Chapter 2: f**k Asher!

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Lindsay POV. "Asher!" I screamed his name as I entered the sitting room. I didn't care about the consequences. The only thing I cared about was pouring out my anger on him. What he did was so uncalled for and inhumane. "Asher!" I shouted, heading upstairs. "Yes, darling" he had a smirk on his face as he walked down the stairs to meet me. He knew what he had done and he most definitely loved the pain I felt. "How could you? It was the only job I had. How could you be so heartless!" I screamed at him, making sure I was far enough from him to avoid getting hit. "The job has gotten to your head. You should stay home. That way, your senses will surely return" I resisted the urge to rush over to him and drag him down the stairs, but I knew that was impossible. He was stronger than me. If I tried that, I would be the one going down the stairs. "So what? I'm going to stay here and worship your feet for the rest of my life?" "That doesn't sound like a bad idea" "You are pathetic. A crazy person!" He tutted. "Watch that tone, Lindsay. For your sake" "f**k you" I whispered in disgust and headed to the door. "You will eventually come back." He said loud enough for me to hear. I wished I could tell him; No, but that would be a lie. He was right, I would eventually come back, for the sake of Leia. He used her to trap me down because he knew if she wasn't there, I would have been long gone. As I walked through the quiet boulevard, I thought about going back to my parent, but I immediately frowned at the idea. I hated them as much as I hated Asher. I once told them about Asher's constant abuse, but they didn't want to hear the end of my story. All they were interested in was his money. I wasn't gaining anything from our marriage. Our love life sucked, and our s*x life was way worse. Asher always insisted we pray before s*x. That was crazy. He also didn't believe in foreplay. All he cared about was fulfilling his satisfaction, rather than mine. Instead of getting pleasure, I always ended up sore, but never for once did I complain. I sat down on a platform and waited patiently for night to fall. When it did, I ambled to a nearby bar. I planned to spend the last money I had on me on alcohol. I wanted to feel life a little. I didn't care if it was a sinful place. All my mind screamed was "f**k Asher" as I watched the barman prepare my drink "Thank you" I smiled at him. I was going to drink into a stupor. All I wanted was to forget everything. Forget Asher, even forget the fact that I was married. I drank the first, second, third, and fourth cups. I was more than wasted. I barely even knew what was happening around me. Even the worried bartender, was reluctant to refill my cup, but he did. Someone sat beside me as I drank my life out. I was too focused on the drink to give a f**k. I rushed the alcohol to the extent I choked and I felt the hot drink in my nose as coughed. "Hey, easy" A hand guided the drink down from my mouth. I turned to look at the person. Even in my drunk state, I could still tell how handsome he was. His black-haired taper fade cut was perfect for his well-sculpted face. His chiseled jawline was a highlight of its own. As I stared at his blue dazzling eyes, I felt lost. I couldn't take my eyes off it. Then reality suddenly hit me. That was the same way I looked at Asher 7 years ago. Looks could be deceiving. "You don't look like the type to be at the club," he said to me as I sipped the drink more slowly this time. He was right. My long pleated skirt and long-sleeved shirt were not club attire, but I didn't care as long as it wasn't illegal. "And you don't seem like the type to talk to a woman like me" "You think so?" "I know so" I slurred. The drink had already gotten into my head. He turned to the bartender to order his drink. While he was at it, I pulled off my ring as fast as I could. I didn't know why, but I just wanted him not to know I was married. That action was induced by the sinful thoughts that kept clouding my mind as I stared at him. The drink was the main cause. But I liked it. I like the fact that I felt hyped and able to do anything at that point. "Don't you think you have had enough to drink?" He turned to look at me "I'm Just getting started" "You are drunk" "Not drunk enough. I want to get so drunk that I would forget everything" He leaned closer to me and examined me closely. Although I was drunk, I still felt the tension. He was too close. I didn't think he realized that. "Does it have anything to do with this?" he pointed at my face as he leaned away. "Yes," I blurted out truthfully. "Is it ..." "Don't ask me what happened" I didn't let him finish. "I wasn't going to ask you what happened. I was going to ask if all this is worth it. You don't have to go through pain for anyone" As he said those words, tears welled up in my eyes, but I blinked rapidly to curb them from falling. I chuckled, trying to act like I didn't know what he was saying. "I didn't get your name by the way" "Shaun" "Well you are such a gentleman Shaun," I remarked. "Can I ask you for a favor Shaun?" "Shoot" he took the drink from the bartender after muttering a brief thank you. "You have a home right?" That was a silly question. He looked well to do with the way he was dressed and the way he carried himself. "I do" "Take me there" I blurted out without regrets. He was taken aback by my courage. Even I was stunned. The drink had a more stronger effect than I thought it had. But I was sure that was what I wanted. I didn't want to go back to Asher that night. If Shaun turned me down, I would be crawling back to my husband. That, I didn't want. "You are brave" he took a sip from his glass. "No, just desperate" "Hiding?" "No" I lied. "Okay then, I will help you. You can spend a night at my house" I smiled warmly. That was the most daring thing I had done since 7 years ago and the only thing that kept ringing in my head was. " f**k Asher" but my fear still lingered.
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