Chapter Twenty-Two: Wicked Girl

954 Words

Elijah I dashed across the hallway into the dining room and skidded to a halt. My mouth dropped open and I felt like I needed to rub my eyes, because I couldn’t be seeing this. Harley was all over Jeremy, while Jeremy stood like a statue. She had her arms around his neck, and was shamelessly grinding on him. Jealousy bloomed up in my chest and for a second I just stood there, caught up in how I felt. What the f.uck, she doesn’t want to be with me anymore, doesn’t even want to work with me, but she’s climbing all over my best friend? Hearing Jay whimper in discomfort, I came to and yelled, “Dude!” I heard running footsteps behind me, and I was quickly flanked by Mayah on one side and Anthony on the other. “Jeezus Harley, what are you doing?” Anthony muttered. Tony’s presenc

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