Chapter 11

1441 Words
*Time skip* Derek's POV "Those are my fries," Lana yelled. "Woah woah there!!! Ok fine" I raised my hands with a smile. She has been sulking and angry at everything and everyone today. Very unlike her. She even yelled at Kian because he was walking beside her. Like what?? "Hey Der" A girl with red hair came to me with a flirty smile. I smiled back without returning her 'hey' "I was just... Uhhh" she started stuttering. "Will you go on a date with me?" She asked and I heard a sigh from Lana. "Nice of you to ask but no thanks. I'm fine and I'll pass" I gave her a polite smile and looked at bored Lana. "What?" I asked her while taking a french fry from her plate to which she just slapped my hand away. "She is beautiful" she muttered but I heard it. "Yeah she is," I shrugged. "Why don't you date her then?" She yelled at me before leaving the cafeteria. What just happened? Why is she even bothered about the whole incident? Human girls!!!! It's been around 3 years and I am still unable to figure them out. Sometimes their yes means no and no means yes. But some other times their yes means yes and no means no. And the other few times yes means maybe and maybe means no. Typical right? I know! "Lana!!!! Wait" I yelled before following her. "Leave me alone Derek" she rolled her eyes. "Is something wrong?" I asked her while hugging her. Lana is a hug person. Even when she is at her ultimate level of anger... A hug brings her back to normal. And Thank Goddess I at least figured this out about her. Else I would have gone mad long ago. She sighed once she stopped wiggling in my arms. She slowly leaned and that's when I knew I just stopped a human storm. "Dad is getting married," she whispered. "Whatttt?" I asked in astonishment while pulling away. "Shocker! I know" she gave me a weak smile. "I kinda don't like her," she said again. "I understand by the way you are mad" I whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. This girl before me is my best friend and I wouldn't trade her for the whole world. "Why is he even marrying anyways? I thought he said he doesn't believe in good step moms" I asked quite confused. "Yeah, but he said that he loves her with all his heart. She is beautiful, she doesn't care about his age or his child aka me. All she needs is his love and he fell for it" she rolled her eyes. "Interesting," I muttered. "Der!!!!" She scoffs at me, "That's not funny!" "Ow! That hurts" I faked like I was in pain. At the exact same time the bell rang separating us both. I have this class with both my dorks. They have been busy with all the attention. Kevin is extraordinary in football while Kian is in Basketball. Moreover their charm just spread like a wildfire amongst school girls. As soon as I entered the classroom there were two girls standing before Kian and Kevin. I smiled looking at that. "Would you please give me some space to sit?" I asked them while they looked at each other before shaking their heads. "Wanna die?" I asked with a laugh and forcefully sat in between them. Those both girls eventually left us alone. "What's up Players?" I playfully hit both their shoulders. I call them players because well, they are both good at playing on the ground as well as girls' hearts. "Well, toppers like you don't understand" they shrugged it off. "Not my fault I'm born Genius" I smiled making them roll their eyes. At the exact same time in walked Miss. Johnson. Our Math teacher. She doesn't even smile and there are rumours here and there that she went through depression when her husband left her for someone young. What a bastard!! And another reason why I hate humans! The class was going so smoothly but I had to write down simultaneously in two books since Kevin was busy sleeping without getting caught. Out of blue Lana walked in with eyes full of tears. It didn't take me a minute to stand on my feet already and rush to her. "What happened?" I asked, inspecting her face for any injuries. Thankfully there are none. Kevin and Kian followed me too and we four were instantly out of the classroom. I hugged her and for the first time I felt her tremble against my arms. Who the f**k scared her? After a few moments of her calming down she explained what happened. Apparently the girl I rejected today found her way to Lana and picked up a fight. Lana shot back but the girl's brother slapped Lana for insulting his sister. What the f**k!! I asked her to show who that guy was and she denied. "Trust me I'll beat the s**t out of all the guys if you don't show who that brat is" I said and I was dead ass serious. She hesitantly led the way and pointed her finger towards a guy who was laughing with his friends at the locker. That redhead is so dead now! I started punching him everywhere I could reach. "What the f**k dude!" He yelled covering his face from my blows. "When the issue of your sister is with a girl, leave that alone! And yeah... I am the one who rejected your sister!! What? Wanna fight me?" I asked while towering. Crowd already gathered around us. Being the Alpha King's son I was taller than everyone at this school and he freaked out when I towered him. Kevin and Kian were busy calming Lana. I don't even want to imagine what he told her for her to tremble. She is so soft. "I'm sorry," he muttered. "There" I tilted my head towards Lana. He walked to her and asked for her forgiveness. She did it instantly. That's Lana. You do her bad but she still forgives and hopes Good. This is why I want to protect her. "Now, go to your class and let me go to mine. Or do you want me to stay with you?" I asked. "No.! Thank you" she smiled through tears making me smile and hug her again. "Dude! You were on fire" Kian laughed, throwing his arm over my shoulder. "No one messes with Lana or Derek" Kevin nodded his head with a smile. As soon as I opened the door Miss. Johnson eyed us three with a neutral expression. Her face is always like that. "Derek! Call your parents. I need to talk to them by evening" She said and resumed her teaching. "I'm screwed" I muttered low enough for werewolf hearing. After a few moments the bell rang. I walked out and called Uncle Nick. He picked it up real quick and I was thankful. "Aren't you at school buddy?" His voice was cheerful. "I uhh I need your help" I muttered. "With?" He questioned. "I got into a fight for a human girl! Dad won't like it. I just can't let him down in a human school. Can you come and talk to my teacher please?" I asked. "For a human girl?! Derek.. your parents taught you more. You need - " "I know! It won't happen again. Just this once. Please!!" I silently pleaded hoping he would agree. "Fine! Once and last" he muttered before I heard the jingling sound of keys. I released a sigh I was holding. I didn't want to go to the classroom again so I went to the basketball court where Kian was already practicing. I sat at bleachers but I was a tiny bit scared. What if dad comes to know about this? He'll not punish me but it well let his hope down. But I just couldn't see Lana cry for something she didn't even do. I didn't even know how much time passed till my phone buzzed. It's Uncle Nick. "I'm here" he said and I walked to him. My heart was racing for what's about to happen. I really wish this shouldn't reach till dad. And with these thoughts I absentmindedly lead him to Miss. Johnson's office. The moment I opened the door Uncle Nick stopped walking and froze. He looked up and his eyes changed colour to dark blue. His wolf is in control now and I have no f*****g idea. "Mate!" He whispered in a low werewolf voice. Fuck! This is deep s**t!!
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