Chapter Ten : Boys Affect Me

1440 Words
"Let's walk," Clark stated and proceeded to his car. "Inside the car?" Clark rolled his eyes and locked the car. Then we both tramped silently, until I started teasing him. "You secretly like to spend time with me Brownie? Don't you---" "If I buy you a chocolate bar, will you shut up?" Clark asked and my eyes lit up immediately. I rotated my head conveying a big yes and Clark looked amused. We headed to the local grocery store and on the way, I stopped rambling s**t and started to imitate him. It did not take him long enough to figure out that I was copying his every move. He pocketed his hands and since I did not have any pockets in my pants, I just acted like there was one for real. All the people in the street gazed at us since it was clear that I was imitating him. Clark groaned and kicked a stone in annoyance. There was no stone around my area, but I spotted a tin can. I kicked it leisurely and before I knew, I fell down in pain. My toes hurt from kicking that cursed can! I looked at it and saw mud and big, hard rocks spilling out of it. Some kid must have messed with that can. I whined and held my feet. Clark looked down at me and his eyes displayed a hint of humour. I raised both my hands for help but he just stared at me. I pouted and said, "Come on Brownie, help me up." He hesitated, but quickly hoisted me up. In this process, I clashed into him and I looked up at him and grinned. He backed away awkwardly and ran his hand through his dark, brown hair. Some girls in the middle school around us hooted and I glared at them. "Piss off!" "George has finally turned into Georgia," they sang merrily and I took a threatening step towards them to which they giggled and ran away. One girl shouted, "You got a hot one to tame your ways, George!" I cursed and Clark looked away coyly. "Sorry about that, those girls erm . . . just need to ship someone." He nodded faintly and we entered the grocery store. I picked up a Hershey's milk chocolate bar and Clark took a dark chocolate for himself. Bitter people with bitter tastes. Anyway, he paid for it as promised and we exited the store. I indulged into the delicious bar and so did Clark. We both continued to walk while eating and ravishing the chocolate. "Hehe, you've got chocolate over there," I said humorously and he tried to locate it. I reached out and wiped it with my finger. I put the same finger in my mouth and licked it playfully to which Clark narrowed his eyes. "What? I know it's gross but live with it. I don't waste chocolate, even a bit." "Then what about this?" he said hoarsely and leaned forward. Honestly, I was a little intimidated by his towering figure. Yet, I tried to stand confidently without budging from my spot. I placed a slight trembling hand on his chest and croaked like a toad, "What happened to you---" He cut me off as his lips touched mine. I shivered due to an odd sensation tingling my body. My eyes widened in surprise and all the next moments was a blur. * * * "OH MY GOD! I have very interesting news to tell you," Emily screeched and jumped excitedly. I lay on the bed and simply nodded, but she ran towards me and started to jump on the bed too. I sighed and sat properly. "What is it?" "I got my first period! I hit my puberty, finally!" she exclaimed and her eyes gleamed with excitement. I gazed at her since I didn't know how to react. She got down from the bed and stood silently waiting for my response. "Eh, cool." "I'm sure that this was the best news you heard since morning. And all you say is 'cool'?" she mocked me and I frowned when she continued to stare hard at me. "What?" I snapped at her and she narrowed her eyes. "Something is definitely wrong with you. You are acting weird today. What happened?" she asked and I hit the nearby pillow in frustration. I was really acting weird ever since that arrogant, handsome face with hideous glasses kissed me! "What happened?" Emily repeated the question and I sighed again- this time dreamily. "You know the new guy who moved into the neighbourhood just a few weeks ago? The one who wears glasses and looks kind of handsome? The one I'm taking care of and getting paid?" I explained and she nodded. "Yeah, so what about him?" She asked and I reluctantly opened my mouth to reply. "We were hanging out and erm . . . he---" "YOU AND HE DID WHAT? Come on, I'm hyperventilating here!" she squealed and I chucked the pillow at her. "No need to be so dramatic. We are acting so girly and bizzare right now ew." "Whatever, but I want to know," she demanded and I tried to calm her. But all my attempts were futile since she was hopping here and there in pure mirth and excitement. "It's-very-weird-but-the-new-guy-with-hideous-glasses-and-a-pretty-nice-face-kissed-me," I said in one breath and rushed through the words. Emily's eyes widened like huge tyres and her lips parted in shock. "How, how, how did this miracle happen?" "I don't know. I'm feeling strange after he kissed me. The incident is a bit hazy. I can't recall every detail and I did not feel in control of my own actions. But then, after the kiss, he simply left," I said in a low voice, my tone sounding a little hurt- rejected. "Look at you finally being a girl!" Emily pointed out and I snorted. "It's nothing like that. He kissed me unexpectedly and I didn't even know how to respond. My eyes were wide like torchlights unlike other cliché girls whose eyes involuntarily close down and the kiss is magical." "Does this affect you, George? Do boys affect you now?" "I'm not a lesbian, Em. Besides, it's not about affection. Of course, I wouldn't be such a frivilous girl to dream about kisses and sappy romance stuff. I'm feeling just a-what's that word? I'm just a bit . . . er . . . " I thought deeply and looked at Emily expectantly to give me the correct word. She rubbed her temples and answered suggestively, "Loved?" "No!" "Horny?" "Oh, Shut up. I got it! I'm just a bit distracted. He kissed me without any reason and walked away," I elucidated and she nodded in acknowledgement. I leaned on the backrest of the bed and looked at the ceiling. I sighed once more longingly. "You should know this, George," she said seriously and my eyebrows rose high up. "You should know that he is around twenty two or something. Around your brother's age." "So what?" "He' grown up and he has his own needs," Emily said in a warning tone. My eyebrows knotted in confusion and I asked, "What are you implying?" "I mean s*x. He would want that---" "What is s*x, Emily?" I heard Peaches's child like voice and I face palmed. Emily and I whirled around, our eyes widening as we saw Peaches and Kyle at the door. "How come you guys are here?" I asked cheerfully trying my best to divert their attention to another topic. "We came to play with you, but what is s*x?" Peaches repeated and I glanced at Emily. Her face turned scarlet and she was trying her best to not laugh. "You are her elder sister, Emily! You should know to not spoil Peaches by all this crap you blurt out at the wrong timings," I hissed through gritted teeth and she burst out laughing. "You little piece of s**t, don't encourage her!" I yelled and took a glimpse of clueless Peaches. Peaches tugged at my shirt and demanded, "Tell me what is s*x! I want to know!" "I don't know either," I said feigning oblivion and cracked an innocent smile. She pouted and crossed her arms in annoyance. She turned to Kyle who was busy fixing the wheel of the toy car. He looked up and Peaches asked, "Kyle, do you know what s*x means?" He scratched his head as if in deep thought and before I could do something, Kyle caught Peaches's hand. They walked towards the door hand-in-hand while he replied, "I don't know, but we can find it ourselves, later."
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