Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 On our way to the interrogation room, Duffy suddenly swung around and grabbed me by the arm like he had done in the motel room. “Hold on a second,” he said. “There's something I need to ask you about.” “What is it?” I asked him. But I already knew. “When I came into the room... I don't really know how to say this Holder, but I thought for a second that I saw you pocket something. If there's going to be an inquiry, every single little detail is going to come out by the end of it. I need to be sure that we're clear on everything. I don't want my life to get f****d up because you didn't tell me everything.” “What are you suggesting?” I said. “That I took drugs or cash or something from a dead man's pocket? I wouldn't do anything like that. Do you even know me?” “You took something, though. So cut the bullshit.” He was staring right at me, and his fingers were tight on my arm. I don't know what instinct it was that wouldn't let me tell him the truth, but the words that came out of my mouth in the next moment were not the truth. “Okay, okay,” I said. “It was a pack of cigarettes. That's not exactly evidence, now is it?” He made a disgusted sound and dropped my arm. But he also turned and started walking again. “That's a bad habit to get into,” he said. “A slippery slope. Okay, so it isn't drugs or cash. But it's not that different. I would like to suggest in the strongest possible terms that you not ever do that again.” “No problem. I won't. Just don't go making a big deal out of nothing.” “Come on,” he said. “We have an interrogation to do.”
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