Book 2 19. Better Days?

2111 Words

"Why didn't you arrest him and lock him up?" Ava asked Cassy as they gathered in the dining room the next afternoon. They had slept late and ended up sleeping the whole of the forenoon, missing their breakfast. "I wanted to give him a chance to redeem. I hope he changes. And of course, I am sure that several pack members would now realise that Baron was wrong the whole time. He could have masked whatever he was doing to the whole pack. Whoever wants to leave can leave now." Cassy munched on her food as she replied. "But what if he attacks again?" Ava voiced her concern. "I gave him a chance. Now he can't say that I didn't warn him or didn't allow him to change," She frowned. "I sure hope that his wolf knocks some senses in that head. If he attacks again, next time, there will be no

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