To a Friend

2024 Words

SKYLA. Royce smiles faintly and I wonder what’s on his mind. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.” He says to Leo, before turning to Azura. “You must be Luna Azura, it’s an honour.” “Yes, in the flesh. Nice to meet you too.” Azura says, holding her hand out to him. He takes it, giving it a gentle squeeze before he lets go. What a gentleman. I can feel Azura’s huge eyes burning into me, and I turn my gaze to her. There’s a knowing look in her eyes and my stomach does a flip. I’m not that obvious, am I? “I’m sorry to intrude, but I was unable to get through to you regarding your training session?” Royce says quietly, those smouldering grey eyes now on me. Oh yeah, training… I can still sense Azura's searing, unblinking gaze. That girl is some freaky s**t, but I love her. “I can’t do a

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