Chapter Nineteen: Sounded Like a Body

1075 Words

Harley It’s funny how a person can look so different after you’ve had a little break from them. Not Eli, he was exactly the same. But it was like I was seeing Anthony with fresh eyes. How had I never noticed how deliciously appealing he was? I’d always had a soft spot for tall men, and that red beard was absolutely adorable. I got the sense that he wanted to have a physique like Brendan, and be all bad-boy biker, but he looked great just the way he was. He had this lithe way of moving that wasn’t even put on and it sat so beautifully juxtaposed to his mild voice. And he was just so sweet, and gentle, and… charming. Without even trying. There had been doubts in my mind about coming back to work with Elijah. I knew things might get squirmy and awkward, but I was between jobs again

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