Breaking Free

231 Words

For a long minute, I just laid there, under Nikolai's body, his warmth, his scent filling me. I swallowed, my chest heaving hard as I slowly closed my eyes and leaned back on the ground, my lips parting a little. "Are you okay?" Nikolai said, causing me to move, my eyes holding his. I slowly nodded, but he still let his eyes roam me, his brows drawn. Suddenly, I heard Matthew's voice. "Iris!" Nikolai looked down at me, his eyes a little curious. "What do you want to do?" I swallowed, turning a bit. My mother was now standing at a distance, her hands on her mouth, while Matthew was walking briskly towards us. I turned to Nikolai, who was still watching me, waiting on my answer. He was the only one who cared enough to. "Run. I want to run." He gave a small laugh. "One for the advent

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