As soon as Simbi returned to the motel, she knew something had happened.Oh, please Dear God, please don't let it be the children!But, thankfully, she found the kids outside, sitting numbly at one of the broken picnic tables.When they spotted her, Tyree and Aimee donned child-sized looks of relief. "What's going on?" Simbi asked her son, the oldest and most articulate."Why aren't you both in bed?" "It's-daddy," he told her, hanging his little head. Of course, it would be daddy, probably drunk daddy now.Simbi's feelings quickly segued from anxiety to anger.Leave it to Buckley to screw up something so simple like taking care of his kids for one lousy evening.How hard could that be?Simbi never asked for much, and her requests always centered on the family unit, their family, hers and Bucky