Bonus #3 All grown up.

1202 Words

Two months passed by, Cassy was now counting the final days of her pregnancy. Her adoptive parents had come to be with her since they wanted to be there for her when she gave birth to her firstborn. Cassy was relaxing in her room when she felt the first wave of contraction. She frowned, however ignored it, thinking that it was just another discomfort of the pregnancy. However, when the waves of contractions started to throb down her hip, one after the other, she started to call for help. When Elliot rushed out of the bathroom, Cassy was breathless and sweating profusely. "What happened?" He asked urgently. "I think….it is time…" she gasped. Elliot took a moment to realise what was happening. As soon as he did, he hastened to pick her up and rushed out of the door towards their vehicl

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