
1050 Words

I leaned back, my brows furrowed as I watched the blank screen of the phone. The light slowly went off, and I was left in the dark again. My mind reeled, and I struggled to find the dots to connect, but not a lot seemed to make sense. I closed my eyes and leaned into him. It had been quite a night, and honestly, I was starting to doze off. The woman's surprise did brush me off weirdly, however, and I tried to push it to the back of my mind. Maybe tomorrow... I was woken up by the sound of a shower pelting down. My brows furrowed as the slight morning breeze knocked the drapes off, leaving my eyes bare to the morning sunlight. I moved, rolling on my stomach, my hair all over me. I sighed, closing my eyes even tighter, my chest heaving as I brought my hand to my face. The sound of the sh

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