I'll get back close to Nora!

1300 Words

Nora POV At my most nervous moment, Richard waved at me, "Nora, let's go home." Richard was not angry and had a smile on his face. I immediately ran toward him and threw my arms around him. Richard stroked my hair with his other hand, and the expression on his face when he looked at me was very gentle. But when he looked at Derek, his expression suddenly became very aggressive: "Leave my wife alone! Get out of here immediately!" Derek shouted, "Nora, you can't do this to me! You said you would always love me!" Derek's voice was very gentle, and his expression was heartbroken. If I hadn't seen Derek's true face, maybe I would have thought he really loved me. Everything is an illusion. Many of the tragedies in my previous life were because I blindly trusted Derek, so in this life,

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