What was wrong with Richard?

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Derek POV. I didn't expect Nora to break up with me;we used to fight and not talk for a week at most. I didn't take it seriously;Nora couldn't stay away from me,and the only reason she said that was to get my attention. Nora accepted my invitation. We went to Green Restaurant,a French restaurant. We had been here countless times before,and Nora was a VIP here,and each time we enjoyed the highest courtesy. This time was no exception. The cost here is not cheap,and I can't afford it with my income level. But it doesn't matter;every time,the person who pays the bill is Nora. The first time I came here,Nora brought me here,and I only said that the foie gras here was delicious. During that time,she asked me to come here almost every day. Of course,she paid the bill every time. It's easy to coax this woman,just a bunch of cheap roses or a few words of love without money,and she would be very happy. As for her saying she doesn't love me?To break up with me?This is absolutely impossible. This stupid woman can do everything for me,and this is a fact that everyone knows. It's always been like this before,and I'm sure this time will be no exception. While I was thinking this,the waiter had led us to our exclusive seats. It was a good time to show gentlemanly manners. I immediately pulled out a chair for her and thoughtfully prepared a glass of Euryale water for her as I had done before. Nora said thank you and sat down in the chair,then picked up the menu to check it out. By now,Nora's attitude was much better than when she was at the supermarket. It seemed that the conflict between us had been lifted. Nora had said that I was the most gentle and considerate person who treated her the best.I was happy because it meant that she totally believed in my pretense. "One tenderloin steak,one chicken soup with walnuts,and one more dessert,please."Nora had already started ordering. "Nora,you're too skinny;you should eat more!"I said with concern,after which,looking at her,I quickly reported the dishes in my head,"One each of Marseille fish soup,foie gras steak,Paris lobster,red wine mountain chicken,chicken saffron,and chicken liver steak...Well,and one chicken meatball in soup.A dessert,a bottle of red wine...these are almost enough,thank you." I handed the menu back to the waiter and gave him some tips,and he immediately gave me a big smile. The restaurant was very efficient,and the meal was quickly brought up. I raised my glass and gestured to Nora,"Honey,I apologize for ignoring you;forgive me!" Instead of lifting the glass of wine in front of her,Nora picked up a glass of water and smiled at me,"Okay,I forgive you." As I expected,Nora was just like before;as long as I admitted my fault a little,I could easily get her forgiveness. This kind of simple and stupid woman is too easy to control! Well,the crisis between Nora and me was easily solved.Next,I could start enjoying the meal without any burden. In front of me was an exquisite dish of delicacies,and the aroma they gave off made my stomach start to growl. It had been a long time since I had enjoyed such an exquisite and expensive meal. During these few days of temporary disconnection with Nora,all I ate every day was some cheap and unpalatable bread or cheap takeout.Now,I have to make it up to myself! Thinking of this,I couldn't help but speed up my movements and start enjoying the food in front of me. Before I could destroy all the food,Nora suddenly called the waiter. "Mrs.Dickson,may I help you?" The waiter came quickly and stood in front of the table with a smile. "The check,"Nora said simply. Sure enough,as I thought,Nora would offer to pay the bill. But I haven't finished eating,so what am I supposed to do now?She is paying,should I eat or not? I reminded her in a whisper,"Honey,I'm not done eating;you can pay the bill later..." Nora gave me a strange look,"But I've already finished." She turned her head and continued to say to the waiter,"Pay the bill." I got a little angry because Nora had no regard for me and just started buying the bill because she was done eating. I hadn't even had a chance to add a foie gras. The foie gras here was so delicious that I wasn't even full! However,I didn't show my anger and wanted to question her after she finished the bill. "Mrs.Dickson,your total bill is$3,560;please check." My heart skipped a beat as the waitress read out the number. $3560... Did we just spend that much? That amount of money would be enough for me to live on for months! Thankfully,I didn't have to pay for this amount;any amount of money would be just a string of numbers to me. By this time,I had finished my gumbo and started to enjoy my dessert. I was just digging a piece of cake into my mouth with my dessert spoon when I heard Nora say,"Is there a mistake in the bill?I only ordered a tenderloin steak,chicken soup,and dessert." Her serious look made me and the waiter freeze at the same