Richard's voice was so gentle

1403 Words

Richard pov. At noon,I went home to pick up a document. I could have asked my assistant to come back and pick it up,but I missed Nora,and I wanted to go home and see her. Maybe we could even have lunch together. The company has been very busy lately,and my sleep quality has been terrible. Last night was the only night I slept relatively soundly in the last half month. The pillow Nora slept on had a faint scent,a sweet but not sticky smell.It was like...a fig that had been rubbed open,that belonged to Nora's smell. I didn't wait for Nora to come out of the bathroom before I fell asleep. After falling asleep,I saw Nora in my dream world. I began to recall the strange dream I had last night. She was running on the grass in the sunlight,and I rushed over to her and hugged her. We we

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