Chapter Twenty-Four: The Bull

1607 Words

Elijah Despite all the disturbing s.hit that had gone down since we arrived at Westbane, I was exhausted and desperate to sleep. Or maybe it was because of it all. Whatever the case, before I even closed my eyes, I heard Jeremy starting to snore, then I felt the bunkbed shift when Brendan climbed over me, and that's the last thing I remembered. I don’t know how long I slept before the dreams started. “Henry! Henry!” I heard someone calling out, and I turned, knowing that they were talking to me. I was surprised to see Mayah running toward me. She was dressed in a strange, old-fashioned dress, with long sleeves and a high collar, with a white pinafore on top. Her long curly hair had been tamed into a single thick braid over her shoulder. Even stranger than her dress was my reaction. Ju

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