"Chapter 13" Everyone here is pregnant

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"What are you doing? Just come out," she said. "No, I am not coming, I am staying out there, I don't like the odor there, " he said and found her glaring at him. " Okay, coming," he came out and they walked to the entrance. " You go inside I am standing here, " he said. " Do you want me to touch you? " She asks. " Why not, you can ..... " those words came out of his mouth and she clutched his hand and dragged him with her. " What are you doing?" He asked. "You want me to touch you, so I am touching you," she smiled and Liam became calm seeing her smiling. Liam saw a woman with a protruding stomach come in front of them. "Oh, my she has eaten a lot of food, " he chuckled and Maya veered around to him with an irritated face. "Stop being stupid, " she said and a soft smile crammed her lips. She was about to turn but suddenly she saw Sophia here, her eyes went wide and she rounded off on the back of Liam. " What happened?" Liam was stunned and Sophia noticed him. "Liam King, " she lets out and Maya sighs and closes her eyes. "Oh, let me lie low, " he said and she tweaked his back flesh. " Stand straight don't move, don't let her see me," she said. He closes his legs and stands straight in front of her. " She is coming you will not make it", he warns her and Maya sees a suppliance table in front of her, she runs and gets to her knees to hide herself, thank goodness, Maya was a lightweight woman who could hide behind this table so easily "But why what's the matter?" He was baffled and Sophia was strolling towards him. " My King, what are you doing here? " She asked with a perplexed countenance. "Same question, " he gives a tight smile. "I am looking for Doctor Farkanda, " she said and suddenly Maya's brain got attention. "Yes, Same", he replied and his heartbeat was pounding. " This...., this is the place where ladies come and you are not a lady nor having a wife", she chuckled. " I... I have a problem to be discussed with the doctor, " Maya hears him and slams her head lightly with her hand, Liam feels so dense here. "Are you serious? I have seen you and you are all perfect," She tries to get sensual with him, but Liam predicts that. "What to do with you, go do your work," he said and turned. "I can help you with this, my King, " Sophia went so courteously. " No, I don't need your help, go away," he turned his face to the side and Sophia went dull. " Okay, but you need to think about me, " she said and Liam glared at her. " Okay,..... Okay, leaving, " she said and left. " Clear, you can come out," he said and Maya came out from behind the table. " Are you stupid? Do you come here to discuss some problems? And you have been with her too?" She asked with a chuckle and then made a disgusting face. "Just forget it, that was a mistake, why were you hiding?" He asked and her smile faded. " Nothing, let me meet Farkanda, " she smirks. "Do you know her? She is heading to the same doctor, " He notified and she nodded. " Wait for me here, I will be right back," she said and Liam nodded. " This is so embarrassing everyone here is pregnant", Liam roams his eyes everywhere. "So people who are pregnant come here?" His mind clicked. "That means that girl, Sophia is pregnant with my child," he said. "No... No, I saw her getting far with that stupid too," he brushed off his thoughts and waited for Maya. " Hello, doctor Farkanda", Sophia was sitting in front of a beautiful blonde lady, her cheeks were rosy pink, her features were alluring she had a cute nose and apple cheeks she also had blue eyes and white skin, she was wearing blue top and jeans and wearing a white coat upon. " So what's the matter, Sophia?" She asks politely. " Doctor, I am pregnant, one day ago I checked it, and that was positive and in the morning I got a lab test again, and that is positive," Sophia explained. "So, isn't it good news?" Farkanda smiles. "No, it isn't, I want to get rid of this problem," Sophia demands. " But this is against our law", She said. " Please, doctor, do anything I will give as big payment as you want, but get rid of it inside me", Sophia pleased her, and Farkanda was stunned. " Do you have your husband's consent?" She asked and Sophia came to be silent. "Sophia we need your husband's consent," Farkanda demands. "But I don't have a husband," she brings fake tears and Farkanda feels so bad for her. "How did all this happen? " Farkanda asks. "That man just uses me and leaves me alone, I don't want this