2894 Words

CHAPTER EIGHT When the fist made of energy burst through the stands, Bait immediately tried to protect Switch. He grabbed her and put himself between her and the fist, but he couldn’t move them both out of the way in time. The blast sent both them and Mom flying. Bait accidentally let go of Switch and the two of them crashed into the ground hard, while Mom landed expertly on the ground and threw her hair back, a look of surprise and irritation on her face. “What was that?” said Mom, staring at the ruined remains of the stands. “One of your classmates? Or maybe one of the teachers?” Propping himself up on his elbows, Bait shook his head and looked up. “No, I don’t think so. None of our classmates or teachers can create energy fists like that.” “Not too many people can,” said a voice wit

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