Chapter Six

930 Words
When we arrive to the diner, I notice the closed sign on the door. Chase knocks on it, and Jane comes to let us in. She engulfs me with a huge hug as soon as we enter the place. I flinch a little since my body is covered in bruises. She lets me go immediately and apologizes. "Jane, why is the diner closed?" "I want to talk with you; and that's more important at the moment than the diner." "Amy, I want to ask you something and I want you to be completely honest with me." I let out a sigh and say, "okay" "Do you want to live with me?" I was totally not expecting that as her question. Do I want to live with her? why would she want me, a stranger in her house? "Why?" I ask her "You are being harmed by someone. You are such a sweet girl and do not deserve to be treated in such a way." "You don't have to tell us who it is until you are ready to talk, but at least stay with me." I can't believe this woman, who has only known me for a few days; wants to protect me. It made me feel overwhelmed and tears start to flow out. Chase came over a wrapped his arms lightly around me as I continue to cry. I don't exactly know why, but I feel like I can trust these two. "The day my mom died, I lost my father too." I began to tell them my history. "My father became I monster after that day. He forced me to drop out of school and begin working." "When I asked him why, he slapped me across the face and told me to never talk to him." "That was the first time he ever hit me; and not the last." I can see the anger boiling on Chase's face as I mention that. I lifted my shirt and showed them the bruises on my back and stomach. Along with the ones on my arms and legs. They begged me to let them take me to the hospital, but I refused. I notice Chase's hands are now in a tight fist; his knuckles turning white. "I will not go until I'm at least 18. I do not want any of the doctors to contact my father." "When do you turn 18?" asked Chase. "In two more days." I reply. Your birthday is on Halloween? That's awesome! It's my favorite holiday!" That made me giggle a little at Chase. I look over at Jane, and notice a look of adoration and amusement in her eyes. "Okay" "Okay?" Jane asks. "Okay, I'll live with you until I can sort my life out." " You can not tell my father though! He will hurt you guys. I'm serious. Please." I beg. "Don't worry. He'll never find out where you live or harm you again." Chase promises to me. On our way to Jane's house, I still have fear that something bad will happen. I just can't seem to shake the feeling off. We pull up to the driveway and my eyes widen. "This house is beautiful!" I gawk at the two story white house. It has flowers all around the front and a cute wrap around porch. I already imagine myself sitting out here at night to look at all the stars. "Jane, do you live alone?" "Yes. I haven't always though. My husband and I raised two children in this home; twin girls. Elizabeth moved out after she got married and started her own little family." "And what about your other daughter?" I ask She looks back at me with a frown on her face and a distant look in her eyes. "Victoria died a long time ago." I wanted to ask how, but felt that would be a little rude. "I'm so sorry to hear that." Chase opens the car door for me and grabs my hand to help me out. Such a gentleman I thought to myself. After giving a tour of the house, Jane shows me to the room I will be staying in. It even has an attached bathroom! She tells me to freshen up while she makes lunch for us. I realize I have no clothes with me as Jane hands me a towel. "Umm.. I have nothing to change into after my shower." I awkwardly state. "Oh! I'm sorry dear, I'll be right back!" as she leaves me standing in the room with Chase. She returns shortly with a pair of black leggings and a green t shirt. Along with socks and a package of new underwear. "I think these will fit! Elizabeth left a bunch of her clothes here as spares for when she visits." "Chase, could you come help me prepare lunch?" "Yes, I'll be right there." He replies to her as she's already halfway out the door. I look at Chase and ask,"Can I help you with something? I kind of want to go shower now." He smirks as he says, "No, but I can help you undress if you like." I immediately feel my face heating up. I must be red as a cherry. "I'm just kidding, I'll see you downstairs when you're done." He winks at me before leaving the room. Lunch was delicious and I found myself enjoying talking with my two friends. I can't believe I finally have friends! I've only been in this town for a few days and my life has completely turned upside down. In a good way! However, I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Nothing good ever happens in my life; but for the meantime I will enjoy it. 
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