
2310 Words

"But there were other things," she interrupted, "I told you. Pressure—money matters—want—my people—trouble. You understood the whole sordid situation. I could not help it. It was not my will. I was sacrificed, or I sacrificed, have it as you wish. But, my God! Dave, I gave you up! You never did me justice. Think what I have gone through!" "It was not your will? Pressure? Under high heaven there was no thing to will you to this man's bed or that." "But I cared for you all the time," she pleaded. "I was unused to your way of measuring love. I am still unused. I do not understand." "But now! now!" "We were speaking of this man you saw fit to marry. What manner of man was he? Wherein did he charm your soul? What potent virtues were his? True, he had a golden grip,—an almighty golden grip.

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