14. Grumpy old man

1967 Words

Miles pov Every day was monotonous. Wake up, intense training, yell at my warriors and then paperwork in the alpha office. Of course, my beta Nolan and gamma Castor were there for me through everything. Whatever I did, they were there for me. However, I was more like an emotionless robot that was programmed to do the same things every day. It was as if nothing gave any contentment to me anymore. I didn’t understand why I had become bitter and more like a robot than a human. I didn’t care. I saw it as my commitment towards my pack and the betterment of my warrior’s performance. I didn’t know what others thought about it. Nolan and Castor had mentioned to me a couple of times that I was being too harsh on my army. But honestly, I didn’t understand what they meant. If I am being hard on

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