Chapter Two

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“Summer?” Kevin said. Caden frowned as he stepped up beside him. He turned to look between us. “You two know each other?” I opened my mouth, but Kevin said hastily, “She’s my sister.” “Stepsister,” I clarified. “Stepsister.” Kevin turned so he was closer to me than Caden. The two were almost squaring off, their sides to me, and for one really weird and tense moment, no one said a word. I glanced between them. Caden was taller by a few inches. Both were gorgeous, but in different ways. While Kevin had the dashing good looks, blonde locks and pretty eyelashes, Caden just looked badass. He had a pretty face too with chiseled cheekbones, but his dark hair, tattooed arms and no-nonsense demeanor gave him an air of authority. He was more muscled than Kevin, who was lean, but something had me guessing that Caden could out-fight and out-run my stepbrother. I’d always had Kevin on a pedestal, and for the first time, he looked less than. He now stood against a guy who seemed more male in almost every way—except being a smooth-talker with the ladies. But no. I shook those thoughts away. They didn’t make sense. Kevin was… I frowned, guilt flaring up inside of me. No matter my hurt at seeing Kevin kissing another girl, he was family, right? Raising my chin, I moved next to him. I stared back at Caden, showing my support for my stepbrother. “I actually came to surprise him, but changed my mind. He was on the phone downstairs. That’s why I left.” Marcus exhaled a loud breath, stepping back from the group. I ignored that, and I tried to ignore the sudden shift in the suspicion Caden had been sending Kevin’s way. It landed right on me, and I gulped, feeling the full force of it. The guy was smart. He knew exactly what I’d just done. So did Kevin. I sensed his sideways glance, and then the back of his hand brushed against mine. I figured that was his way of thanking me. “Really?” Caden raised an eyebrow. “Really.” I raised my head in challenge, despite how I felt inside. I was covering for Kevin, the guy I was in love with, and it was wrong. I blinked a few times. Whatever. It would work out in the end. It had to. “Yeah.” Kevin coughed. “I was on the phone with her dad. He called because he couldn’t get ahold of her.” He said to me, “You’re supposed to call your dad.” “Uh, thanks.” Was I really? He shrugged, trying to look casual and cool at the same time. “No problem.” Caden didn’t say a word, only observing the exchange between us, but Marcus snorted and rolled his eyes. He flung his hand out, pointing to me. “Come on, you guys. You can’t be believing this chick. She’s Matthews’ sister. Of course she’s going to lie for him.” “Let it go, Marcus.” Caden’s tone was weary, and I had a feeling this showdown had happened before. I studied the other brothers’ faces, and they were all the same: tired. Kevin shrugged his shoulders again and c****d his head to the side, but he didn’t say anything. His gaze fell away from Caden’s, and he looked at the other two fraternity brothers. The bravado he’d adopted when I covered for him fell away, just slightly, but he still cleared his throat and forced a happy note in his tone. “I’m thinking it’s time to get down and get a drink. You guys game?” They regarded him, and Silent Muscle grunted. “I’m always down for a drink. f**k this drama shit.” Kevin stepped between the two, clapping their shoulders. “Let’s do shots. It’s that kind of night now.” The three headed inside, leaving Marcus, Caden, and me behind. Before they disappeared, Kevin glanced back over his shoulder and nodded, giving me a half-grin. Then they were gone. Kevin had left me. Again. Déjà vu hit me. I felt like I had three months ago when I’d woken up the morning after and he was gone. I’d just covered for him, and he went off to take shots with his fraternity brothers. I frowned, not liking how that sat with me. The fucker. “Why?” Marcus spat the word at me, his jaw clenched. “Just, why? I know you saw her. You must’ve.” Guilt spread in me, but I didn’t say anything. What could I say? He was right. Caden sighed. “Leave her alone. He’s her family.” He reached a hand out to rest on Marcus’ shoulder, but Marcus dodged and turned on him, his eyes flashing. “I get it. He’s your fraternity brother, but I’m your real brother. One of these days, you’re going to have to pick a