Chapter Seven : A Real b***h's Running After Me

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We talked for hours and had lots of fun. I did not dare try any antics further and kept my hands only on food. Unfortunately, both fate and date were not on my side. I accidently bit my partner's middle finger thinking it was sausage. The rest of the night I ate salads and desserts to avoid any further embarrassment. I controlled the urge to burp and I was now waiting outside to find out who my date was. I leaned on the wall and tapped my feet impatiently. The waiter came out and I laughed awkwardly. "Please don't tell me you were my date." "No Madam, I just wanted to inform you that your date is the next person who walks out. He should be in his early twenties," he stated and disappeared into the restaurant. I fixed my wig and ran my hand over my lips to ensure that my lipstick wasn't smudged. I really wanted to change and look beautiful like a decent lady. I heard footsteps and I straightened my wrinkled shirt. I looked up and saw none other than Ian approaching me. He was dressed smartly in a black and white tux with his hair gelled properly. I smiled brightly. "Of course it's you! Ian King." Ian chuckled but he looked puzzled. He did not seem to recognize me. We met only a few days ago but still he couldn't recognize me? He couldn't recognize George Brooks? Ah! Of course he couldn't, since I was transformed completely by wearing a wig, lipstick and heavy eye makeup. "You look so familiar and . . . beautiful," Ian said in awe and admiration and I grinned. Normally, I would walk around the town being my obnoxious self-sporting trousers and my brother's stolen clothes. Today, I sure looked different in a good way, but I controlled myself to not lick the lipstick. I disliked lipstick strongly. "Do you know who I am?" I asked and placed my hand on my hip. He took a few steps forward until we were quite close and looked down at me. "Yeah, you're the prettiest girl I have ever laid my eyes on," he said in a husky voice. I bit my lip to avoid laughing. He brought his hand near my face and tucked a piece of my wig hair. Before I could slap his hand away, my wig fell right onto his hand. "What the---" he shrieked and cursed loudly. He jumped three feet high and threw the wig away. I bursted out laughing and placed my hand on the wall for support. He looked so horrified and freaked out by the entire incident. After some time, he recovered from the shock and smiled amusingly. "This can only be you, George." I sat down and laughed heartily. My legs wobbled and my body vibrated. My laughter ceased eventually and he picked me up to steady me. I wiped my happy tears and said bitterly, "You know Ian, I really wanted to change and act like a young lady just what my mother wished for me. But everything became a disaster. I now realize that no matter how much I try, I'll still remain the same, old tomboy of the town." I licked my lipstick clean. [Emily had earlier mentioned it was edible] I wiped my face with a spare tissue and turned to walk away. "Thank you for the lovely dinner." "Hey, wait!" Ian grabbed my arm and whirled me around. He lifted my chin so I was looking right into his eyes. His expression softened and he said in a low voice,"I like the way you are. You are beautiful in all true sense. You don't need hideous makeup or outfit for that. You don't need to change, when you're born to stand out." His eyebrows were knotted in concern and I laughed lightly. He did not laugh back, his face defined seriousness. "Well . . . thanks for the confidence boost. That was really sweet of you. Now, will you drop this pretty lady home?" "Sure," he said, his eyes twinkling and I held his hand as we walked in the silence of the cold night. * * * "Dad?" I rubbed my eyes and walked downstairs. It was morning and dad was tying the laces of his shoes. He was dressed neatly in his officer's uniform. Summers were not this dull and dry when mum was around. It was so much fun even in the hot climate. But after her death, everything changed completely. Our house was a mess and so was dad. He quietly got up to leave. He did not even look at me to say 'goodbye'. I ran towards him before he could leave. I caught his arm and asked, "Dad are you annoyed at me? Are you still mad that mom died because of me?" "Breakfast is kept at the table. Eat it and then take your pills," dad said and shook my hand away. A pinch of guilt mingled with woe twisted my internals. I swallowed hard. "Listen princess, we can talk about this later okay." "When dad? I know you're mad at me and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do anything what I did that day. I swear dad I'll find the person who killed mother. I swear---" "It's okay princess, I'm not mad at you. It was not your fault. You don't need to find the murderer. It's my job, I'll find him. You should instead enjoy your holidays and also think about applying to college. It's still not late." Dad ruffled my hair