He left?

2290 Words

Nora POV. After ending the call with Herbert,I checked my phone and still hadn't heard back from Richard. No phone calls,no text messages,and I felt vaguely uneasy,so I prepared to go to the office to look for Rihard. Like yesterday,I went straight to Richard's office,and he wasn't in there. Could Richard be in the conference room? When I arrived at the conference room,Zack called out to me,"Ma'am,what are you looking for?" Zack's loud voice immediately drew everyone's attention. I couldn't help but roll my eyes in my mind.What else could I be looking for when I came here but Richard? I knew that Zack didn't like me very much,even though he was looking at me with a smile right now. The things that the stupid me did to Richard once,although not so much that everyone knew about it,m

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