Chapter ten

1810 Words

Chapter tenOddly enough, considering my circumstances, the thought that popped into my head concerned the girls fighting in the ring when we’d passed by. Perhaps I’d been too hard on them in my oh-so-righteous-judgment. Maybe they needed the cash. When you are desperate with poverty gnawing an empty belly a few punches might not seem so terrible. At that instant, before I scrambled up, the Chulik hit me again. Flat, bang, wallop, I went across the sand. So the Marquess of Queensberry would find short shrift here. In an undignified scramble across the ring I managed to put some distance between me and Chandrur. The fellow was very very strong. I knew that. He was also quite quick, and this was an unwelcome surprise. I stood up and faced him and this time when he hit out with his right, I

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