side, Caden. f**k Dad. f**k him and his stupid f*****g fraternity.” He seared us both with an accusing look. “I don’t give a s**t who covers for Matthews. It’s going to be an all-out war.” Now Caden was pissed. I didn’t know the guy, but I knew that much. He didn’t strike me as the type who let someone talk to him like that and walk away. I stepped back, expecting a punch, but none came. There was just silence. Brother glared at brother, both with clenched jaws. Then Caden glanced in my direction, and it dawned on me: They weren’t saying anything because of me. “Oh.” I flashed a grin and a wave. “I, uh, I should probably go call my dad. Because, you know, that’s what Kevin said to do.” Marcus snorted. “Right.” Caden just observed me, his stare unrelenting. I backed up a few feet, and he still watched me. It shouldn’t have bothered me, but a little fluttering feeling bloomed low in my stomach. I started to turn around, then paused halfway with my head bent. I could still feel him. I didn’t like that sensation, not at all. It was...unnerving, just like him. I glanced up one last time, and my shoulders immediately sagged in relief. They were gone. I pressed a hand to my stomach to calm the unwelcome fluttering going on in there. I went in search of Kevin. This time, the plan to avoid Caden/Asshole was in full effect. Kevin was probably fast on his way to getting drunk, or sneaking back out to find that girl again. I wouldn’t put either past him, but I really did want to see him. Only the reason had changed. Instead of wanting to see him because of us, I needed to find out if I really did have to call my dad. ...Or that’s what I told myself. I snuck back in the way Caden had told me to sneak out and darted for the basement when the coast was clear. I didn’t expect Kevin to be there. I planned to get into his bedroom, then text him that that’s where I was. He’d have to come down to talk to me. He wouldn’t want me around in case the Asshole found me and took another shot at interrogating me. I was wrong. Kevin’s door was open just a c***k, and I could see him sitting on his bed, his phone pressed to his ear. I paused just outside. “You got home okay?” he asked. A pause. “Good...yeah, he was pissed. No. No, he didn’t hurt me. I know.” Another pause, longer this time. “Yeah. I know. We’ll figure it out. I promise. What?” He groaned. “Uh, that girl was my stepsister, actually.” I could hear a feminine laugh from the phone, and he chuckled with her. “I know. I know. No, she won’t narc. She covered. Yeah. She’s good like that.” I reached for the doorframe. My fingers curled tight around it. “Don’t worry. I mean it, Maggie. She won’t say anything. She loves me. We’re family. She’s not like that.” His voice dropped, growing husky. “I love you, too, and I mean it. Everything will be fine. I got your back. I promise.” My nails dug into the wood. “Okay. Okay. Yeah. I should get back up. I’ll check on Summer—that’s her name. I’ll text her right now. Love you. Bye.” I heard the beep when he ended that call and had just a moment before I felt my phone buzzing. It was in my pocket on silent, as was my habit, and before I pulled it out, I took a moment to collect myself. He was an asshole, and this time I didn’t mean Caden. Kevin slept with me a little over three months ago, and he’d led me to believe he’d been involved with no one else seriously since then. I thought this would be our time, now that we’d be in school at the same place, but he was in love with another girl—one who had another guy fighting for her. My throat burned, and I blinked back the tears. I wouldn’t cry, not for Kevin. I had the answer I came for. I pulled away from the door, leaving my phone in my pocket. I wouldn’t even look at it. I made my way back up the stairs. I was turning down the hallway for that side door when I heard a familiar voice behind me. “Your stepbrother is a dick.” I turned around, my throat still burning. Caden stood there, not looking surprised. His hard eyes were locked on me, despite the girl plastered against his side. She had her arm around his waist. He was waiting for a response, and maybe he expected a denial. I didn’t know, but all I said was, “I couldn’t agree with you more.” His eyes widened, and surprise flashed in them, but I was done. I slipped out the door and left. I’d been so stupid.
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