Book 2 2. Not Her!

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Luna Nora's body was taken into the investigation, along with the knife that had been used. Her sudden death had affected the alpha and he was almost inconsolable. Having to endure the pain of losing your soulmate was always hard. Even to a womanizer like Alpha Baron. Yes, it wasn't a secret that he didn't stop sleeping around even after he found his mate. It was well known among everyone, however, no one dared say anything against their alpha. When Monica was taken away to be locked up in the dungeon, he thrashed the entire packhouse and in his rage, and stomped to the cell where Monica was kept. "Tell me, why did you kill her!" He roared, and all the guards cowered in fear. Never in their lives had they seen him that angry. Trembling, Monica hugged herself in the corner of the cell. She was kind of grateful for the iron bars that were locked securely. It somehow gave her some amount of protection from the raging alpha. "I...I didn't." She stammered. "It wasn't me, alpha, I promise…" She was too scared to cry. Too scared to do anything. The mere presence of alpha Baron was making it hard for her to focus on anything else. She feared that he might barge into the cell and kill her. An unshifted youngster would be nothing for a fully grown, well-trained alpha to kill. "Lies!" He hissed. "I had seen with my own eyes! You have her blood on you!" He growled, glaring at Monica with wide, red eyes. "Guards! Open this gate this instance!" He ordered. "And bring me the whip! I need to teach this ungrateful b***h a lesson!" It was obvious that he was seething. His chest heaved as he inhaled deeply and his nostrils flared in fury. All of the muscles in his body were tense as he clenched and unclenched his fists. Wide-eyed and trembling in fear, she looked from the seething alpha to the guards who were quick to obey him. She knew her pleas would fall on deaf ears, however, she begged. Her cries and screams echoed in the lonely corridors of the dungeon as the alpha ruthlessly lashed her tender body with the whip. No one dared move a muscle as Baron continued to beat her. "Alpha!" A hysterical soldier rushed into the dungeon, seemingly with urgent news. "What!" Alpha Baron's angry screams were loud enough to deafen all the ears. His angry shouts made the entire place rumble. The soldier gulped. No one would want to face the alpha's fury, yet that is exactly what his duty obliged him to do. "Alpha…..we found this…." He stuttered and handed over a crumpled piece of paper through the bars of the gate. "This better be good." He grumbled and took it from him, to check what it was. Grateful for the interruption, Monica dragged her pained body and leaned against the wall. The lashes were brutal and it sure would have marked her frail body already. There was a moment of silence where Baron studied the contents of the piece of paper. "What?" Alpha Baron gasped. "Where the f**k did you find this!" He growled at the soldier who had arrived with the paper. "It was…... crumpled…. in the luna's hand. When we went to take her body from the crime scene, we saw it in her hand." He explained to the best he could, despite the fear that had invaded his heart. Monica was now intrigued to know what it was about. It was true that she was holding a crumpled up paper when she saw her, but she was too anxious to check it out. The alpha studied the paper for a while and glared at Monica, who was still trying to catch her breath. "Do you have anything to do with this?" He hissed at her, through gritted teeth. Monica frowned and closed her eyes as she shook her head. She was exhausted and in pain. It was her luck that she didn't check what it was when she first saw it. At least now, she can say that she didn't know what it was. "Alpha….. all the evidence prove that it isn't a murder. There are no signs of struggle. The knife has only Luna's fingerprints. No other scent was detected, besides you and that girl. But she is the one who found the body." He explained. "And the maids had told us that it was normal for her to learn to cook with Luna every Friday… it isn't absurd for her to be there at that time of the day." He added. Shocked, the alpha stared at the guard and then at the paper as he held it with trembling hands. He stared at the paper for a while before crumpling it up and throwing it away like a piece of trash. He started to stomp away from the cell, not bothering to close the gate. The guard locked the door and left, leaving Monica bewildered by what she had witnessed. Curious, she looked at the crumpled up paper which lay a few feet away from her. Groaning in agony, she dragged herself towards it. She was extremely curious about what it contained. Upon straightening the paper, she realised it was a short note the Luna had written, addressed to the alpha. It said, I can't do this Baron. You keep cheating on me. I don't know with whom, or why you keep hurting me like this. Don't you understand how much pain it causes me every day? I can't do this anymore. Death will be better than feeling the excruciating pain of my mate having s*x with someone else. Monica's lips parted. Does this mean that Luna committed suicide? She quickly crumpled the paper up and threw it away, fearing what might happen if they found her reading the note. She laid her exhausted body on the hard floor, hoping to find some kind of solace in her heart and mind. So the mate bond isn't that strong, is it? She thought. If the alpha was able to defy the incredible pull of the mate bond and cheat on his mate, it could only mean that the mate bond wasn't that strong or as sacred as she had heard it was. From what she had been seeing since childhood, she couldn't say that finding your mate would be a good thing. For one thing, her mother had faced nothing but humiliation in the pack, all because she was a single mother. The pack members accused her of sleeping around and getting pregnant before she met her mate, though Monica couldn't believe any of it. She avoided speaking about her mate and the only scenario Monica could imagine was, her father who must have been her mate, must have impregnated her and left her to fend for herself. That was what Monica believed. And now, learning about the alpha's infidelity only added strength to what she had been thinking. The mate bond doesn't seem to be what they had described in the school lessons. Perhaps everlasting love between mates happened only in fairy tales and myths. "Stupid mate bond. I hope I never find my mate." She mumbled as she lay on the floor. "Uhhh." She groaned. Every inch of her body was in pain. "At least now the alpha knows that it wasn't me." She sighed and closed her eyes, hoping to rest her eyes. *** "Hey! Wake up!" She didn't know when she had fallen asleep, she woke up when a female warrior came to wake her up. "Huh?" "You are free of charge and the alpha has ordered to take you out of the cell." She explained. A smile beamed Monica's face. She was being set free. But where was she going to go? Perhaps staying in the packhouse wouldn't be such a great idea now. She thought as she stood up to leave. "The alpha has ordered us to take you to his office." The female warrior added, and Monica looked at her. Why would he ask for her presence? She wanted to ask, however, she ended up staring at the warrior with a raised eyebrow. "The alpha's orders." She shrugged, as though answering her unasked questions. Sighing Monica nodded. He was the alpha anyway. They will have to obey.
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