time. "Nora..." "I'm checking out,don't bother me." She interrupted me unceremoniously as I was just about to remind her that the bill was correct. The waiter hesitated and kindly reminded Nora:"Mrs.Dickson,you did order only steak,chicken soup,and dessert,but Mr.Welsh ordered the Marseille fish soup,foie gras steak,Paris lobster,and red wine chicken..." "Oh,come on!The meal was supposed to be paid for by Mr.Welsh;he invited me.But I know he is poor and doesn't have enough money to cover all the expenses,so I am kind enough to pay my own bill.You just have to give me my bill."Nora said seriously. I looked at Nora in disbelief,so much so that the dessert spoon in my hand fell right back onto the plate with an ear-splitting sound. Instantly,several guests at the adjacent tables turned their heads to look at us. I subconsciously lowered my voice and questioned,"Nora,what are you talking about?" "I'm paying the bill!"Nora looked at me strangely. "I'm sorry,Mrs.Dickson,but if that's the case,it was indeed a mistake on my part.Your bill is a total of$450.Will that be cash or card?" The waitress suddenly spoke up,blocking the words I wanted to question Nora with right in my throat. "Card." Nora pulled the VIP card out of her wallet and handed it to the waitress. I tried to resist the urge to take the card away and sat there waiting for Nora to finish paying the bill. Here,in the most expensive restaurant in the city,I had to be patient,even if I was angry.Because anger would only make me a fool in front of the city's aristocracy,so I had to be patient! I could only watch as the waiter swiped the VIP card and gave it back to Nora,and there was nothing I could do about it. The rule of Green Restaurant is that only the VIP customers themselves can use the VIP card. If it weren't for the damn rule,the VIP card would have been mine! To top it off,the waiter turned to me directly after Nora paid her bill."Mr.Welsh,do you need to pay the bill now?" He looked at me like he was questioning me:Can you afford such an expensive bill? Irritation and shame made my cheeks roll. I growled in a low voice,"Can't you see I'm not done eating?" The waiter responded calmly,"Then take your time,and feel free to call me if you need anything afterward." When my patience was about to run out,the waiter finally left. However,before he left,he deliberately left my bill,as if to remind me:don't try to skip the bill! This made me insulted! The strong sense of shame made me about to storm out,but I endured it because I had to maintain my image as a gentleman.But this bill in front of me,which was huge,made me lose all my appetite instantly. 3110 USD...were those dishes I ordered worth that much? Although I am reluctant to admit it,these are the most expensive dishes here,like Marseille fish soup,foie gras steak,Paris lobster,red wine mountain chicken,and so on. Usually,I wouldn't have ordered these dishes;no,I wouldn't have even stepped in here! It's all because of Nora! If she had paid the bill like she used to,there wouldn't have been so much going on,and a waiter wouldn't have scorned me! I clutched the bill,stared at Nora sitting across from me,and lowered my voice to question,"Nora,what the hell are you doing?You know,I can't afford to pay this bill!" Nora shrugged at me and said innocently,"I know,so I volunteered to pay my own bill and save you$450." I was so mad that I was going to lose my mind! Why couldn't this stupid woman understand what I was saying? "I mean,even if you saved me$450,I can't afford the remaining$3,110!" The words almost came out of my teeth. Nora said in surprise,"Why do you want so much if you can't afford it?" I was choking. Why couldn't she just say,"Don't worry,I'll pay for you.'' She wouldn't even ask these stupid questions in the past,and it was all direct action. Did she really not understand,or was she deliberately pretending not to understand? I thought about it,and it was probably the former. How could she understand my euphemistic expressions with her IQ?Many things needed to be direct expressions before for her to understand what I meant. So,I should have been more direct and told her that I needed her to pay the bill. I tried to adjust my mood,leaned forward slightly,and said in a voice that only two people could hear,"Nora,I don't have so much money,and you can pay it for me." It was a completely different feeling when she offered to pay for me and when I asked her to pay. The former I could enjoy without any burden,while the latter was like begging. After I said this,my fist that I had just loosened tightened again,and I felt awful as if I had eaten s**t. Why did this stupid woman have to force me to say such things? It made me feel as pathetic as a beggar on the street! I swear,after this is settled,I'm going to teach her a lesson! I thought it was over here. She paid my bill,and we left the restaurant without a hitch. But Nora's following words ruined my imagination,all good imagination. "Derek,why should I pay for