Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Rosalyn’s Sunday went by quickly and uneventful, Alessandro and I had finished our packing by midday, we also visited our friends at the pack house to say our goodbyes. We are currently at the airport waiting on our flight which had been delayed by an hour, as I sat in the airport my mind took me back to a time when I was younger. Flashback "Michael dear lunch is ready come inside and eat" my mother called "Coming mom" Michael answered I sat on the grass waiting for her to call me, I stayed there waiting but she never called I got up and went inside to find her and Michael eating "mom where is my food?" She turned and stared at me with the meanest glare I have ever seen then she got up and smacked me across the face and yelled "Stupid brats don't get an ounce of food in my house go to your room you worthless child" I ran up the stairs to my room with tearful eyes trying to figure out what I did to make my mother angry........end of flashback I drifted back to reality when I heard the flight attendant calling the passengers for our flight, Alessandro and I got up and headed to the gate to board the plane. The flight was 20 hours long (A/N I'm not sure how long a flight from Italy to California is) when we departed from the plane I needed to use the bathroom so Alessandro went to collect our bags. When I came back I saw Alessandro standing in front of someone it looked like they were having a conversation I wondered who he could be talking to since he doesn't know anyone in Cali, as I got closer the person's features became more clearer and after a few more steps I could see who it was clearly. "Michael!!" I yelled flashing my hands in the air Michael turned in my direction as well as Alessandro, they both smiled at me as I made my way over. when I was close enough Michael pulled me into a bone crushing bear hug "Hey baby sis I missed you so much" he said kissing my head "I missed you too" I replied. When we pulled apart Michael grabbed our bags and we made our way to the car. As we drove out I asked Michael "How has the pack been all these years since I've been gone?" "It's been good we haven't had any rogue problems in over a year and our warriors are in top form but all that wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for our alpha" he replied My heart ached a little at the mention of my mate but I quickly shook it off and continued asking questions then I asked the question I didn't think would be uttered from my mouth "how's mom and dad?" Michael stiffened at the mention of our parents then he sighed and relaxed "Dad is good he moved into the pack house a few months ago" he replied "And mom?" I asked wondering how come he hasn't mentioned her I saw him stiffened again this time he gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter, he sighed again even louder this time then said "mom left" That was it, nothing more, I wanted to ask him more about it but I could tell it was difficult for him to talk about so I let the issue rest and leaned against the window, soon after, I faded into darkness. "Mom wake up we're here" I heard Alessandro's voice in my head "I am not going to work today Alessandro just take the bus to school" I replied getting ready to go back to sleep "Mom were not in Italy were in California, were at the pack house get up!" I turned on my side stretching my hands, when they hit something above my head I opened my eyes realizing I wasn't in my bed but in a car I quickly sat up to see Alessandro staring at me with annoyance I was about to ask him what's wrong when everything came rushing back "We're here?" I asked "Yes! now would you please get out of the car so we can go inside" Alessandro whined I grabbed my bag and got out of the car. looking around, the place hasn't changed much since I left it was weird; I latched on to Alessandro's arm as we made our way into the pack house it was late in the night so no one was awake. When we reached the living room Michael appeared and beckoned for us to follow him so he could show us to our rooms. Alessandro asked if we could get a room with two beds so he and I could share because he refused to leave me by myself Michael chuckled and nodded thinking it was Alessandro being protective of his mother but I knew it went deeper than that. Before we left Alessandro made me promise not to go anywhere too far without him while we were here because he was sure someone would recognize me soon enough and try to make trouble. We arrived at our room and Michael bid us a good night before leaving to go to his mate as it was late in the night and he missed her. I unpacked my things from my bag and did my nightly routine which consisted of brushing my teeth and washing my face I also changed into my pajamas, when I exited the bathroom Alessandro was already in bed texting away on his phone I walked over and kissed him on the cheek "Goodnight mi bambino"(my baby) "Goodnight