child to get into this world without a name," she cried and Farkanda patted her shoulder. " Ms. Sophia please don't cry", she said and Sophia clean her tears. " Tell me then what to do?" Sophia asked. " You need to calm down, first, we have to look at the ultrasound, can you show me the reports?" Farkanda asks for her reports. "Oh my, it's been 12 weeks, do you know there is a great risk to having this abortion?" She pulled her brows. "Why didn't you predict it before?" The doctor asks. "I was... I was like living in heaven, in real life, I just don't predict it, and after this sickening, I tested it at home, " Sophia said. " Sophia you need to get all the tests first, then we will decide what to do, okay, " she said and Sophia nodded. " You can go, my dear, " Farkanda said and Sophia quit. "You can come out, " Farkanda said and Maya walked out and stood in front of her. Farkanda glances and her and her eyes become watery She goes off and hugs Maya so tight. " So glad to have you back, " she said and Maya hugged her back. " Thank you for remembering me always", Maya's eyes looked like a crystal She cleaned her friend's eyes and took her seat beside Farkanda. " So what to do now? " Farkanda asks. " I don't know why these bitches got that blessing to give birth, "Maya looks irritated. " God knows," Farkanda replied. " I don't want her to abort this child, make situations which would not let her abort this," Maya said. "But Rose......, " she let out and Maya turned abruptly. "I mean Maya, I can't stop her from going to other centers, you know cause mine is so famous I can make her stop but what to do with others", Farkanda said. " I know your connections, and I know you can do this," she smirks and Farkanda sighs. " Okay, just for you", Farkanda hugged her and the matter got sorted. " You slept with him, that person I always wanted to be my life, that person I loved with my whole heart, ripped off me because of you, that girl who got found on another bed," Maya Smirks. " Now you will taste the real bitterness, I will be waiting for that moment when you get lost in your body your career, and your identity," She was thinking all this in her mind and suddenly Farkanda came. "Is that dunderhead with you? " She asked. "Don't you know him? He is Liam's king," Maya said. "Yes, I know he is so handsome but I know my friend is interested in him, so dunderhead is the right justification for him, " She smiled. "Please let him in and don't explain to him about our friendship, " Maya smiled and Farkanda let Liam into her office. "Where did you go?" He was in an assertive mood. " I am so sorry, this center is so vast I got lost but I found her," Maya smiled and every time she smiled that took away his stress. " Let's go, do it quickly," Liam said and she nodded. Farkanda brings them into the special room and closes the door. Liam sees numerous babies lying on their little beds. What we are doing here? Liam asks. "Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you, yeah, I forgot, this is a nursery, Harley Street clinic, there is a baby someone left him there a woman, sorry a rich woman who doesn't want this child, I am going to donate some for that newborn," she said and Liam's heart went so gleaned. " You are so nice," he said. " Hmmm...., " she smiled. "So what about your boyfriend?" He asked. " I do not have a boyfriend, I was teasing you, " she smirked and Liam got butterflies in his stomach. He got mesmerized and now was aware that this was going to be an act of kindness. " Here he is", Farkanda said. " Oh, he is so delicate," Maya lets out and Farkanda bestows her little child. He was hardly one month old but was healthy and chubby. Liam's eyes went wide he had never seen a baby, and Maya was holding that gift in her arms. " Do you want to hold him? " Maya asked and he softly nodded his head. He takes that baby into his arms and sees him yawning so delicately. "He is so soft", Liam's eyes looked so innocent and Maya felt profound by his remarkable act. He was caressing that child and dancing while taking this child in his arms. "You feel something about him," Farkanda was smiling at her. " No, this is not my type", Maya said but her eyes were stuck to that cute guy. " Look, Maya he is so cute, " he gets closer to her and Maya touches his cheeks. He is so cute, she replied and Liam looked so happy that he never seemed to be. Sometimes what we see is not the justification of something, she whispered and Farkanda heard her.
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