"Chapter 10" Dream Girl

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"Boss, you need to wake up....., it's morning, 7:30 am," Steve was yelping in his ears. " Shut up Steve, get lost from here," Liam looks furious because of the irritation that Steve was creating. "But did you forget, your Maya is waiting for you," Steve said in a funny creepy voice. "What the heck," Liam throws his blanket away on Steve, and gets into the bathroom. "Sir, you are taking her so seriously, " Steve said while Liam was setting his hair. "She challenged me, I want to show her that she is wrong," Liam snickered and was set to go. "I will wake her up while she is sleeping, imagine how romantic it will turn", he places his hands over Steve's shoulders and makes him imagine the scene. " She is like a wild cat, who can snatch your face when she feels danger," Steve replied. " You destroyed my dream," Liam scoffs. He grabbed his keys and went downstairs. "My lord, you are not having your breakfast," Steve said. "That's fine, maybe I am going to have dinner with her," Liam smirked and left. " In your dreams," Steve sneered and Liam ran away. "What will I tell Master about him?" Steve widens his eyes and bites his nails. "Let's go meet my dream girl," Liam was inclined toward her but refused it cause Liam King never got in love with any girl. He drives to her house and gets mesmerized by the look. He was banging the horn but the security guard was not opening the gate. "Wooden house, " he came out of his car and pouted. " Who the hell are you, why aren't you opening it?" He growls at him. " Let him in.....," Maya's voice comes and the guard opens the door. "This has to be the last time you bastard," he warns that guard and drive in. Maya was waiting for him, he got in and lingered in the hall. "Maya... Maya... Maya...., she is rich, but not richer than me, " he smirked and saw her coming. She was wearing activewear, tights, and a half sports bra. Liam was stunned to see her look. She walked in and he stood in front of her. " Just on time," he smiled. "Where are we going?" He inquired. " Come and drive, but it looks like you are in the mood to work out?" He said. " So, do you work out in a suit?" She said and he beamed. "But I have nothing to wear like this you know work out and like sweating, I can't take in these," He was peeking at his dress shirt he wears and jeans. She came closer to him and moved her hands towards his buttons. " Hey.....," he got embarrassed and Maya favored to unbutton his shirt. " What do you want to do?" He was stunned and staring at her. She takes off his shirt and throws it on the couch. " Now you are ready to go," she said and he was in his innerwear and dress pants. " I am not linking it," he stretched his singlet and pouted. " It's looking good on you," she said and walked forward. "You are probably liking it," he winks his eyes and walks behind her. "In my car?" He asked. She nods and walks to his car. " Let's drive to it," they were in the car, and Liam was driving the car. Maya was giving him directions and he was driving round and round. "Where do you want to go?" He stopped the car at the roadside. He was driving an hour ago, and she was not letting him stop anywhere. " Ms. Miller, where do you want to go?" He appealed. " Gym, " she let out. " That gym near your house?" He asked. "Yeah, " she wears her glasses cause she knows he is going to cry out. " What are you doing? That's not a path of five minutes, and you let me drive for an hour? " "Do you have any problems?" She turned to him and he was speechless. " No, right, I am your driver, look, Liam King is delivering as a driver," he mocks. He was tired out and again drove to her house line. She got out of the car and threw her bag on Liam's face. "Bring it in, " she said and strolled inside. "Right, now I am her servant," He sighed and went inside. "So you invite me here to do all this?" He narrowed his eyes on her. "Ahan," she replied. " Do I have to be that puppy who will follow you up all day long?" She again nodded at his words. " Right, dear Ms. Miller, you are not aware of me," he points his finger at her and she glares at him. " What did you say?" She came a little closer and his tongue stumble. Aaaa....., nothing," he gulped his anger. " "That's good for you," she replied and veered around. "What she thinks of herself, once she gets abundant by me then I will tell her who I am", he peeks at her. She frowned at her brows and Liam flinched his face a bit. "Ahhhhhh....," he turned back, but there was nobody. " Dunderhead, this is you, come here", she said and pointed her finger at him. " Me....., why?" He walked to her and she was staring at him. "Pick it up....., " she jerked her head to the side and Liam saw a heavy weight dumble here. "What the heck? Don't you see I am perfect," Liam said and she sneered. " I don't care if you are perfect or whatever, pick it up, 10 times", she smiled and sat aside on the shelf. " No....., not at any chance, this is the heaviest weight here," Liam had widened his eyes on her and she was sipping the bottle slowly. " I said I don't care, show me now," she insisted. "I will never, " he replied and she placed the bottle down with a thud. " So you're never going to have my story and me", she said he came closer and stared into her eyes. " After doing this I can have you?" He asked. "Definitely......, you can, that was the deal," she answered back. " Okay......, " he replied and walked to the dumble. He lies and tries to pick it up. " That was too heavy too heavy.....," Liam does workout every day but when it's a hang out at night he would never wake up so early and give it a try at a workout. "So like other girls, this will impress you?" He gives a sarcastic smile. "This is not what impresses me, I just want to see how much power you got inside", "I have heard that Liam King is a powerful man, today I want to see what it really means from the inside," she comes close to him and peeks at his body. " You look good, let's see what we got outside is really mean from inside," she smirked and stood at some distance. He placed his hands on the rod to pressure it up, but that was hefty, and Liam had to pull out all of his power. He earned it up, but in no time he rolled it back. "9 more, " she called out, but Liam was breathing heavily. " Yeah, 9 more huh," he cracked up and laid again. " Phiuuuuuu....., " he took a long breath and seized out the bulky weight again. "2," she whispered and stood near him. " Don't take it down, do it in rhythm, " she smirked and was clearly challenging him. He takes out the air from his nostrils and clenches the pull it up again, all of the people circle him and watch him showing that remarkable strength. " You are incredible", someone shouted from the crew, and Maya curled her eyes to the side. She saw women admiring him and talking about his body. "5......," he let out and Maya placed her hand on his. He stopped and she was peeking at him with fire in her eyes. " What......, " he was tugging all the air inside his nose and the crowd stopped yelling. "That's enough, " she let out. "I can do it, " Liam said. " I said, enough, so enough," She veered around and Liam obeyed her. "No one ever gave me commands, " he cleaned his sweat and posed on that same railing. She peeks her eyes at his shaped body, and someone wails from behind. "Who the hell are you? Let him do it, " A bulky man shouted from her back. She turned back, and Liam clenched his fist. "Hello, Ms. Why are you coming between, we are watching him doing it, " that man glared at her and Liam stood behind her. That man looked into Liam's glaring eyes, he was ready to wrench out his eyes that were glaring at Maya. "Who the hell are you to watch him?" Maya answered back that bulky man. And Liam was impressed by her bravery. "For today, he is my property, I will let him do whatever I want, and pests like you are not allowed to interfere, " she smirked, and that man got out of his control He took up his hand and was ready to slap Maya. But suddenly a strong hand gripped his hand. Maya watched Liam gripping his hand and was about to yank it. "Should I?" He asked Maya. "Please let me go....., " that man screamed. " I love to watch people like him in pain, so yes," she answered and Liam twisted his whole arm and hand, he screamed and everyone came to apart them. But Liam was firmly twisting all the bones of his hands. " Admit the guilt......, " he let out and that man widened his eyes.
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