21. Can't wait for the year to end.

1853 Words

Cassy pov. We went for a movie. However, it was hard to watch the film with him trying to hold my hands the whole time. My mind kept going to places it shouldn’t. Being a royal meant we had to be careful about how much affection we display in public. Although the commoners didn’t know who I was, I didn’t want to cause much trouble, since they would know eventually. Then we went near the lake where we fed the ducks. It was an enjoyable evening. I loved every moment I spent with him. By the time the sun almost set, we felt hungry, so we decided to go to the café nearby. Elliot’s friends and other members of the army had now started to recognise me as the girl who spent time with him. Although I didn’t know what they thought about us or what they said behind our backs and honestly, I did

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