Brian Prousky spent most of his life as two distinct people. The first held a day job and raised a family and was public and sociable. The second ruminated over sentences and wrote books in secret and dreamed of a living a literary life. They shared little in common, mostly their obsessions: Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Mozart, Saul Bellow, Roberto Bolano, tennis and hockey.
Somehow, summoning up a kind of courage or resolve he’d assumed was absent from his DNA, the first Brian Prousky left his day job, revealed his secret and dedicated himself full-time to writing. And the two Brian Prouskys became one. Now the author of four novels, Auden Triller (Is A Killer), God Might Forgive Gershwin Burr, The Anna Geller Invention and Healing Brian Esseintes, as well as a collection of short stories, Jupiter the Stupider, and two books of poetry, Body of Winter and Meeting Poems, he lives and works in Toronto, where most of his characters, who struggle with secret and often conflicted lives of their own, and who never quite fit in, do as well.
Auden Triller (Is A Killer), God Might Forgive Gershwin Burr, The Anna Geller InventionHealing Brian EsseintesJupiter the StupiderBody of WinterMeeting Poems,* * *
To learn more about Brian Prousky, visit his author page on Next Chapter"s website.