These Limits

2003 Words

ROYCE. The alarm goes off. Hitting snooze, I place my arm over my eyes. For once, I didn’t want to get out of bed. It had been a long night… A dull ache from overthinking has formed at the front of my head, but I still had no answers. We had gotten back late. I was able to get Charlotte to her room without anyone stopping us and told her to shower, so no one’s scent remained on us. I couldn’t risk Dad finding out who we had run into. After showering, I had tested Skyla’s blood before turning in. Something about the entire thing has me on edge and that had ended up taking far longer than I had thought it would. The Arden’s have a variety of unique drugs at our disposal, mainly created by Dad, and several don’t even show in the blood if tested, and the only way to bring these out was i

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