Chapter Twenty Five : My Sad Future

1119 Words

I got up from the bed feeling woolly-headed and walked downstairs resembling a zombie. I heard voices and I was bewildered to find a bunch of ladies from our town, seated in the living room and coolly sipping tea. "Why are you all gathered here?" I asked groggily and rubbed my eyes. "They're all worried about your future," I heard my dad say, who appeared from the kitchen with a tray of wheat biscuits and vanilla jam cookies. I blinked at them slowly. "My future?" "Yeah, since you're mum is not here, we think it's our responsibility to guide you in your future career and planning," Martha said and the other ladies nodded in agreement. "Hell naw!" I whined and grabbed a biscuit from the plate. "I have to leave for London in a couple of hours and my girlfriends exhausted me the entir

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