
633 Words

Five IT’S ONLY ABOUT FIFTEEN minutes from Gladys’ apartment to the hospital. At 1:30 in the morning, I’m not surprised to be the only car on the road. Still, I keep to the speed limit, not because I drive like an old woman as Helen claims, but because I need the time to get my thoughts together. Right now, it’s like trying to catch a flock of butterflies with a net. I go back over Rick’s initial reaction. When he came in and saw that I was there, he assumed I was there to tell his parents something about Ashley’s work. He probably thought she’d been arrested and I was there to tell them. “So,” I say out loud as I drive. “Rick knew that Ashley worked for Freshy Fresh. How long had he known? For that matter, how had he found out?” From the little that Frank and Sharon said, Rick and his

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