
SEASONS : Origin of new Guardians.

magical world
Supreme Me Fiction Writing Contest

Asher is the hero of this story. He is one of the intelligent person in his planet. One day when he got a book named "BOOK OF SPRING". His life started to change and unfortunately, he participated between war of GUARDIANS and PURE.

As every story in this also has very ferocious and evil character as villain. He was called as PURE. His aim to destroy the Lord Creator and his Guardians to dust and take whole universe in his control.

In this journey, Asher comes to know truth about him and his responsibility of power. But winning a war between Pure is not easy, Asher will be lose everything and everyone he loves .


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In the universe, more planets are in the stage of conflict.  Where many planets are in process of fabricate new species. And some few planets are facing the war and destruction.       From the few planets,                 Orla planet is ever blooming green trees and plants. It is a very beautiful place where there are many different kinds of flora and fauna. Birds are singing in forest.  “Chirp… Chirp… Shriek……”         But, one day in Orla planet, people are turned as monsters. And the monsters are screaming loudly.   “Awwww…..”                  The happiest planet turned into horrible place.        Those monsters are controlled by one person. Who stands middle of the chaos; he looks so ferocious and strong.  His arms and chest was filled with many symbols. And he wears the Anklet on his left foot.               On the Orla planet, only four people are not turned into monsters. Those people are trying to fight against the mysterious person. But they can’t able to do anything. So they planned to escape from the planet. He saw four people are escaping from the planet and he shouted                        “Asher you can’t escape, you need to face me. It’s your faith”.          Many years before, Orla planet was facing a war between near planets.  To intricate the kingdom,        Each planet fight with other to procure the war using heavy weapons, bombs…         Fizz… Fizz…. Fizz…..                    Splat… boom….boommm…..      By this war many warriors are died, therefore all men and women in the planet are forced to participate together in the conflict.      In second star time, a boy was born and his parents named him Asher, he lived with his parents fortunate. While he was studying college, the conflict was so consequential. Therefore his parents are also included.     Finally, the war comes to an end but his parents are not returned. He comes to know that his parents are died in the war.      Asher can’t able to accept his parent’s death.  He cried and shouted loud.             Waa….waah…..                      Aargh…..Aargh……       Asher started to live alone. He finished his studies and become the most intelligent person on his planet. His aim is to protect other people if war comes, without loss of life the conflict should comes to an end.     So he started research to safe guard the planet from the future conflict. For his research, college has appointment a girl. Her name was Sarah. They both started research but they don’t communicate with each other.        Asher is not so talkative person. Therefore, he does not say anything to her. Also Sarah was childish so, she can’t able concentrate in the research.      They research went much delay and slow. But Sarah likes Asher very much because he will help her always.      Asher will not speak with Sarah but he will care her very much.        On his birthday, he started his day casual without any excitement; he hates his birthday because he is still sad about his parents.  Then he went to college for doing his research.       Sarah unknowingly finds today was Asher’s birthday. So she gave him a gift for his birthday.  Asher avoided it first, but she keeps on insisted to get the gift. So at finally Asher accepts the gift.      Then Asher returned to his home. He opens the gift and sees what she gave to him. And it was like a story book but it so look different. Asher saw the book name and it was says                 ~~“BOOK OF SPRING”~~         Asher started to read the book for Sarah. When he started to read the story he noticed his name was written in that book as character. He thought it was a coincidence, and then continued to read.        And in that book, there mentioned about time power of the Creator. Suddenly while reading the book Asher got some flash of memories like four people stands against one person. The person looks so powerful and he shouted to them   “THE WAR BETWEEN THE GUARDIANS AND PURE IS STARTED”.       After he finished reading the book, Asher was so confused about the flash of memories. He thought it all happens because of the book and it could be magical.      Asher thought to find the author of the book, but he can’t able to open the book again.         Suddenly the name of the book has changed into                     ^^“BOOK OF FALL”^^        He was thinking it is true or not and confused about it. And Asher planned to search about the book in internet, but he didn’t find anything related.        Asher doesn’t know what happened but he finds there is something wrong in this book. At that time he thinks if the book is magical and it’s possible to the time power of the Creator will be true.       He thought by using the time power of Creator helps to bring back his parents alive.          And Asher took that book and went to Sarah’s home to find any clues. After some distance he reached her house and knocked the door. Sarah opened the door and saw it was Asher. Sarah asked “What happened to you Asher?” but Asher didn’t answer for that question.      “Where do you get that book?” Asher asked.      “This book was given by my grandfather. What’s the problem?” Sarah said, in confusion about Asher.           “I need to meet your grandfather” Asher said, he is in hurry.     The Sarah took Asher to her grandfather room. They both went to meet him, but her grandfather in bed because he is in paralyzed stage.       The monitor shows the vital sign of grandfather heartbeat.                BEEP… BEEP….BEEP….    The heartbeat of grandfather is slower than the normal person. Her grandfather heart beats once for one minute. It was too strange for Asher.      “We need to find the same or related to this book in your grandfather’s room” Asher said.      “What was happened?” Sarah asked.     “I got more but in short version. I got some flash of memories and at last the name of the book has changed. Then I can’t able to open the book, that’s it” Asher said.       For Sarah it was so confusion what Asher told to her, though she not asked to him about anything. Because she afraid of after asking question again he only make it worse by explaining.      They both started to search grandfather’s room for clues about the Book of Spring and found a book, which is covered with dust.      Sarah took the book and cleaned. After they saw the book it was named as                             The book looks different and it was made by wood. It appears like an ancient book.        Asher noticed that the both books had similar symbols on top of the book. He thought the symbol is says something.     “I saw the creator word in that book. There is some connection between these two books and to your grandfather” Asher said.     But the book was locked they searched for the key but they can’t found it. Another way is also became dead end for Asher. AUTHOR:   Asher journey is started. In this journey he finds truth about him. And participate in the war of guardians and pure.   

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