History of shield & sword races

986 Words
Billy started The story. "A long time ago, about thousands of years ago. There was a great Kingdom called 'Zarmundgar'. All the people in that Kingdom lived in prosperity and peace, but unfortunately there were parties who always wanted to disturb the peace of the Kingdom... Namely the race of the Demon."  "Whaa." Alex listened seriously.  "The demons have their own Kingdom territory which is located in the mountains area, not far from the Zamundgar Kingdom ... They are very thirsty for power and have ambitions to subjugate all mankind by means of massacres and s*****y. Their desire to subjugate mankind is so great, They have colonized and destroyed a lot of Kingdoms around them, so their territory grew wider with each success of conquered other Kingdoms near Zamundgar ... And of course the Zamundgar Kingdom also did not escape their targets. Demon races always tried to attack the Zamundgar Kingdom, and even the war between both sides have often happened, and it causing many casualties."  "Hmm."  "However, since the Zamundgar Kingdom has formidable combat power and a strong defense system, it is not easy for the Demon King's Army to penetrate that Kingdom … Therefore, the Demon King began experimenting his army, he creating an army of shadow demons that could easily infiltrate into territory of the Zamundgar kingdom, and they even can infiltrate the bodies of every human who lives in there, they can take over the bodies of lots humans in the capital to cause some kind of riot and massive destruction."  "Hah?!" Alex was surprised.  "Yes, a great tragedy happened, when many inhabitants of the Zamundgar Kingdom who were possessed by the shadow demons started to make a mess and riot … It caused great losses to the Zamundgar Kingdom and even destruction occurred everywhere."  "Then what happen?"  "Fortunately it was successfully handled, although not in a humane way, because the Royal troops had to forcefully kill the possessed humans ... Then, in anticipation of a similar incident that might happen again, the King ordered the magicians in his palace, they originally on duty to create various kinds of relics with unique powers, but then they were ordered to create something new ... At that time, the King ordered them to stop creating relics for a while, and instead they should focus on creating special humans that could combat the power of those demons, which were getting worse day by day, because the demon's parties always getting stronger and fiercer."  "Whoa."  "So finnaly, the sword race and shield race were created, which can be relied on to fight demons, both from outside and within the Kingdom's territory... The sword race is in the vanguard to fight head-on against the Demon King's army outside the Kingdom, while the shield race is on patrol inside the Kingdom territory to capture the humans who are possessed by the shadow demons and purify their souls ... The two races synergize with each other to exterminate demons race, they are the protectors of the Kingdom as well as a valuable asset of the Zamundgar Kingdom. And they also have the upper hand, namely they can't be possessed by the shadow demons easily."  "Wow, that's great." Alex was impressed.  "But even so, the Demon King and his army don't want to give up easily, they keep trying to overthrow the Zamundgar Kingdom even if it takes a long time... The war between the two sides continues even for hundreds of years, so the longer the descendants of the shield race and Sword races are also becoming more and more numerous… So far, both sides' combat strength is fairly balanced, so it's very difficult to determine the victor of this long battle."  "Hmm."  "But everything starts to change when a special human is born."  "Who is that?"  "That human, is none other than... the first Holy Knight."  "Wow." Alex was amazed.  "The magicians say that he is a special human who is only born 1 person in a period of 100 years. The Holy Knight is a person who has the power of a shield and a sword that can be used simultaneously. Then with the element of light that can be emitted by his sword, he could easily annihilate the shadow demon warriors. And even the Holy knight was also able to defeat the Demon King and then seal him in the Relic pagoda, which is an eternal prison for the demons King, legend said it is made from the pure power of the Holy knight."  Alex smiled, after hearing that from Billy. He was amazed after knowing the greatness of his ancestor.  Then Billy continued his story, "With the presence of the Holy knight, the Zamundgar Kingdom's finally can win the battle that lasted for hundreds of years."  "Woaaa... Then what happen?"  "And after the victory was achieved, life in the Zamundgar Kingdom was again become prosperous and peaceful, All the people were finally able to get back to a normal and happy life ... But However..."  "But what??" Alex was curious.  "Unfortunately the peace did not last long..."  "W- why?"  "Because there is a betrayal that committed by the leader of the Shield Race at that time … His name is Rei-oh."  "What?!" Alex was surprised.  "Legend said, the shield race held a banquet and invited the Holy knight as a guest of honor at their camp ... But cunningly, Rei-oh trapped the Holy knight in a secret room, then he used a relic called the 'infinity orb' to absorb all the power of the the Holy knight ... Until he dies."  "W- Whaaa.....?" Alex was so surprised to hear that.  "And after Rei-oh managed to get all the power of the Holy Knight, then he immediately used the infinity orb to increase the life force in his body, so at that time, Rei-oh became the most powerful and invincible shield race in the entire Kingdom."
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