almost lovingly. I pouted as I was unable to think about my future. Highschool was over but still I didn't know what to do with my life. I had no aim, no purpose- nothing. Dad left and I went up to brush my teeth and took a warm shower. My face still contained last night's makeup stains and I looked dirty. Thinking about last night's events made butterflies flutter in my stomach. The food was so sumptuous. Also Ian calling me beautiful sent weird sensations throughout my body. Nobody ever called me beautiful or pretty except my dad who found me pretty even in my pyjamas. I ate cocopuffs in milk for breakfast and left home. I strolled on the streets with nothing glorious to do. I spotted Emily at one end of the street. She too spotted me and ran at me in full speed. I took a few steps back before I was attacked by her who resembled a dangerous, mad bull right now. Fortunately, she stopped on her tracks in an arm's length away from me. She looked flustered as she panted heavily and I waited for her to regain her energy. "What happened yesterday? Who was your date? Was he really worth a shot?" Emily attacked me with questions upon questions. She shook my shoulders and demanded answers. I calmed her and we started walking together. I told her some of the hilarious parts like my face getting kicked by Ian. She banged her head on the nearby wall and face palmed. She called me an i***t but I didn't mind. I continued to tell her the rest of the story with a bit of spice. * * * After Emily left, I continued lurking around the streets while whistling one of the annoying yet catchy advertisement's songs. I noticed a dog sniffing as it quietly followed me. I shivered and increased my pace, but so did the dog. Next moment, the dog was running and so was I. My heart pounded against my chest as I screamed,"This b***h is behind me! Help me somebody!" The beast continued to run after me and I was charging forward in full speed. I despised dogs from the bottom of my heart. Those beasts deserved to be in the forests like the rest of the animal kingdom. It would be a favour to them too, they could be free and not leashed or bounded to a man. I fleeted down the street until I bumped into somebody. "s**t. Sorry," I muttered and tried to take off again. The person's hands caught my shoulders and I looked up to see none other than Ian. Oh my knight in shining armour! Ugh. "Ian, please get out of my way! A real b***h is after me!" I hastened. Ian caught my arm and said, "Don't worry, it's not after you. It's after the frisbee." "What?" I turned around wildly and saw the dog hoisting the frisbee off the ground. Instantly, my temper blew up. I was livid as I fumed, "Who the hell play with their dogs around the streets? Have they never heard of a place called a park? Who is the owner of that beast? I will not leave that person!" Ian chuckled and pointed. I looked at the direction to where he pointed and saw none other than Clark. I gritted my teeth and stomped forward. The dog was now in his strong arms as he patted the dog and appreciated it. Appreciated for chasing me all the way down here? I knew instantly that Clark threw the frisbee at my direction purposely the moment I noticed his faint yet evident smirk. "You bastard! Happy to see me run like a lunatic? Of course you are taking revenge! Of course, you little devil!" I yelled at him as he rolled his eyes. I was standing right in front of him and yelling on top of my voice. He simply shut his ears with his hands. I tried to remove his hands and shout right in them. Although, I couldn't deny the fact that Clark looked adorable shutting his ears like a cute little kid, bonus points for him wearing a beanie. And before I could process the thoughts in my mind, I was yelling at him for looking incredibly sexy. Clark removed his hands automatically and heard what I said. I immediately placed my hand over my big mouth. There was a hint of amusement evident on Clark's face. "Pretend you did not listen to what I said now," I murmured. I felt some soft substance near my feet. I turned around and looked down. I shrieked and shook my leg frantically with all my strength. The little beastly dog was curled on my leg cosily. I wiggled my leg back and forth until the dog detached itself, went flying and landed a few feet away. It didn't get hurt thankfully for I really didn't want to abuse it, even when I didn't like it. "Ian, keep that beast away from me," I implored in a shaky voice. Ian, who was nearby the dog, obediently held the leash of the beast. I asked Clark, "Why the hell do you want to keep a dog when you can't even take care of yourself?" He didn't say anything and instead went towards Ian. "Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce. Brownie, that's Ian," I said, but to my surprise, Clark and Ian did a manly hug. "Turns out you guys already know each other. What are the odds?" Ian chimed in, "Yeah, because we are best friends, aren't we, Clark?"
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