mom" he said before placing his phone under the pillow and got under the covers. I wrapped the sheet around me and laid on my back the last thing I remember was closing my eyes before darkness engulfed me. I woke up to the sun peering through the window I blinked a few times so my eyes could adjust to the lighting of the room when I woke up I realized Alessandro wasn't in the room I focus my hearing to search for him and heard his voice downstairs it sounded like he made a few friends. I got up and went to my closet I took out a gray shorts that reached mid-thigh and a gray tank top, I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine then changed into the clothes I picked out. I opened the room door and headed downstairs to get some coffee I am a very grumpy person without my morning coffee, as I reach the final steps of the stairs I smelt the aroma of fresh coffee I followed the scent into the kitchen to see Alessandro standing there with a mug of coffee in his hands he stretched it out to me with a smile "Buongiorno mamma"(good morning mom) he said as I took the mug from his hand. "Buongiorno mi bambino" I replied The kids he was talking to look at us like we just grew two more heads Alessandro laughed and said "It's our good morning greeting and it's Italian by the way" he said with a smirk They mouthed a 'oh' before walking away. Alessandro placed a plate with eggs sausage bacon and pancakes in front of me, I pulled up a chair and sat down to have my breakfast; when I reached midway of my meal an intoxicating scent filled my nose a scent that brought my sleeping wolf awake within seconds a scent that brought back memories and feelings, feelings I buried a long time ago feelings only one person could give me and that one person was Ke’shaun Black. Chapter 5 Rosalyn’s My ex-mate walked in only seconds after his scent invaded my nostrils, the moment I saw him a wave of nostalgia and longing took over I wanted to run to him hugged him and tell him how much I missed him but the feeling went as fast as it came. Suddenly a blonde came and attached herself to his arm kissing his cheek, this made my wolf growl in my head I on the other hand just looked the other way. As if he could sense my uneasiness Alessandro stood in front of me in a defensive stance at that moment my mates head snapped in our direction he looked at Alessandro then his gaze fell on me he stared at me for a bit as if trying to figure out where he's seen me before, as soon as realization hit he opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by my brother and Genevieve's entrance. "Omg! Rose I can't believe your here" Genevieve screamed as she ran over pulling me into a hug "Can't breathe" I choked out. She let go of me and smiled at me sheepish while mouthing an "I'm sorry" I nodded and just gave her a reassuring smile. she turned to Alessandro and hugged him too before going back into the embrace of her mate "Morning sis how'd you guys sleep?" Michael asks "Good" I replied "Did you guys have breakfast yet?" Genevieve asks My mind suddenly went back to my meal but I longer had an appetite I just nodded to him then excused myself from the room "you OK mom?" Alessandro asked me through our link "I'm fine" I tell him. I walked outside and into the woods to clear my head, I didn't realize how long I was walking or how far I'd gone until I heard shuffling behind in the woods, I turned my head and sniffed the air it smelt like garbage and dirt. "rogue" my wolf Althea said in my head then an auburn colored wolf walked out of the bushes growling at me and showing its canines. I turned around to run but another one walked up behind me, then a third wolf came into view. "Fighting it is then" I thought to myself. The first wolf lunged at me, I side stepped him and turn to see him charging at me again I grabbed his neck and squeezed the wolf whimpered in my hands before I snapped his neck (did I mention I was a warrior in my pack and hella strong) the second wolf charged at me trying to bite my hands and legs I grabbed his nozzle and flipped him, he landed in a tree the third one caught me off guard and crashed his body unto mine making me fall to the ground the wolf jumped on top of me trying to bite my neck I grabbed his mouth and used my strength to pull his mouth apart I pulled until I ripped his mouth off I sat there for a minute trying to catch my breath I was exhausted. I got up to leave when the wolf I flipped in the tree grabbed my leg I kicked him repeatedly until he let go how ever before I could make a move a big brown wolf appeared and killed him then I heard Alessandro calling me "Mom!!!! mom are you OK did they hurt you?" He asked checking me for injuries he was furious when he saw my foot "He bit you!!!" He was shaking with anger I placed my hand on his shoulder and he immediately calmed down he then turned to me then picked me up he look me over and frowned "Mom I told you not to go anywhere