Chapter 1

1416 Words
"You're going to die if you keep that up, Parker," Miracle commented as Jumin was attempting to braid her hair. "No I won't," Parker snapped ad he continued strip mining in the nether. "I know what I'm doing, okay?" "I bet you five dollars that he falls into lava with diamonds on him." Jumin stopped braiding and glanced at the computer screen. "I don't want to bet, because I know that it will happen," Jumin replied and combed Miracle's thick hair. Parker clicked his tongue. "I bet you both five dollars that I'll return home safely." Parker stopped strip mining and walked back to the portal. "Almost there," Parker mumbled to himself. He moved his character closer to the edge and fell down. "No. No! Go back! GO BACK! f**k!" Jumin was startled of Parker's scream and pulled Miracle's hair a little too hard. "OUCH!" Miracle yelled. "What was that for?!" Jumin pursed his lips. "Sorry." He peeked at Miracle's phone and saw that she was texting Yukine. "Don't you feel any pain when you two are texting?" Miracle turned her head towards him with a sad smile. "Just because she had to go back to Japan and we had to break up doesn't mean that we can't be friends." She paused and looked down to the ground. "I still care about her," she mumbled. Parker glared at Jumin. "Look at what you've done now. Even Kyung isn't that harsh. And that says a lot." Jumin left the comb in her hair and snatched her phone from her hands. "Hey!" "You're not going on your phone for the rest of the day." Miracle pouted. "But what if my dad texts me to go downstairs?" Jumin turned the screen of her phone on and held his finger up. He held it onto the fingerprint scanner and the phone unlocked. "I have you covered." Parker turned back to the game and clicked on respawn. Miracle sighed loudly. "I feel that this last year is going to be so boring," she groaned. "Skylar's taking online classes because of his new acting life, Ashton went to a filthy rich boarding school and Yukine is back in Japan. It's only the three of us now and that dumb class of ours." She looked at Jumin. "I don't want to start school tomorrow. I wish that everything is the same like last year." "It is what it is man." Jumin shrugged. "It's we have to either find other people to join our group or we three have to stick together." Parker scoffed. "I'd recommend the latter. The students in our class lowkey hate us. You know why?" "Because I'm one of the only black people in our class and they're racist?" Miracle guessed. "Maybe. But I was going to say that they hate that we're more superior than them." Jumin opened his mouth to say something, but shut it back. Parker got the chills when his phone chimed loudly. "s**t!" He screamed as he died again. He turned his phone on and saw that it was already 8 PM. He stretched his arms and stood up. "I'm too tired to continue this triggering game. I'm going home. Let's go Jumin." "One minute." Jumin finished braiding the last part of Miracle's hair. "Done! Yeah, let's go." Miracle followed them out of her room and they put their shoes on in front of the door. "Do you want to buy some ice cream on the way home?" Parker asked. Jumin nodded with a small smile. "Jumin smiling? Now that's a rare sight," Miracle mumbled. Parker heard what she said. "Really?" "I mean, Kyung and Min smile all the time. But Jumin? That s**t happens when there's a blue moon." Jumin glared at her as Parker frowned. "Are you sure?" Miracle nodded. "Weird. Cause he does it a lot." Jumin caught Parker's attention again when he asked when he wants to meet tomorrow so they can walk together with Miracle to school. Miracle just stared at them chatting. "They have become closer, haven't they?" Miracle thought. "And Jumin doesn't even like to smile. Does that mean?" Miracle gasped loudly. "Does that mean that they're dating?" "Miracle!" Miracle snapped out of her thoughts and saw Jumin and Parker already outside. "We're going. And we'll be here at 8 tomorrow morning," Jumin added. "Okay. Bye." "Bye." Miracle turned her phone on and texted Jumin. Miracle: Can you call me when you get home? I have something important to ask you. And pls don't tell Parker Jumin looked at his phone and responded at her text. JMK: Sure "Who was that?" Parker asked as he tried to peek at Jumin's phone. Jumin covered Parker's face with his hand. "Just Miracle sending a video to me," he replied and he slid his phone back in his pocket. "Are we still stopping for ice cream?" Parker reached for his wallet. "Oh yes! I have-" He stopped his tracks when he didn't feel his wallet in his pocket. Jumin looked back at him. "And I've left my wallet at home. Just great." "Then I can cover it." Jumin pressed his lips together when he didn't see his credit card. "And I've also left my credit card at home." They continued walking as Parker complained about not getting his ice cream. They stopped at the end of the road where they have to part ways. "Do you want to go tomorrow then?" Parker asked hopefully. "Miracle can go with us too then," he added quickly. "Yeah, I'd like that," Jumin replied with a small smile. "See you tomorrow then." "Bye! And remember! You have to be here at a quarter before 8!" They both turned their backs and walked the opposite direction to their houses. Jumin grabbed his phone and dialed Miracle's number. "What did you want to say?" "Didn't you guys go for ice cream?" Miracle asked. "We both forgot to bring money," Jumin responded. "Just ask me what you wanted to say." "Are you two dating?" Miracle blurted. Jumin choked on his saliva. "How did you come up with that?" "Because you two look so close now. And also like a perfect match." Jumin clicked his tongue. "Did you forget that he's straight?" "Ay, we thought that we're straight too in the past," Miracle argued. "And look how we turned out." Miracle paused. "Do you know how he feels about you? Do you like him." "Even if I do like him, he's straight." Jumin clenched his fist. "And I think that it'll stay that way." Jumin heard Miracle gasp and jumping around on the other line. "OH MY GOD YOU DO LIKE HIM!" Miracle squealed. "I DO NOT!" Jumin yelled, his voice echoing through his silent neighborhood as he felt his face grow hot out of embarrassment. "And don't you dare do stupid shit." The other side of the line was silent. "Miracle? What are you doing?" "Nothing!" She replied. Jumin heard many things moving. "I'll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight!" "Night." Jumin hung up and looked up at his house. "She's gonna do something stupid. I can feel it," Jumin thought. Jumin got in his house and took his shoes off. "June! I'm home!" Jumin announced as . "Good evening! I'm busy right now, but there's food at home!" He heard from the office. He walked up stairs and opened the door of his room.  As he let himself fall on his bed, his phone rang. He answered without looking at the screen. "Hello?" "I've come up with a plan!" Miracle announced proudly on the phone. "I think. After spending an hour reading some of my manga's, I've remembered many things that makes two guys fall in love!" "Hah? I said that I don't like him." "Stop lying! I've known you for many years and you do like him!" Miracle opened her notebook and flipped through the pages. She stopped when she saw the notes that she took down. "And you don't have to do a lot. You have to either let him rape you or you have to kidnap him so he can get Stockholm Syndrome." "Excuse me what?" Miracle frowned and turned the page. "Never mind that. I was on the wrong page. Now the real plan is... Yeah, I don't have one really." "I'm hanging up." "No, no, NO PLEASE WAI-" He hung up before Miracle could finish her sentence. "How can someone be so useless?" Jumin mumbled as he tossed his phone on his bed.
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