“I’ve known a few like that. People and horses.” Allen smiled at him and turned to climb up a short hill. “Here we go,” he said, bringing the horse to a halt and gesturing at a small stand of trees. Quite a few of them were down, and some were dangling into the river, the water eddying around the hanging branches. “Had a flash flood in that last major thunderstorm. And some pretty bad wind.” “I can see that. I guess most of these other trees have some shelter or are higher above the embankment, but these guys are kinda out in the open.” Bill observed the land around them. “Yeah. There’s a ford here, or used to be, so there’s not so much of an embankment. On the upside for us, there is a small cabin. Not much of one, but someone used to live here and mind the ford. Once there was a villa