, Kassandre. Sing the lullaby and it will take you away from here to where your king lives."
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