I'm bombarded with To -do this and Not- to -do this instructions.Loads and loads of them. "Stand straighter " "Stop fidgeting" "Sit properly " Don't do this, Don't do that..... Hell, I didn't even know there had to be a style for smiling. "No, Too wide..." "Shorten it....More ,more " She insists till my smile doesn't feel like mine anymore but just a slightly curved line on my face. "You will be a queen soon,show attitude it is essential.Attitude and elegance define a royalty " I roll my eyes which only sends her into another fit. To say Orthyme is a hard taskmaster is the understatement of the century . By the end of the sessions with her I'm completely drained. Who would have thought being given royal training Anna Hathaway style in princess diaries would be so tiring? And