"Chapter 5" Rebirth from Pain

1665 Words
Rose was sleeping, and suddenly that truck came in front of her eyes, and afterward, the blood spilled everywhere. She got up from her sleep as her breath was getting out of control, she drank water and sat on her bed. " These tears will stay forever until you don't compel you to get a rebirth from your pain," she saw herself in a mirror. "Who are you?" She asked. "I am you, you are me, I am that thing whom you are suppressing inside, let me out, and you will see those enemies will sip from the same glass that they make us drink," she said, and suddenly that talking Rose fades away. She was stunned and thought deep inside her. . The next morning Rose was sitting in her room, she was sitting on her chair and placing her hands on the desk in front of her, where books were lying that belonged to her. "Grandpa purchased every book that I wrote", she was reading one of them and was smiling brightly. A beam of sun rays touched her face, which was coming from the small place vacated by the curtain, she looked into that light and remembered those moments she lived with that person whom she loved like her soul. And rapidly she felt so disgusted, he was her calm, but now he had become her abhorrence. She takes out her page and starts writing something. " Why do people trust and get broke, why does a person whom you love become the most abhorred one, " " Why is it important to get broke for revealing someone's reality, " " This story starts with that love which becomes the loathed thing, that was indispensable to get destroyed," " Yes, this is what you need to write," she heard a manly voice from behind her. " What are you doing here? " She asked and closed her eyes that was a smart and tall man took his steps towards her, his green eyes were alluring, and his face shape looked like a greek God, he had a sharp slip face. As his cheekbones and jawline were visible, he had dark hair and clear skin, he had a long and narrow nose, and he was wearing a dashing suit, he was young and handsome. "Why this roughness?" He asked politely and sat on her bed. " Get out of my room," She commanded. " You still have those guts, you know," he said. "I don't want those guts anymore," Rose whispered. " But these are in your blood, and can't be apart," He said. " Why are you saying all this? I lost my everything, now my name turns, only just a name," she cleans her eyes. "Who said that? You know you are a star", He smirked, and Rose swirled her eyes. " That star who had fallen from the sky," she gave a wistful smile, and he looked down. "You still belong to that sky, you are still a star," he said. " You never fell, you got saved, saved by me, who always wanted to get you safe," he looked deep into her eyes. "You know what Rose we think that the moon is ampler than all the stars in the sky, they worship the moon, but if we get a close view then we know that the stars are bigger than the moon and that the jacked-up moon is absorbing their light to get shine, but once that star stopped to giving light to the moon the star shined more than the moon," his words were confusing as well Rose was frowning at him. " What did that mean?" She asks. "That means Jackson was a moon who was shining from your light, but now you are alone, and he is nothing, you can generate your light from inside, but Jackson will fall apart, and I know you want to see his destruction," He let out and Rose stayed in one place, but suddenly her grandfather's face comes in front of her eyes. " I don't want to shine, even though I am leaving this place," Rose looked away and that man clenched his jaw. "I can't let my grandfather in trouble, I want him to be saved with me, I am not safe but I can make him", "I have no such strength to see another murder of mine close ones, " she said. " And I want some money Ethan, can you grant......," he placed his finger on her lips. "Do you want to see your brother and father's grave? " He asked and suddenly her eyes filled with tears, she nodded and Ethan cleaned her eyes. " Come with me," he clutched her hand and they walked downstairs. "Where are you going? She can't go anywhere," Her grandfather comes their way. " Grandpa, she is safe with me, are you doubting me?" He asked and his grandfather took his seat back. "Don't be late, don't......, " he said and Rose kissed his forehead. " I will not, " she said and walked with Ethan. Ethan drives his car to the graveyard, then stops the car in the parking lot and Rose stands in front of the gate. "Come," he held her hand and they kept walking, Rose was seeing different graves and suddenly her eyes fell on someone familiar, she stopped and stuck her eyes on him. " Liam king......, " Ethan gained her attention. " Can I get a closer look?" She asked and he turned his eyes on armed men standing at some distance. " We can't that man is dangerous," Ethan said. "How do you know him?" He asked, and Rose remembered the last night. "Forget it, " she was trying to get a closer look and suddenly she saw him crying and he got kneeled on the grave. "This is his mom's grave, he comes here every morning before heading for work," Ethan said. " So you are stocking him?" She asks with a smirk. "Yes, everyone does that, he is a dream of every businessman like me", Ethan said. " But never got a chance to deal with him", Ethan closed his eyes and Rose turned to him. " Let's go to where we are supposed to be, I am not interested in watching some dunderhead", She said and walked afore, Ethan stood confused and followed her steps. "I missed you, I am sorry on Friday I just missed the day, but I remember you, you know nah?" Liam asks about her mother's grave. " I love you so much, you are my angel, my beauteous angel," He said. Liam never showed his tears and concern for his mother he loved her so much and still missed her. " You know Mom, I found someone", he chuckles and recalls Rose's face. " That girl was so different, she slapped me, you know slapping Liam King is an act of bravery and she does, she literally throws her hand on my face, " Liam smirked. She looks powerful and nice, the way you were at your young age, he smiled and burst into tears again. Ethan stopped in front of a concrete grave, and Rose stared at that grave. "Yes this is your grave", Ethan said and she scuffed to control her tears. And on some distance, he showed her the grave of her father and brother, and there she burst into tears. "No....., no.....", she kneels and touches the surface of the grave. " Father......, Bro.....," her voice was cracking apart. She sniffs, and Ethan holds her in her arms. "Hold on, hold on....," he cleaned her eyes but she was not quitting those tears. " They are gone," Ethan said and she wept more. "Why.... Why..... Why," She was screaming and Ethan was trying hard to hold her. "That's all because of your wrong choice, you never turn your eyes on me", he said and she looked up at him. But after a sec she cried more. " My brother was so young," she let out in a small voice. "We were planning for his marriage, but he said he would get married after he got done with your marriage, but that Jackson was a black sheep, he never wanted to get married to you, " Ethan said. " And you never put your eyes on him who wants to, " he was holding her and then he pushed her up and hugged her tight. "I was unaware of that, I was unaware of everything," she cried and he patted her back. At that moment Liam was walking to the way, her back was exposed to him and he stopped in his way. "My king," Steve asks. " Is she the same girl? " He asked. "I don't know My king, " he replied, and suddenly his phone rang. " Okay, I am coming," he left for some significant piece. " Rose, please, stop crying.....," Ethan cleans her eyes and she gets some vitality to stand. "Can you give me a minute with my family?" She asks and Ethan walks to some distance. "I am sorry, I am so sorry," she cried and touched the way of his father's feet. " I know you are not going to forgive me, but I promise I will let him let out these bloody tears more intensely than mine," she glared up with teary eyes filled with aggression. " I will do this....., you are going to see and feel the same pain, " " You made fun of my love, my life, if you want that money then why didn't you let it out from your disgusting mouth, " she let out in scorn. " I was right, I need to take a new start, and this will end your world, " she got off and threw her steps towards Ethan. He was staring at her face and cleaning her tears up.
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