A Perfect Day

2019 Words

The ride home was quiet, and I felt my hands go cold. I wondered if he felt uncomfortable around me now or if something had happened. If he had picked up on those lyrics and probably thought of me as a creepy person. I sometimes thought of myself that way, too. I have never seen or heard of anyone who maintained a childhood crush. It was as unspoken of as someone who never outgrew their childhood imaginary friend. I sighed, then lowered my head. "You sing beautifully, Iris." I turned to him, my sadness immediately dissipating. I felt like it said a lot about the sort of girl I was that he had so much control over my emotions. "You think so?" He nodded, turning to me. It felt like we were driving into the sunset now, and he gave me a smile, one that was illuminated by the Prague streak

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