far without me and see now you got hurt" "I'm fine," I say "Besides I don't need you to take care of me are you forgetting who trained you?" He smiled with admiration in his eyes which then turned to worry I know you can take care of yourself mom but still I'm not letting you go anywhere without me again ever and that's final" I sighed knowing I was fighting a losing battle it was pointless to argue with Alessandro when he was in "protect mom at all cost" mode. "I'm trying to figure out if you're actually the parent or Alessandro" my brother's voice said bringing my attention to him I had almost forgotten about him and that other wolf I then turned to him and asked "Where's that wolf I saw earlier?" "He went to check the border for any more rogues he'll meet us at the pack house" Michael replies "Who is he anyway one of the warriors?" "No it's the alpha's younger brother Jermaine he got here this morning" I laid my head on Alessandro's shoulder feeling sleepy all of a sudden, I closed my eyes and let the darkness take over. I heard voices as I woke up and shifted in the soft bed I tried getting up from the bed but a wave of pain flashed through my leg then the events of this morning came rushing back. I examined my sore leg to find it bandaged it will heal in a day or two I thought to myself. I hopped to the door and headed downstairs to find Alessandro Michael and an unknown man talking in the living room everyone look up at me as I entered the room. "How are you feeling mom?" Alessandro asked helping me into a chair "I'm fine sweetie" I replied as he sat back down beside Michael. "So, your Michael's baby sister whom he can't stop talking about" "I'm Jermaine Black brother of the alpha" he says stretching his hands out to me I shook his hand before saying "Rosalyn Parker sister of the beta" At the same time a voice I had forgotten spoke up "So it was you, for a second I thought I was hallucinating, long time no see Rosalyn" We all turned to the person who spoke it was the one and only alpha Ke’shaun Black my ex-mate. It seemed as though Alessandro recognized him because he got up in a defensive stance as he stood up in front of me blocking me from his father. "And who are you?" Ke’shaun asked with annoyance laced in his voice at Alessandro's growling. "Alpha this is my sister and her son Alessandro remember I told you they were coming for my wedding" Michael says "Ah yes I remember now" he said still looking in my direction He walked towards us and Alessandro growled again but he wasn't fazed by it he looked at Alessandro as if taking in his features, his eyes widened for a second before he turned to me his face stoic and emotionless "Rosalyn who is the father of your son?" He asks I was shocked that he picked up so fast but then again Alessandro was the splitting image of him. I turned to look at him but I didn't answer he asked me the question again by this he was seething with anger "Is he mine?" He asked anger rolling off him in waves. By now everyone was staring at us in confusion there was also more person's in the living room than there was before including Genevieve. "I said is he mine!!!!!!?" Ke’shaun shouted making the house boom from the power in his voice but his alpha tone doesn't work on me. I stood up and walked away but he grabbed my hand and gripped it I winced at the pain that went through my arm Alessandro stood up to approach us but I stopped him and yanked my arm away from Ke’shaun’s grip I sighed knowing he would have figured it out sooner or later I turned to look at Alessandro to ask if he was OK with me telling him, he nodded I then turned back to Ke’shaun saying "17 years ago on that night we had s*x, after what happened next I left then a few days later I found out I was pregnant so to answer your question yes Alessandro is your son". As the words left my lips I felt myself being pinned to the wall I was being held by a very angry alpha "You took my son away from me for 17 years!!! He yelled There was a pain in my back from when I hit the wall "You took this packs future alpha for 17 years when he should have been training to take over the pack!!? You didn't even bother to at least tell me I have a son!!?" I used some of my strength to push him off me then I turned to him with a glare "First of all he is my son not yours, you rejected me so that means you rejected him, you have no claim over him and neither does your pack" the pack members who were present which was about half the pack all growled at my words I ignored them and turned back to Ke’shaun "And don't think for a second there's anything you can do about it all mighty alpha because you, better than anyone know the law" I said walking away Ke’shaun grabbed my hand again tighter than he previously did which made me cry out in pain but before he could say anything he was up against the wall. What I saw in front of me made me gasped in shock.
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