what you ordered when it went into your own stomach?" What? What is she talking about? This stupid woman actually refused to pay for me? At that moment,I really suspected that my ears were out of order. A woman that I had been toying with all this time refused me! This is even more humiliating than being scorned by a waiter! I took a sharp breath and was just about to teach her a lesson without regard to her image when she picked up her bag and stood up. "And,once again,for the last time.There is no longer any relationship between us!" "Enjoy your feast!Bye~" She left the restaurant straight away with a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth. Nora-Dickson was actually laughing at me? My brain was instantly hit hard by an invisible force,and I started to get a little dizzy. Although it was brief,it made me miss the best time to stop Nora from leaving. At that moment,she had already walked to the door,and I subconsciously stood up to try to catch up with her. "Nora..." "Sir,you haven't paid the bill;you can't leave!" Before I could call out her name,the waitress grabbed my arm tightly. "Mr.Welsh,please pay the bill!" The"huge"bill was brought directly to me,and it seemed to be looking at me funny too! Instantly,all the customers in the restaurant turned their heads to look at me with curious and mocking eyes,as piercing as Nora's smile when she left! At that moment,I wanted to dig a hole and bury myself. "Damn it!Damn it!Damn it!" I couldn't help but wail in anger and shame. Nora POV. I finally couldn't stop laughing as I drove away from Green Restaurant. "That bastard Derek!I'm afraid he won't be able to get out of there today!Haha!" Thinking about that last look on Derek's face that looked like he had eaten s**t made me feel even more comfortable. Before,he always treated me like a fool,using various reasons to spend my money and make me pay for him. I'm not that stupid now! However,I dare not be too complacent. His character is sinister,cunning,good at disguise,and may find opportunities to retaliate later. So,this kind of bastard should be avoided as much as possible in the future. I went to another supermarket and drove straight home after quickly purchasing what I needed. When I got home,I looked at the time,3:00 p.m.Richard was not yet off work at this time. Humming a light tune,I handed the ingredients to the maid,put them in the kitchen,and then carried the shopping upstairs. After entering Richard's bedroom,I started to work. First,I distributed the accessories I bought all over the room,all of which were vibrant,such as a delicate crystal table lamp,cute dolls,lively decorative paintings,brightly colored vases,and a few beautiful champagne roses. I also changed the sheets to my favorite blue color,imagining how I would look lying on them,which would surely weigh my overly fair complexion even more beautifully! After packing all this,I felt as if something was still missing. After thinking for a while,I suddenly came back to my senses:"Oh yes,my clothes and daily necessities!" I ran happily back to my bedroom,brought all the daily necessities and clothes,and arranged them one by one. Seeing my clothes and Richard's in the same closet,my toiletries and cosmetics next to Richard's,filled my whole chest with happiness. This is what a couple's bedroom should look like! I stood in the doorway and looked around the place;it was completely different from before,and it looked more romantic and cozy. "I hope Richard will like this surprise!"I said excitedly. By this time,it was 4:00 p.m.,and I should be preparing dinner. I immediately ran downstairs,went to the kitchen,and started working in the kitchen again. "What's wrong with madam?Doesn't look like her usual self?" "She has started preparing dinner again.Could it be that Mr.will be back today?" "I don't know...did Mr.call back?" "No,sir has not come back for several days;I wonder if madam has made sir angry again..." "Hey...also do not know how long their marriage can last..." ... While the servants were hiding outside the kitchen talking,I was making macaroni. There is no doubt that all of what they talked about drilled into my ears. Little did they know that I was now in the process of saving my marriage to Richard,and it was beginning to bear fruit. Richard promised me he would be back tonight,and I'm sure he will be. Now,I was energized by the thought of how much closer Richard and I would become after the candlelight dinner. There was still dessert to be prepared,and I didn't have time to pay attention to the maids'thinking. However,when I had prepared the candlelight dinner perfectly,Richard did not come back. After waiting for an hour,I dialed his phone number,and the beep sounded for a long time but didn't connect. Was Richard still not off duty? I called his office phone,Zack's phone,the receptionist's phone,and every other contact I could think of,but no answer. What was wrong with Richard?
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