Enemy on the line

1133 Words
Ren, Miran, Max, and Ara managed to infiltrate the enemy's place without any problems, because the diversion taken by Billy and friends was able to make most members of the Sword Freedom group go out of the building. But when they were in the search process, suddenly something bad happened to them, and the bad thing was a dangerous human figure whose power is not ordinary. They were startled by the presence of Razor, who shockingly plunged from above and then smashed the floor in their midst, with the power of his smoldering flames.  Suddenly it made Ren, Miran, Max, and Ara's positions separate, as they bounced off after receiving a wave of blows from Razor's surprise attack. Then, standing in the midst of his enemies, Razor speak.  "Hehhe, I'm so lucky to have found you guys here. Our battle back then wasn't over yet." Razor said while looking at Ren, Miran, and Max.  Then swiftly, Ren ordered his friends to go continue the search for Alex. Meanwhile he will remain here to fight against the mad fire. Therefore, without saying much, Miran, Max and Ara immediately nodded and left Ren, who was preparing his Black stream sword, a water-powered sword that he would use against Razor the shield race who also had the power of fire.  Turning again to the fight between Shekai and Billy, they still continued to attack each other, with very great martial techniques. The sound of loud bangs and flashes of lightning continued to strike in various directions, it was the impact of the attacks that the two of them continued to launch. Shekai and Billy really fought seriously in that place, they both showed their best in the fight.  While continuing to attack, Billy spoke to Shekai.  "Shekai! You've sinned too much… This time there's no mercy for you."  "Hahhah... I don't need to ask you for mercy Billy."  "You really have no remorse for what you've done!"  "Not at all."  "This time I will not hesitate to kill you!" Billy said.  "Hahaa! You can never kill me Billy! ...Because your heart is too weak!"  "Hah?"  "We always get the chance to fight a few times, but you always decide to leave me, you coward."  "That's because I don't even want to see your face anymore."  "So you really don't see me as a friend anymore huh?" Shekai asked.  "Of course!"  "Good, that's exactly what I wanted."  "What do you mean?! ... What exactly do you want? Is letting the Demon king to rule the world also one of your wishes?!!" Billy asked.  "Well, it's maybe ... There's actually only one thing I really wanted in this world." Say Shekai  "What is that?"  "Hmm...." Shekai smiled for a while, before he answered.  Then he speak, "I... really want to duel with you to the death... Because I want to prove, who is the strongest between the two of us!"  "W-what??"  "And today, it will come true." Said Shekai, who had told Billy about his true desire.  "Only for that you betrayed our friendship, killed our Master, and even kidnapped Alex?!!"  "Yes!!!!"  "You are crazy!!"  "Daammnn Right!!!"  Lightning strikes and fierce shield blows clashed against each other. Their fight continued, Billy and Shekai keep hit each other fiercely, with their full strength and abilities, Billy gave the strongest blow attack, while Shekai gave a very strong lightning strike, so there was a big explosion due to the action of the two of them, The explosion was so big that it even blew up several people around Billy and Shekai. The fight between the two of them was the biggest battle that took place in there.  Moving to another place, at the same time, Miran, Ara, and Max were running down the hall, then finally the three of them arrived at a room or area that was quite large, like a dark and abandoned hall with stairs leading to each level of the upper floor. while at the top it was wide open, so they could see the atmosphere of the rooms on the upper floors up to the roof.  And apparently they weren't alone there, because a few moments after the three of them arrived at that place, suddenly they got another unexpected attack from Derris and Catherine, who immediately gave a s***h from their respective weapons. But luckily Miran swiftly blocked Those two attacks using her shield dom so that She and her friends were safe.  After receiving the surprise attack, Miran immediately used a bow to deliver a shot of arrows made from the power of her shield. When the figures of the two enemies were clearly visible, they keeping their distance, so Miran continued to shoot at Chaterine and Derris, but both of them were able to block all of Miran's arrows using their respective weapons, namely whip swords and spears.  Meanwhile, Max immediately prepared with the power of his shield which he formed on the legs, namely a tank wheel-shaped shield that could increase the movement and speed of his legs. Then when the whip attack from the enemy came towards Ara, then Max quickly hugged and pushed Ara's body so they could avoid being slashed.  Then, while feeling anxious, Max spoke to Ara. "Ara! Get out of here and keep searching for Alex's whereabouts… I have to help Master Miran to deal with those two."  "All right." Ara said as she left the place to continue searching for Alex.  After that, there was a fierce battle between Miran and Max against Catherine and Derris there. Miran used her bow to shoot at the enemy, and Catherine continued to block all the arrows shot with her whip sword. While Max uses his fighting ability using speed and kicks against Derris the spear wielder, Max quickly and nimbly deals consecutive kicks to the enemy, because he is an expert in kick fighting.  Meanwhile Ara, who is now running alone, must not look back, because she and all her friends are committed and determined to find and save Alex the Holy knight, that is the main mission that they must be able to complete no matter what. If there is enemies that get in the way, each of them must face it and let the other friends continue the quest. So, now Ara has to carry out the task alone, because her brother and friends are desperately still fighting the enemy who tries to hinder them.  Battle information: - Wind faction war against Sword of freedom group (outside) - Billy fights against Shekai (outside) - Ren fights Razor (on the 1st floor) - Miran fights Chaterine (on 2nd floor) - Max fights against Derris (on 2nd floor) - Ara goes to the 3rd floor to find and save Alex  - Alex is currently with Jefirros upstair
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